
Vyvanse Withdrawal Symptoms

Vyvanse is a medication used to treat ADHD in children and binge eating disorders in adults. The prescription is similar to other stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta. The chemical in Vyvanse, called lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, is a derivative of amphetamines, a highly addictive substance affecting neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

When used correctly and adequately prescribed, Vyvanse effectively treats symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other conditions it was designed for. However, the problem is that the drug is increasingly being abused. Easily shared between friends, the drug is becoming popular amongst teens and college students and is easily addictive for those without a prescription.

What Are the Symptoms of Vyvanse Withdrawal?

What Symptoms Could Occur During Vyvanse Withdrawal?

When a person stops taking Vyvanse, especially if they have been using it for an extended period or in higher doses, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to note that withdrawal from Vyvanse should be managed under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Common symptoms of Vyvanse withdrawal can include:

  1. Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness: Since Vyvanse is a central nervous system stimulant, withdrawal from the medication can lead to a person feeling extremely tired or fatigued.
  2. Depression: Stopping Vyvanse can cause changes in mood, including depression.
  3. Increased Appetite: While taking Vyvanse, appetite is often suppressed. When the medication is stopped, there can be a rebound effect, causing an increase in appetite.
  4. Insomnia or Sleep Disturbances: Even though a person may feel tired, they might have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  5. Anxiety: Some people experience heightened anxiety when they stop taking Vyvanse.
  6. Irritability or Mood Swings: Changes in mood, including irritability or mood swings, are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  7. Difficulty Concentrating: Since Vyvanse is used to improve focus in ADHD, stopping the medication can lead to decreased concentration and attention.
  8. Cravings: If the person develops a dependence on Vyvanse, they might experience strong cravings for the medication.
  9. Physical Aches and Pains: Some individuals report experiencing muscle aches or headaches during withdrawal.
  10. Vivid or Unpleasant Dreams: Changes in sleep patterns and dreaming are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  11. Slower Movement and Thought Processes: As the stimulant effect wears off, the person may feel sluggish in both movement and thinking.

To minimize these withdrawal symptoms, it is usually recommended that individuals taper off Vyvanse gradually under the supervision of a healthcare provider, rather than stopping cold turkey. Additionally, supportive care, counseling, and, in some cases, medications may be used to help manage symptoms during the withdrawal process.

What Does Vyvanse Do?

Because the lisdexamfetamine molecule is so similar to the amphetamine molecule, high doses of Vyvanse have a high similarity to methamphetamines. For this reason, the drug is defined as a schedule II controlled substance in the U.S. because of its propensity to be abused.

These effects include:

  • Fluctuations between euphoria and Irritability
  • Increased energy
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Dilated pupils

Addiction to amphetamines is a severe issue and one that affects addicts across all classes and creeds. One of the reasons that drugs like Vyvanse can be so dangerous is that they are legally prescribed substances, and therefore their use and abuse are easily justified. And the stigma in movies, television, and music is that legal amphetamines are no big deal! But is it harmless? It turns out the drug might have more of a negative effect on the mind and bodies of abusers than previously thought.

Abuse of Legal Stimulants

One of the reasons that legal stimulants can be so dangerous is that it reduces appetite so dramatically that weight loss is often a side effect of Vyvanse abuse. The impact of not receiving proper nutrition is especially detrimental for the bodies of teens and young adults where the drug proliferates. Indications of prescription stimulant abuse include:

  • Increased talkativeness
  • Boosted ego
  • Loss of sleep
  • Loss of weight
  • Withdrawal from friends/family after crashing

The Comedown from Vyvanse 

Another hazardous aspect of stimulant addiction is the comedown or crash after the use of amphetamines. Because the drug often creates a feeling of euphoria when used, the comedown is an extreme opposite. The crash is especially hard for those dealing with emotional pain or mental illness. Amplified feelings of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and apathy are common amongst those crashing from an amphetamine binge.

Is There Medical Detox for Amphetamine Withdrawal?

Unfortunately, there are no prescriptions that can be given to reduce symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal. However, this does not mean that detoxing from the drug in a medical facility is not recommended. Coming down from any drug with the help of trained professionals is always advisable. Having the support, knowledge, and access to continued treatment is essential to getting clean and staying clean from amphetamines.

According to the National Institute of Health:

Ongoing use (of amphetamines) can lead to dependence, which can be as hard to recover from as dependence on heroin or cocaine. (NIH)

With the seriousness of amphetamine addiction highlighted above, it’s more important than ever to seek help if you or your loved one is experiencing a dependence on Vyvanse or any other mind-altering chemical.

Treatment is the First Step to Vyvanse Recovery

Attempting to recover from addiction on one’s own significantly reduces the success rate of getting clean. For many of those struggling with amphetamine addiction, the underlying reasons or stresses for the need to abuse substances are overwhelming when not using the drug. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use problem, contact Allure Detox today. It may be the difference between life and death.


  • What happens when you stop taking Vyvanse?
  • What is a safe recommended Vyvanse tapering schedule?

Published on: 2021-03-14
Updated on: 2024-09-23

How Long Does a Crack Cocaine High Last?

TL;DR: The effects of crack cocaine typically last about 5 to 10 minutes.

Drugs come in many forms and can be administered in many different ways. They also have other effects on the mind and body. Symptoms can range from being stimulated to having feelings of relaxation, and there are many various symptoms in between. Drugs can also last longer or shorter than others, depending on the type of drug and the administration.

crack cocaine

Crack Cocaine originates from a plant and differs in forms and ways it can be ingested. Crack Cocaine can come in a powdered form called Cocaine and Crack, which is a solid form. They are both cocaines, so they are the same, but they look different, feel different, depending on the administration, and are sometimes viewed differently socially, but both are dangerous.

Crack Cocaine is a Quick and Dangerous High

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), Crack Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. Although healthcare providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, recreational cocaine use is illegal. As a street drug, cocaine looks like a fine, white crystal powder. Street dealers often mix it with cornstarch, talcum powder, or flour to increase profits.

They may also mix it with other stimulant amphetamines or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. Adding synthetic opioids to cocaine is especially risky when people using cocaine don’t realize it contains this dangerous additive. Increasing numbers of overdose deaths among cocaine users might be related to this tampered cocaine.

More About Getting High on Crack Cocaine

When you start feeling the effects and how long you feel them, crack cocaine varies and depends solely on how the drug is ingested.  Let’s look at the different ways it’s consumed and how long the high lasts.

  • Injecting Crack Cocainethe onset of injecting cocaine is 10 to 15 seconds, and the high lasts from 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Snorting Crack Cocainethe onset of snorting cocaine is 1 to 3 minutes, and the high lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Gumming Crack Cocainegumming cocaine is eating it or rubbing it on your gums. The onset of gumming cocaine is 1 to 3 minutes, and the high lasts for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Smoking Crack Cocainethe onset of smoking crack cocaine is 10 to 15 seconds, and the high lasts for 5 to 15 minutes.
Method of UseOnset TimeDuration of High
Injecting10 to 15 seconds5 to 15 minutes
Snorting1 to 3 minutes15 to 30 minutes
Gumming1 to 3 minutes15 to 30 minutes
Smoking10 to 15 seconds5 to 15 minutes

The methods that get cocaine into your system or bloodstream faster allow the drug to wear off more quickly. The high and euphoria of smoking crack cocaine are very hard and very fast, making it one of the most psychologically addicting drugs. Once the high wears off, the drug leaves you craving more and more of it. Often, you will hear people say that they continue to smoke crack cocaine, trying to achieve that initial high and euphoria that they got when they took that first hit, and they are never able to obtain it.

Get the Help You Need

Our cocaine detox center in West Palm Beach, Florida, embraces the updated mindset that treats addiction (addiction treatment) as a disease of the brain or substance use disorder. People who are addicted to cocaine require empathy and respect. There is not one addiction patient who can say they intended to become addicted to cocaine addiction or other drug addiction or get into substance abuse. Addiction happens over time and after the drug has altered the brain’s normal functioning. Cocaine addicts are often the first to admit they need help. We have successfully been helping cocaine addicts detox off cocaine and methamphetamine, helping countless individuals achieve long-term recovery.

Allure Detox is available for men, women, and young adults. The admission process begins when we have been contacted directly by you or your loved one. We’re waiting for your phone call around the clock, and our treatment program team is standing by to provide a confidential assessment for substance abuse treatment.


  • What are the differences between Crack and Meth?
  • Does Crack Have a Smell?
  • How Long is Crack Cocaine Detectible in Drug Tests?

Published on: 2020-12-04
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Can You Inject Cocaine to Get High?

Cocaine is an illegal and highly addictive stimulant drug, one that is naturally extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Most frequently, cocaine is consumed in its powdered form and ingested nasally – however, it can be smoked or injected. Cocaine is currently classified as a Schedule II chemical substance, meaning that the federal government has determined that the specific chemical substance is both highly habit-forming and it has some medical use, but it can only be prescribed by a medical professional as a local anesthetic.

More About Cocaine Abuse

While ingesting cocaine nasally is the most common (and this method of use has been widely popularized by mainstream media and many major motion pictures), there are additional methods of use that can be equally as dangerous – if not more so. Those who choose to inject cocaine have usually been abusing the specific chemical substance for quite some time, and are looking for a more immediate and intense high. Injecting any chemical substance is significantly more risky than smoking, snorting, or swallowing the substance – there is a unique set of risk factors that goes hand in hand with intravenous drug use. In short, yes you can inject cocaine to get high – but doing so is never a good idea.

Can You Inject Cocaine to Get High?

Risks Involved in Cocaine Injection 

Individuals who choose to inject cocaine directly into their bloodstream will first need to dissolve the chemical substance in water. It is important to note that crack cocaine, a derivative of powdered cocaine, should never be injected. It is made using a wide range of chemicals and additives that are extremely dangerous and often life-threatening when injected directly into the veins. Many side effects are directly linked to injecting cocaine, including:

  • Severe chest pains
  • Extreme anxiety and hyperventilation
  • Panic attacks
  • Paranoia
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Intense confusion
  • Heart attack
  • Seizures, and extreme cases
  • Bruising and track marks at the site of injection

These are some of the more immediate effects, however, there are many additional risk factors involved in using cocaine intravenously. First of all, individuals who inject the specific chemical substance are at increased risk of developing skin-related issues like infections, abscesses, and ulcers. It is not uncommon for men and women who have been injecting cocaine or any other chemical substance to develop severe bruising, irritation, and infection around the injection site. If you believe that someone close to you has been abusing cocaine and intravenously, keep an eye out for bruising and track marks.

Dangers of Injecting Cocaine

Those who use drugs intravenously are also at increased risk of collapsed veins. This can lead to chronic swelling of the extremities and more serious infections, like infections that affect the heart valves. Needle sharing also leads to an increased risk of contracting certain diseases, like hepatitis and HIV. The risks involved in using cocaine intravenously always outweigh the rewards. If you have been abusing cocaine in any form, there is help available. Medical detox is a necessary initial step on every journey of long-term cocaine addiction recovery. For more information on our medically monitored detox program, feel free to reach out to us at any point in time.

Allure Detox – Medical Cocaine Detox Services

Allure Detox utilizes a range of proven detoxification methods to provide clients with a safe cocaine withdrawal process. The withdrawal symptoms associated with stimulant drugs like cocaine are not typically life-threatening, and they are often far more psychologically demanding than they are physically demanding. However, they can be harshly unpleasant when left untreated. If you have been abusing cocaine in any form, we highly recommend that you enter into a medical detox program sooner rather than later.

Our team of experienced professionals is well equipped to treat withdrawal symptoms the very moment they arise, preventing any serious complications from occurring. For more information on cocaine abuse or for more information on our medical detox program, reach out to us today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Published on: 2020-11-27
Updated on: 2024-09-23

What Does Xanax Feel Like?

Prescription drugs are prescribed daily for pain, mental, emotional, or other illnesses. They are usually given a set of directions from the doctor for how much and how long to take them. When taken appropriately, they typically cure what issue a user has. After the prescribed dosage is up, the user should stop taking the drug for that initial incident. Some patients get dependent on the drug, whether they had more refills than necessary or took more than the recommended dosage.

Many prescribed medications are abused and taken more than recommended to get “high.” One prevalent drug is Xanax, which is a brand name for alprazolam. This drug is not only popular as a prescribed medication but also recreationally. Xanax is a potent benzodiazepine or benzo that is only recommended for up to six weeks. This drug usually is for those who suffer from anxiety and get relief when used as prescribed.

What Does Xanax Feel Like?
The audio version of the article.

So What Does Xanax Feel Like?

How Xanax will affect you, whether you are taking it recreationally or it is prescribed, depends on several factors, including the following:

  • Mental state at the time you take the drug
  • Age
  • Weight
  • Metabolism
  • Xanax dosage

Recreational Use of Xanax

Many people take Xanax recreationally or without a prescription. This is popular for those especially who take uppers and want to come down so they can sleep. These users usually describe the feeling as sedating or calming.

Xanax has the exact opposite feelings from some drugs, such as cocaine, that produce a “high” or euphoric feeling. Xanax users describe feeling more relaxed, quiet, and tired. Xanax users, because of the relaxed feeling, have also claimed to have an appetite increase and will tend to overindulge in food.

These feelings may lead to falling asleep or passing out for a few hours. Some people have also reported memory loss or blacking out and not remembering what happened for several hours. Higher doses will have more potent effects, and these more substantial effects can lead to dangerous activities because of the loss of inhibitions. Some may shoplift, drive under the influence, or get into fights. Some users have found themselves waking up a few hours after the effects have worn off in jail.

Xanax Abuse is Dangerous

Those who abuse Xanax don’t have a specific age, but most tend to be adolescents. They may have gotten them from a friend or found them in their parent’s medicine cabinet. College students are especially at risk for dependency since their abuse rate for these drugs has peaked in recent years. SAMHSA notes those rates are higher among individuals with mental illness, too, touting 31.6 percent of college students who abused prescription drugs in 2010 had a mental health disorder, compared to 15 percent of those who did not have a mental health disorder. Sometimes Xanax is abused with other drugs and especially is common to use to come down off of uppers such as cocaine or ecstasy.

Xanax Prescription Abuse

If you take this medication as intended by your doctor, which is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety or panic disorders, you may feel “normal” after your first dose. The sedating effect can help alleviate anxiety symptoms and calm your body’s response to anxiety or stress.


According to the National Health Statistics Reports during 2014–2016, benzodiazepines were prescribed to approximately 65.9 million office-based
physician visits. The rates for women prescribed the drug were also higher than the men (at 34 visits per 100 women).

Using Other Drugs With Xanax

Other drugs, especially alcohol, can increase the effects of Xanax, and it also slows down how quickly your body can clear the drug from your system. If you take medicine and then drink alcohol, you may experience the drug effects but they are extremely more intense such as lethargy and prolonged memory loss.

It’s strongly advised that you avoid combining the two substances. The combination may lead to dangerous, even deadly, side effects. These include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Seizures

Although some users who abuse Xanax and other benzodiazepines may stop taking Xanax suddenly and only experience some rebound insomnia or anxiety, others may develop seizure problems, which can be extremely dangerous. As a result, medical detox is always required for Xanax withdrawal.

Physical withdrawal symptoms of Xanax can include:

  • Hyperventilation
  • Troubled sleeping (nightmares, waking in the night)
  • Muscle spasms
  • Weight loss
  • Sweating
  • Headaches
  • Tremors
  • Dizziness or unsteadiness
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Blurred vision or other visual disturbances
  • Extreme sensitivity to light
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears or hearing a sound that isn’t there)
  • Grand mal seizures

Professional Treatment for Xanax Addiction

At Allure Detox, we can help. Xanax addiction is a severe chemical dependency that requires clinical supervision to ensure that a person can safely detox. At Allure Detox, we have medically-assisted detox programs that provide replacement and comfort medication to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Our Xanax detox in West Palm Beach, Florida, is overseen by an experienced clinical staff specializing in Xanax addiction recovery. Every person admitted into our comfortable Xanax detox unit will be under the care of state-licensed clinicians, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists. Each staff member of our cross-disciplinary team works to ensure that our clients are monitored around the clock. Call us and begin healing safely from addiction today.


  • What does Xanax do for anxiety disorders and panic attacks?
  • Is Xanax habit-forming?
  • What are the risks of using Xanax without a prescription?
  • What should be done in case of a Xanax overdose?
  • Can Xanax be used with antidepressants for anxiety?
  • What precautions should be taken when using Xanax with other medications?

Published on: 2020-09-13
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Mixing Beer and Xanax

New prescriptions are coming out every year for multiple cures and illnesses. Some may help a person get out of bed in the morning and function generally in life. Whether it be for pain or to think clearly, new and improved drugs are coming out all the time. Sometimes prescription drugs can become addictive, and doctors try to come up with less addictive versions. However, benzodiazepines and opioids are always addictive if you take too much or are on them for too long.

Mixing Beer and Xanax

What is Xanax?

Avery’s popular prescribed drug, often mixed with alcohol, is called Xanax, which is a brand name for alprazolam.  It was supposed to be a replacement for the drug Valium, and just like Valium, Xanax is a potent benzodiazepine or benzo that is only recommended for use for up to six weeks. This drug usually is for those who suffer from anxiety and get relief when used as prescribed.

According to the National Health Statistics Reports from 2014–2016, benzodiazepines were prescribed at approximately 65.9 million office-based physician visits. The rates for women prescribed the drug were also higher than the men (at 34 visits per 100 women).

Side Effects of Mixing Xanax and Alcohol

Xanax is taken by individuals who need it for panic attacks or anxiety and those who want to get “high” and take It recreationally. Both users can be at risk when mixing it with other drugs. This can happen by accident or intentionally to get a “higher high. ” This frequently happens with alcohol.

Like alcohol, Xanax is a depressant, and that means it slows down nervous system activity.

Serious side effects of Xanax abuse can often include:

  • Memory problems
  • Seizures
  • Loss of coordination
  • Withdrawal symptoms

Serious side effects of drinking too much alcohol can include the following:

  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Impaired coordination
  • Alcohol poisoning

What Happens When You Mix Xanax and Beer

Mixing both Xanax and alcohol can increase dangerous side effects and may cause an overdose. It happens all over the world to all different kinds of people. The Centers For Disease Control (CDC) reports that drug overdose deaths have spiked 102 percent from 1999 to 2000. In 2010, over 38,000 deaths from drug overdoses, and 60 percent of those deaths involved prescription drugs (as opposed to heroin or cocaine). Of the 22,000 deaths involving prescription drugs, 30 percent involved benzodiazepines such as Xanax.

When combined, Xanax and alcohol can cause various side effects, some of which can be fatal, including:

  • Fainting
  • Slow breathing
  • Drowsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Slow pulse
  • Impaired coordination
  • Nausea
  • Memory loss
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Delirium
  • Seizures

With these side effects in mind, mixing alcohol and Xanax is never a good idea. No matter if you are a modest drinker and don’t take more than you’re prescribed, and whether it’s Xanax and beer, wine, or any other alcoholic beverage, these two substances should never be combined in any way.

We Can Help You Overcome Addiction

At Allure Detox, we can help. Xanax addiction is a severe chemical dependency and alcohol that requires clinical supervision to ensure that a person can safely detox. At Allure Detox, we have medically-assisted detox programs that provide replacement and comfort medication to ease withdrawal symptoms.

Our Xanax and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida, is overseen by an experienced clinical staff specializing in Xanax and alcohol addiction. Every person admitted into our comfortable Xanax and alcohol detox unit will be under the care of state-licensed clinicians, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists. Each staff member of our cross-disciplinary team works to ensure that our clients are monitored around the clock. Call us and begin healing safely from addiction today.

Published on: 2020-06-24
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Benzos for Cocaine Comedown

Unfortunately, it is pretty standard for people to experiment with all types of drugs in different classes. Whether it is uppers, downers, and hallucinogens, to name a few. This is known as polydrug abuse, when a person uses more than one type of drug, either at the same time or at different times.

More specifically, polydrug use occurs when a person:

  • Uses two or more drugs in combination
  • Uses one drug to counteract the effects (or the after-effects) of another
  • Uses different drugs at different times over a short period of days or weeks.

Polydrug use can include any form of drugs – alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, petrol, paint, and other inhalants. Tobacco and coffee are not considered to be poly-drug use, but alcohol and energy drinks are.

oxycodone for coke comedown

Multiple Drug Usage for Addiction

The use of multiple drugs at one time is frequently seen; the 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) report lists several relevant findings, including the following:

One of the most common combinations of drugs is uppers and downers, especially cocaine and benzodiazepines or benzos.

Cocaine is a dangerously addictive stimulant drug. It increases your heart rate and blood pressure and raises your body temperature. It usually is used to help keep a person awake by heightening alertness, focus, and attention.

What Are Benzodiazepines?

Benzodiazepines, called benzos for short, are a class of central nervous system depressants that are regularly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders, muscle spasm, seizures, and insomnia. They have been known to aid in the management of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Certain physiological functions under central nervous system control may be slowed and lowered when taking benzos, like heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature.

Benzo Withdrawal

An example of a typical situation where these two drugs would be taken together is going on a night on the town where late-night dancing is involved. You want to have all the energy to keep your toes tapping to the music, so you do some cocaine throughout the night to keep going. It is now the end of the night, and it’s time to wind down and get ready for bed before the sun comes up. You know the come down off cocaine is the worst – anxiety, depression, and restlessness, to name a few. So, even though you aren’t medically prescribed them, you pop a few benzos, like Xanax or Valium (both send signals to your brain that increase relaxation, relieves muscle tension, and lower your anxiety). You are soon enough off to sleep and ready to repeat this all over again when it’s time to party the next night.

This repeated pattern can be dangerous not just because you are putting yourself in danger of overdose, but this repeated pattern can, if not already, turn into an addiction. After a while, cocaine users usually find themselves using it not just to stay out all night but just to wake up and function throughout the day. So you are then using cocaine all the time and countering it with benzos. So you obtain an addiction to both.

Cocaine Addiction

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports, in 2014, over 8 percent of adults in America battled addiction. Addiction is a brain disease that has physical, emotional, and social ramifications, and it is characterized by difficulties controlling or stopping drug use.


Some signs of cocaine addiction are:

  • Weight loss
  • Change in eating habits
  • Missing work/school
  • Missing important engagements
  • Isolating/secretive about activities
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Legal problems
  • Relationship/marital problems
  • Financial problems
  • Loss of control over the amount and frequency of use
  • Craving and compulsive using
  • Continued use in the face of adverse consequences

Get the Help You Need

Are you or a loved one addicted to cocaine and benzos? At Allure Detox, we can help you tackle both and get you on the road to recovery and get your life back. We will work on the mental and emotional withdrawals as well as the physical. We are a state-licensed facility that employs a cross-disciplinary staff of medical doctors, psychiatrists, therapists, and counselors. Each staff member is committed to ensuring that every client receives direct medical supervision around the clock. Call us and get your life back today!

Physical Therapy


TL;DR: While some individuals use benzodiazepines to alleviate the symptoms of a cocaine comedown, this combination is risky and can lead to dangerous interactions.

Published on: 2020-06-08
Updated on: 2024-09-23

PCP (Phencyclidine) Withdrawal Symptoms

What is PCP? Phencyclidine, PCP, is a “dissociative” anesthetic. PCP was first created in 1926 and marketed under the name Sernyl in the 1950s as a surgical anesthetic and was later used by veterinarians as an animal tranquilizer.

By 1965, the drug was discontinued due to its adverse side effects and was restricted to “veterinary use only” in 1967. The most common side effects reported were postoperative psychosis, dysphoria (feeling of unease or general dissatisfaction), paranoia and anxiety.

PCP (Phencyclidine) Withdrawal Symptoms

PCP as a Dangerous Recreational Drug

In the 1960s to the late ’70s, PCP rose in popularity as a hallucinogen under many different names: Angel Dust, Rocket Fuel, Love Boat, and the Peace Pill (which led to the acronym of PCP). The psychedelic drug is used for its mind-altering effects and can be snorted, swallowed or smoked. The side effects of sedation and dissociation cause the user to feel detached or as if they are in a trance. Users report feeling “out of body” and looking down at their bodies from above.

PCP can be a hidden ingredient in a multitude of other street drugs, such as THC, methamphetamine, mescaline, and in more recent years, MDMA and formaldehyde. In 2000, the DEA found that PCP was found in batches of ecstasy, specifically sold as “green kryptonite”, orange pokemon” and “purple teardrops”. PCP powder is often sprinkled on marijuana or tobacco cigarettes and smoked.

PCP is listed as a Schedule II hallucinogen under the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule II drugs, which include cocaine and oxycontin, have a high risk of abuse, leading to psychological and physical dependence.

What are the Side Effects of PCP?

PCP affects the receptors of the neurotransmitter glutamate which oversees the perception of pain as well as learning, memory, and emotion. PCP also affects the neurotransmitter dopamine, which causes the euphoria that the drug users seek.

Short Term Side Effects
When taken in low doses, the user may experience numbness and relaxation, a sense of euphoria, difficulty concentrating, slurred speech, loss of motor control, erratic and impulsive behavior, misperception of strength and speed, and a feeling of being invulnerable. At a higher dose, the user might have visual or auditory hallucinations, high blood pressure, breathing problems, increased body temperature, delusions of grandeur, panic or paranoia.

Long Term Side Effects
There are many long term effects after using PCP over an extended period of time. Some of these effects include impaired memory and decision making abilities, speech problems, severe depression and suicidal thoughts, weight loss, flashbacks, hallucinations and delusional thinking which continues while not using.

Due to the out of body feeling and delusional thinking, people on PCP might feel threatened by their environment and respond with violence to themselves or others. A person on PCP might also misinterpret their surroundings and their own speed, and attempting, to cross the street, get hit by oncoming traffic. Because of the addictive nature of the drug, people that use PCP frequently will crave more in volume and frequency and can engage in risky or illegal behaviors to obtain more of it. PCP is both mentally and physically addictive and it is strongly recommended to seek a safe environment to detox from the drug.

Withdrawal Symptoms

PCP withdrawal symptoms can last up to a year or even two from last use. Most hallucinogenic drugs are only psychologically addictive, however, PCP also has physical withdrawal symptoms that start shortly after the drug use is suspended.

The physical withdrawal symptoms are seizures, central nervous system damage, memory loss, speech issues, quick and extreme weight loss, lack of reflexes, and severe depression. There is even a possibility of slipping into a coma after quitting PCP. The psychological withdrawal symptoms include extreme confusion, panic attacks, depression, impulse control issues. Severe depression can lead to suicidal ideation and suicide.

All of these symptoms can be extremely dangerous and it is important to seek a safe place to detox from PCP and to set yourself or your loved one up for the best chance at a new life free from the nightmare of drug addiction. A medical detox facility followed by residential rehab is the suggestion for those suffering from PCP addiction.

Allure Detox Treats PCP Addiction

Allure Detox in West Palm Beach is the best choice for you or your loved one to safely remove this addictive chemical from the body in a stable and medically supervised environment. The addict will be stabilized and monitored by specialists during the detox process of intensive 24-hour care. The surroundings are peaceful, quiet and beautiful. The staff is caring and compassionate and will ensure that the addict has a plan for continued recovery once the initial detox phase is complete.

At Allure Detox, our clients leave with the best setup to maintain their sobriety and to grow in recovery. We have the resources and staff to ensure a safe detox and to provide you with all the knowledge you need to begin creating a life you love free from addiction. Please reach out today and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.


  • What are PCP (Phencyclidine) Withdrawal Symptoms?
  • How do you get off of PCP (Phencyclidine) and reduce the chances of relapse?

Published on: 2020-03-08
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Health Dangers from Snorting & Sniffing Pills

Addicts have found multiple ways of using drugs. Drugs can be taken orally, smoked, injected, and sniffed or snorted. Different ingestion methods achieve a more intense high in a shorter amount of time and have other side effects. Many addicts think by snorting a drug, they are safer because they aren’t injecting it intravenously. Another misconception is if an addict is snorting a prescribed drug rather than a street drug, they are also safer. Both of these misconceptions are far from the truth. Snorting prescribed drugs is just as dangerous as shooting up street drugs.

Some drugs that are commonly snorted include:

  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Heroin
  • Opioid painkillers, such as Vicodin, Percocet, and OxyContin
  • Prescription stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin

Why do people snort crushed pills?

People snort crushed pills to achieve a faster and more intense effect from the medication. When pills are taken orally, they pass through the digestive system, and it takes time for the active ingredients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. By crushing the pills and snorting them, the substance is absorbed directly through the nasal mucous membranes and enters the bloodstream more quickly, bypassing the digestive system.

This method of ingestion can lead to a more rapid onset of effects, which is often why it’s done for medications with euphoric or stimulating properties. However, snorting crushed pills is extremely dangerous. It can lead to severe health risks, including damage to the nasal passages, overdose, addiction, and other serious complications. Additionally, many pills contain binders and fillers that are not meant to be inhaled, which can cause harm when introduced to the nasal passages and lungs.

What are the Health Dangers from Snorting & Sniffing Pills?

Snorting or sniffing pills poses significant health dangers. Here are some of the major risks associated with this method of drug intake:

Physical Health Risks:

  1. Nasal and Sinus Damage: Irritation, inflammation, and damage to the nasal passages and sinuses, potentially leading to chronic nasal issues or infections.
  2. Respiratory Issues: Particles from the pills can enter the lungs, causing respiratory problems or infections.
  3. Nosebleeds: Frequent snorting can cause persistent nosebleeds.
  4. Loss of Smell: Potential damage to the olfactory receptors, leading to a reduced or complete loss of the sense of smell.
  5. Sinus Infections: Increased risk of sinus infections due to damage and irritation of the nasal passages.
  6. Perforated Septum: Severe damage to the nasal septum, the cartilage, and bone dividing the nostrils, which can result in a hole (perforation).

Systemic Health Risks:

  1. Cardiovascular Issues: Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and risk of heart attack or stroke due to rapid absorption of the drug into the bloodstream.
  2. Toxicity and Overdose: Higher risk of toxicity and overdose as snorting often leads to faster and more intense drug effects.
  3. Infections: Risk of infections from contaminated drugs or paraphernalia.
  4. Organ Damage: Potential for liver and kidney damage from the high concentration of the drug and inactive ingredients.

Psychological and Behavioral Risks:

  1. Addiction: Increased risk of developing a substance use disorder due to the rapid and intense high.
  2. Mental Health Issues: Potential exacerbation of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and paranoia.
  3. Cognitive Impairment: Possible long-term cognitive deficits with prolonged use.

Other Risks:

  1. Impurities and Contaminants: Risk of snorting harmful substances that may be mixed with the pills.
  2. Legal Issues: Legal consequences associated with the misuse of prescription medications.

Snorting or sniffing pills can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening health issues. It is important to use medications only as prescribed and seek help if struggling with substance misuse.

What Is Sniffing/Snorting?

Snorting or sniffing is when an addict inhales a drug in powder form or a crushed-up pill through the nose. This way of administration is also referred to as nasal insufflation or intranasal.

Because it is misunderstood that snorting prescribed drugs, such as pills, is safer than shooting up street drugs, there has been a rise in overdoses due to snorting prescription pills.

Prescription pills are made to be taken in a particular way, often ingested orally, and to be released slowly. When taken the right way, the medication is broken down in the stomach before being absorbed into the bloodstream over time. By snorting, the drug’s full effect is released almost immediately by going straight into the bloodstream via blood vessels in the nasal cavity, which can have serious consequences.

Health Dangers from Snorting Pills

Your nose simply wasn’t meant to inhale powders. Sniffing or snorting drugs has multiple health consequences. You can damage your respiratory system, making it difficult for you to breathe normally. The mucous membranes in your nose are incredibly delicate and can be easily damaged. When these get damaged, they stop functioning normally, making your typical respiratory actions not work correctly.

Other side effects of snorting drugs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Shakiness
  • Dizziness
  • Increased heart
  • Loss of smell
  • Nosebleeds
  • Frequent runny nose
  • Problems with swallowing

Long-term effects are the most severe and often cause permanent damage to the nose. Long-term snorting of drugs sets up a cascade of infections and damage leading to perforation in the septum part of the nose. A nasal septum perforation is a medical condition in which the nasal septum, the bony/cartilage wall dividing the nasal cavities, develops a hole.

The belief that snorting drugs cannot lead to addiction is also far from true. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), the path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs. But over time, a person’s ability to choose not to do so becomes compromised. Seeking and taking the drug becomes compulsive. This is primarily due to the effects of long-term drug exposure on brain function. Addiction affects parts of the brain involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and control over behavior.

If you or a loved one have been sorting or sniffing pills and noticed the signs of addiction such as:

  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Disregard of harm
  • Loss of control
  • Denial
  • Mood change
  • Loss of interest
  • Denial
  • Hiding drug use

We Are Here to Help with Drug Addiction

We At Allure Detox can help you get in the right direction to recovery. The priority of a detox is to help patients stop using drugs and alcohol safely. But Allure’s Medical detox offers more: a renewed love of life.

We look forward to working with you and your family to get your lives back on track. Contact us around the clock for a confidential assessment, and let’s see if Allure Detox is the right treatment center for yourself or a loved one.

Published on: 2020-02-05
Updated on: 2024-09-23

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

Track marks are injection marks on arms and the scars which remain after a person shoots up a drug, and these are the tell-tale signs of chronic intravenous drug use. The act of drug injection is often referred to as “jacking up,” “shooting up,” or “slamming” and is typically identified with the use of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and opiates.

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

Track marks can look like small holes in the skin in various stages of healing. New puncture wounds may look bright red or pink, and scabs or recent scar tissue may cover the skin. Older track marks can look like white or light pink healed scars. Track marks can appear as puncture wounds or as discolored and scarred veins. The appearance of track marks is not only a sign of drug use; they also carry a social stigma due to the health risks that are associated with this drug sub-culture.

Track marks are often noticeable along the forearms, where visible veins are present, although they can be anywhere on the body that has been used as an injection site. But after infection of the forearms, the most frequently used site, addicts begin injecting drugs via other parts of the body, such as the neck, groin, hands, and feet. Many IV drug users are conscious of their track marks, prompting them to hide the visible signs of shooting up.

What are the Dangers of Having Track Marks?

track marks

The use of unsanitary needles can lead to severe skin infections, such as cysts, abscesses, and ulcers. One of the health problems associated with track marks is collapsed veins. Damage occurs to the lining of the vein, causing blood clots to form within. The vein can become blocked entirely with continued use of blunt needles, constant use of the same injection site, or improper injection techniques.

If not treated, permanently damaged veins can never be healed. Poor circulation can lead to brain problems, heart problems, stroke, kidney disease, and cyanosis of the limbs due to a lack of adequate oxygen supply. With cyanosis, limbs may feel numb and tingly and turn blue or black due to lack of circulation.

Those who share needles are at risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Tuberculosis, and multitudes of other blood-borne bacterial, fungal and viral infectious agents. The chances of catching a disease from a single needle stick are usually meager. But for hepatitis B, the odds can be as high as nearly 1 in 3 if the person hasn’t been vaccinated for it.

Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) are the most common viral hepatitis infections transmitted through the sometimes risky behaviors by people who use drugs—particularly among people who inject drugs. (NIH)

Based on the data available for analysis as of January 5, 2020, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, there were, within 12 months, ending on June of 2019, 67,165 reported drug overdose deaths within the 50 states and the District of Columbia of the United States.

How Can Allure Detox Help an IV Drug Addict?

We are not an old-fashioned detox center, as not all detox centers are created equal. In the past, before addiction was understood, addicts were treated like criminals. We don’t force any way of life on patients because our methods are updated, which is why we stand out. We provide much more than the bare minimum.

Our services meet our patients’ specific medical, mental, social, occupational, and family needs independently. No two individuals are the same, and therefore, we create a recovery strategy exclusive to each addict and their needs. Take the first step towards recovery by reaching out to one of our confidential professionals at Allure Detox.


  • What do track marks look like?

Published on: 2020-01-31
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

Unfortunately, there will always be another new addictive drug, whether synthetic or natural, that can cure pain or aid in work productivity. Many of today’s illegal drugs, synthetic and from nature, used to be thought of as a cure with no side effects or dangers. Such drugs are cocaine, prescribed painkillers, heroin and many more. These drugs caused and are causing many of the world population’s deaths due to overdose and millions more are addicted.

Such a drug that is fairly new and thought to have no ill effects is Kratom. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), kratom (Mitragyna speciose) is a tree in the coffee family, found in Thailand and other tropical countries. Traditionally, in Southeast Asia, people have chewed their leaves or made them into a tea that’s used to fight fatigue and improve work productivity. Kratom has also traditionally been used during religious ceremonies and to treat medical conditions such as pain and diarrhea, sometimes as a substitute for opium.

What are Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms?

Kratom detox withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity and type but often resemble those of opioid withdrawal due to the way kratom affects the brain’s opioid receptors. Here are some common symptoms:

Physical Symptoms:

  1. Muscle Aches: Generalized body pain and muscle cramps.
  2. Sweating: Excessive sweating, often accompanied by hot flashes or chills.
  3. Runny Nose: Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  4. Nausea and Vomiting: Gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  5. Restlessness: Inability to stay still, feeling jittery or on edge.
  6. Tremors: Shaking or trembling, especially in the hands.
  7. Fatigue: Extreme tiredness and lethargy.

Psychological Symptoms:

  1. Anxiety: Increased feelings of anxiety or panic.
  2. Depression: Low mood and feelings of hopelessness.
  3. Irritability: Heightened irritability and mood swings.
  4. Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  5. Cravings: Intense desire to use kratom again.

Duration and Management:

  • Duration: Symptoms typically begin within 12 to 48 hours after the last dose and can last for several days to a week.
  • Management: Gradual tapering under medical supervision, hydration, over-the-counter medications for symptom relief, and supportive therapies such as counseling.

Kratom withdrawal can be uncomfortable and challenging to manage alone. Seeking professional help can provide support and ensure a safer detox process.

Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

What is Kratom?

Two compounds in kratom leaves, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing sedation, pleasure, and decreased pain when taken in high doses. Lower doses cause alertness instead of sedation.

Some people in Western countries use kratom to try to treat pain or manage opioid withdrawal symptoms. But there are also those that have an opioid addiction that maybe can’t obtain their drug of choice or are trying to get the same euphoric effects but want to go unnoticed since most drug tests don’t test for Kratom.

While, just like prescribed opioids intended use when used as directed, it has its positives by relieving pain, relaxation, improved mood, increased energy and treating opioid addiction. But with the good comes the bad when abused which include tolerance, dependence, addiction, and withdrawal.

NCCIH states that a variety of side effects of kratom have been reported. They include anxiety, irritability, and increased aggression, which may be related to the drug’s stimulant effects; and sedation, nausea, constipation, and itching, which may be related to its opioid-like effects. Increased pigmentation of the cheeks, tremor, loss of appetite, weight loss, and psychosis have been seen in long-term kratom users. Seizures have been reported in users of high doses of kratom.

Since Kratom is an opioid its detox withdrawal symptoms are similar to those addicts coming off heroin. It may be less severe, shorter, and less common but you will experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop your dose if you are taking large enough doses.


Kratom Detox is Similiar to Opioid Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms are similar to any other opioid. They typically appear within 12 to 48 hours of your last dose. Symptoms typically disappear within 3 days.

Commonly cited kratom withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Cramping
  • Tremor
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Watering eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Hot flashes
  • Restless legs

There are also reports of heavy kratom users suffering from post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). PAWS happens to some people after withdrawal from a variety of substances. People tend to experience depression, anxiety, and insomnia that comes and goes in waves. It may be a few weeks or months before you feel like yourself again.

Allure Detox is Here to Help with Kratom Detox

It can be difficult to stop using kratom for many people. There are a couple of ways to go about it; cold turkey or slowly tapering off the drug. Whatever the path you choose, Allure Detox can help.

When it comes to Allure Detox, we provide much more than the bare minimum.  Of course, we help clients stop using safely – that’s just a given.  Almost as important as that, though, is that we offer clients the foundation for a lifetime of relief and recovery.

That’s the Allure Detox promise: that patients leave our care with more than good health at their disposal. Our focus is on minimizing your withdrawal symptoms to a comfortable level while beginning the comprehensive treatment process that will keep you sober.


  • Does Kratom withdrawal cause Restless Legs?

Published on: 2020-01-16
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Which Vitamins Help With Drug Detox?

In the present day, the word “detox” may make you think of a juice cleanse or a diet you go on to help your body get rid of harmful toxins that you may have consumed, and you are preparing your body for a “fresh start” with nutritional food and supplements. However, a darker detox requires proper nutrition and vitamins to get off dangerous drugs safely. This is called drug detoxification, and often it’s medically supervised in a drug detox program.

What is Drug Detoxification?

When we talk about “drug detox,” we refer to our bodies getting rid of harmful toxins such as drugs and alcohol and preparing ourselves for a fresh start by eating the proper foods and taking the right vitamins. We are getting rid of the bad and replacing it with some good.

Detox from drugs and alcohol is painful because of withdrawal symptoms, but your body is also hurting from the lack of nutrition when you were not eating right while in active addiction. There are a couple of ways we starve our bodies of nutrients during our drug use:

  1. Increased Appetite – Substances can cause food cravings, such as heroin users crave sweets such as candy. People that use Marijuana get the “munchies” and therefore eat quick and easy low-nutrient meals such as fast food to curb this craving.
  2. Decreased Appetite – Users of meth, crack, and cocaine often has no appetite, so they aren’t making poor choices in food but not eating enough.
  3. Empty CaloriesAlcoholics consume large amounts of calories, but their calories are from alcoholic drinks that have no nutrient value.
  4. No Nutrient Absorption – Certain substances can cause nutrients not to be absorbed by the body even if the user eats a healthy meal.

Why are Vitamins Important in Drug Detox

Vitamins are an essential part of your body’s everyday proper functioning. They are essential when going through drug detox; they help remove toxins and rebuild the immune system. They also may help you with anxiety and insomnia that withdrawal symptoms can bring on. Here are a few vitamins and minerals that help remove toxins and will help during a drug detox:

  1. Multivitamins – Many soluble vitamins are depleted during an addict’s drug or alcohol use, especially during withdrawal. Not having enough vitamins is usually a cause for feeling tired, skin problems, lack of memory, and depression in the early stages of recovery. A good multivitamin can help cover all the basic vitamin needs and help you to feel a bit more “normal.”
  2. Vitamin B’s – B vitamins help clean and quickly remove the body from toxins. They help turn sugar into energy, produce blood cells and get the digestive system back on track.
  3. Vitamin C – Vitamin C supports the immune system and can help reduce stress during the withdrawal process. You can find Vitamin C in natural sources such as fruits and vegetables.
  4. Vitamin E – Vitamin E helps reduce the damage done to the body from chemicals, and it restores proper function to the blood call hand helps repair skin damage that may have resulted from drug usage.
  5. Calcium and Magnesium – These help calm the central nervous system and relieve anxiety, which is very helpful in the early stages of detox, which can be severe.
  6. Protein – We know that protein is broken down when you eat. The amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, help rebuild damaged cells and help reduce cravings by creating neurotransmitters in the brain.

There are many ways you can get the vitamins you need. At the beginning of your drug detox, you may not feel like eating, but the medical staff at Allure Detox (or your chosen medical detox center) will provide you with the proper multivitamins. When you start eating solid foods, try to balance them with protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Lastly, don’t forget to hydrate with plenty of water.

We Are Here to Help You With Addiction

At Allure Detox, we not only help our clients stop using safely – we help them on the road to a better life. From 24-hour medical staff to therapists and nutritionists, we promise that patients leave our care with more than good health at their disposal. Our focus is on minimizing your withdrawal symptoms to a comfortable level while beginning the comprehensive treatment process that will keep you sober.

Published on: 2020-01-12
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Dangers of Mixing Uppers & Downers

Today you can get drugs for just about anything. If you want to be happy, there’s one to make you happy; if you want one to feel less tired, they have that too. There are essentially seven different drug types, each with its characteristics, effects, and dangers. Categories include stimulants, depressants, hallucinogens, dissociatives, opioids, inhalants, and cannabis.

Dangers of Mixing Uppers and Downers

With so many drugs out there, are they classified and separated in some way? The answer is YES. There are seven different drug types, and each has its own set of effects and risks:

  • Stimulants
  • Depressants
  • Hallucinogens
  • Dissociatives
  • Opioids
  • Inhalants
  • Cannabis
  • Stimulants

Mixing drugs from these different categories can have devastating effects on the body. Today we are talking about the dangers of mixing stimulants (uppers) and depressants (downers).


Stimulants (or “uppers”) impact the body’s central nervous system (CNS), causing the user to feel as if they are “speeding up.” These drugs increase the user’s alertness, pumping up heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, and blood glucose levels.

Stimulants often come in pill form but are also consumed via snorting or even as food and drink. For example, caffeine is found in many beverages, and cocaine is a powder that is snorted.

Examples of stimulants include:

  • Adderall
  • Ritalin
  • Synthetic Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Ecstasy
  • Caffeine


Like stimulants, depressants also impact the body’s CNS, but with the opposite effect, making users feel as if things are “slowing down.” Thus, they are often called “downers” on the street.

Doctors prescribe some depressants for anxiety, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other medical issues that prevent the sufferer from thoroughly relaxing. These drugs often offer a sedative experience to users, making them an attractive choice for teens who wish to escape everyday stresses.

Examples of depressants include:

  • Rohypnol
  • Barbiturates
  • Xanax
  • Valium
  • Benzodiazepines

Alcohol is also considered a depressant, and believe it or not, Tobacco.

It is known that people often take downers to reduce undesirable effects from stimulant drugs, and an individual might take an upper to come out of a sedate state. Some people think this is a logical way to reduce the adverse effects of these drugs, but it increases the damage and risks.

The use of  multiple drugs at one time is frequently seen; the 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) report lists several relevant findings, including the following:

  • Alcohol is present in 38% of all medical emergencies involving stimulants.
  • Fifty-six percent of all medical emergencies involved multiple drugs, and Fifty-three percent involved various prescription medications.
  • Sixty-six percent of all non-emergency detox requests involved various drugs.

Many people will take a depressant to come down from a stimulant high and possibly to fall asleep, while others seeking a particular euphoric high might intentionally combine uppers and downers such as shooting a speedball (cocaine and heroin). Dangerous drug mixes can also happen unintentionally with people who take medication for pain, depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and anxiety, especially if they drink while on these drugs. A legal yet dangerous combination of uppers and downers is alcohol and energy drinks.

There are Other Health Risks Beside Overdose

In addition to potentially fatal overdoses, upper-downer combinations involve several other health risks, including the following:

  • The mix minimizes the symptoms of each substance, creating the illusion that users are more in control than they are.
  • The stimulant effects often motivate the user to continue partying for more extended periods and underestimate their intoxication level.
  • Uppers might mask warning signs that a CNS depression is occurring, while downers might mask a dangerously rapid heartbeat.
  • The physical fatigue from taking conflicting drugs strains multiple systems in the body.

Allure Detox is a New Way to Start Your Life Again

Allure Detox is here to help if you are struggling with polydrug abuse. We are a comfortable and evidence-based drug and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida. We can free you or your loved one from the physical symptoms of addiction and start you on the path to recovery. We offer detox from drugs and alcohol on a medical basis so that you can safely resume the life you once lived, the life you thought was lost forever. Addicts emerge from Allure Detox healthy, sane, and prepared for a lifetime of recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.

Published on: 2019-09-16
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Does Narcan Always Work?

Narcan is a life-saving drug that stops the deadly effects of opiates on a person who is experiencing an accidental overdose, thus saving them from dying. When a person overdoses on opioid drugs like heroin, fentanyl, or prescription pain pills such as Vicodin, Percocet, or Dilaudid, their breathing slows or stops, and oxygen is limited. This means their heart and brain begin to stop functioning, causing death. A person overdosing from opiate-based drugs will not move and appear in deep sleep or unconscious. Their lips and skin will be gray or blue, and their breathing will be limited. These symptoms of overdoses are reversed when a dose of Narcan is administered.

Narcan is the name brand used for Naloxone; Naloxone is a medication designed to stop an opioid overdose quickly. It is an opioid antagonist—meaning that it binds to opioid receptors and can reverse and block the effects of other opioids. As a life-saving medication, Narcan restores normal breathing and consciousness to a person who may be close to dying because of the potency of the opiate drug they took to get high. Narcan is administered as an intramuscular injection in the thigh, hip, or upper arm, or it can be sprayed into the nose with a nasal spray.

Does Narcan Always Work

Is Narcan always effective?

Narcan (naloxone) is highly effective in reversing opioid overdoses, but it does not always work in every situation. Here are some important points to consider:


  1. Opioid-Specific: Narcan is effective only for opioid overdoses. It will not reverse overdoses from other substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or stimulants.
  2. Dosage and Timing: The effectiveness of Narcan depends on the dose administered and the timing. Multiple doses may be needed if the person has taken a high amount of opioids or long-acting opioids.
  3. Severity of Overdose: In cases of severe overdose, especially involving potent opioids like fentanyl, Narcan may need to be administered multiple times, and immediate medical attention is crucial.


  1. Underlying Health Conditions: If the individual has other severe health issues or complications, Narcan may be less effective or may not fully revive them without further medical intervention.
  2. Polysubstance Use: If the person has ingested a combination of drugs, Narcan will only address the opioid component of the overdose.

Key Considerations:

  1. Emergency Response: Narcan is a temporary solution. Even if it successfully reverses the overdose, it is essential to seek emergency medical help immediately, as the effects can wear off, leading to the risk of re-overdose.
  2. Availability: Having Narcan accessible and knowing how to use it can save lives, but it is not a substitute for comprehensive addiction treatment and support.

While Narcan is a critical tool in combating opioid overdoses and can be life-saving, it is not infallible and should be used as part of a broader emergency response and treatment strategy.

How to Get Narcan for an Opiate Overdose

Narcan is available with or without a prescription, depending on the state that you’re in. All emergency responders, schools, government offices, medical facilities, and private or public organizations that support addiction recovery often have access to Narcan. Many employers and other private businesses also make Narcan available in case of an accidental overdose at work. It has become a lot more known in recent years as the opioid epidemic continues to ravage the country.

Narcan Doesn’t Always Work On All Opiates.

The question on many addicts’ minds is…does Narcan always work? Unfortunately, a new dangerous drug on the street affects all drug addicts, not just heroin and opiate addicts, that one dose of Narcan cannot always reverse. This dangerous drug is undeniably Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opiate added to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and mixed with Ecstasy and other club drugs. The reality of Fentanyl is that it kills many people…and very quickly. Accidental overdoses occur even when a  person does not decide to take an opioid drug intentionally.

The potency of Fentanyl is why this drug is so dangerous. Drug dealers and addicts may not realize how much of the drug they are adding to other drugs, making it a deadly dose of cocaine, meth, or tab of ecstasy. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine, and it takes to kill a person is very small. Therefore, Fentanyl overdoses are the most likely to require repeated doses of Narcan to stop the effects of the Fentanyl on the user’s body.

Another essential fact about Narcan is that it will reverse the effects of all opiates, but one dose of Narcan may not be enough depending on how much of an opiate the person has taken. As in the case of Fentanyl overdoses and other potent opiate-based narcotics, Narcan often has to be repeatedly administered to begin reversing the effects. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that very high doses of opiate drugs in a person’s body may limit Narcan’s ability to stop an overdose.

“Naloxone alone may be inadequate if someone has taken large quantities of opioids, very potent opioids, or long-acting opioids. For this reason, call 911 immediately for every overdose situation.” (CDC).

However, the current research on Narcan proves that it is reducing mortality and THK’s or take-home kits are now of interest by the medical field. A recent systematic review conducted by McDonald and Strang (2016) noted:

“When communities were compared that implemented THKs versus no THKs and their findings indicate decreased overdose deaths in communities with THKs…It can be viewed as unethical to withhold naloxone, a known lifesaving medication for those experiencing an opioid overdose.” (McDonald, Strang)

THK’s are effective and should be prescribed to the following persons who are at risk for an accidental overdose, per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):

If you or someone you know meets any of the following criteria, there is an elevated risk for an opioid overdose:

  • Misusing prescription opioids (like oxycodone) or using heroin or illicit synthetic opioids (like fentanyl or carfentanil).
  • An opioid use disorder, especially those completing opioid detoxification or being discharged from treatment that does not include ongoing use of methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone.
  • Being recently discharged from emergency medical care following an opioid overdose.
  • Being recently released from incarceration with a history of opioid misuse or opioid use disorder.

It should be noted that, in addition to the above patient populations, patients taking opioids as prescribed for long-term management of chronic pain, especially those with higher doses of prescription opioids or those taking prescription opioids along with alcohol or other sedating medications, such as benzodiazepines (anxiety or insomnia medications), are also at elevated risk for an overdose.” (HHS).

Those at risk for an opioid overdose should seek out addiction treatment immediately. Every second in active addiction makes it more challenging to find the courage to reach out for help.

Narcan Can Still Be Effective with a Fentanyl Overdose

Although Narcan may have to be repeatedly administered to prevent a fatal overdose, the effectiveness of Narcan overall is excellent. If you or your loved one are addicted to opiates and are ready for recovery, Allure Detox in West Palm Beach, Florida, has a specific opiate drug detoxification regimen. Please remember that not all opioids have the same potency. Therefore a person addicted to Fentanyl versus a person addicted to a low dose of Percocet will require a different detoxification approach.

To be admitted within 24 hours into our inpatient West Palm Beach detox center, the first step is to speak with one of our representatives. They will make all the arrangements for your journey to lasting sobriety.

Published on: 2019-08-15
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Cocaine and Ketamine: Calvin Klein Club Drug

When you hear the words, Calvin Klein, you think of the fashion house, but now the brand name has taken on a new moniker in the dark underworld of drug addiction. The New York Post recently reported how there is a new cocktail drug killing our youth and that it tragically took the life of a young violinist who was a musical prodigy.

The drug has become known as the ‘Calvin Klein’ drug because it goes by the initials’ CK,’ referencing the brand. CK is a cocktail drug that is a mixture of cocaine and ketamine. It’s being used in the club scene by young people and has become a lethal combination with deadly consequences. The young violinist died from an accidental overdose of the drug in London on Thursday, July 11th, 2019. Her death raised awareness about polydrug abuse when you combine two or more drugs for a dangerous high. Mixing multiple medications for a more substantial effect makes it that much easier to overdose.

Cocaine and Ketamine

Calvin Klein is now a dangerous club drug.

Authorities did not see the Calvin Klein drug craze coming as they struggled to deal with the situation. As reported by the New York Post, “Katya Tsukanova, 17, a leading musician in the UK, died of an apparent overdose from a cocaine and ketamine drug cocktail — just days after performing at the Royal Opera House in the city”. This news has prompted further investigation of how dangerous this drug is. Although more evidence is needed in how cocaine and ketamine combined affect a person’s brain, there is research on the two drugs separately.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIDA, classifies ketamine as a dissociative drug similar to hallucinogens. NIDA states that the reason people take dissociative drugs is to:

“enable them to enter into what they perceive as a more enlightened sense of thinking or being” (NIDA).

Additionally, from NIDA,

“Ketamine—also known as K, Special K, or cat Valium—is a dissociative currently used as an anesthetic for humans as well as animals. Much of the ketamine sold on the street has been diverted from veterinary offices. Although it is manufactured as an injectable liquid, ketamine is generally evaporated to form a powder that is snorted or compressed into pills for illicit use.” (NIDA)

Cocaine is considered a stimulant drug, and when added to ketamine, it likely increases the effect of Ketamine. Historically, cocaine has been mixed with many other drugs to enhance their impact. It is commonly mixed with heroin, methamphetamine, and alcohol. Tsukanova was a victim of the lethal effects of both drugs. The New York Post reported that her father, Igor Tsukanova, said his daughter was a “smart girl, and she made one bad choice.” (NY Post)

The CK drug is a popular club drug, and like other club drugs, it may continue to take lives as it continues to be sold. The DEA currently does not acknowledge the drug cocktail CK as a specific drug type but references cocaine and ketamine in their drug schedules. The DEA scheduled drugs according to how dangerous they are “Drugs, substances, and certain chemicals used to make drugs are classified into five (5) distinct categories or schedules depending upon the drug’s acceptable medical use and the drug’s abuse or dependency potential… the abuse rate is a determinate factor in the scheduling of the drug; for example, Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse and the potential to create severe psychological and physical dependence.” (DEA). Currently, Cocaine is listed with the DEA as a schedule II drug and Ketamine a schedule III.

Deadly Ketamine and Cocaine Mix: Calvin Klein Club Drug

If you suspect a loved one of abusing drugs, it’s best to reach out for help as soon as possible. The fact that a young violinist died accidentally from the mixture of cocaine and ketamine is tragic. Although most experiences with dangerous drugs do not end well, cases like this are very saddening and force us to examine what our younger generations are doing when they get together.

Becoming involved and educated about the types of drugs available in clubs and on the street is a starting point. Additionally, adults must look for warning signs and behaviors that indicate drug use and abuse, as well as supporting laws that will limit the accessibility of these drugs to be bought over the web and by illegal prescription, as in the case of ketamine. Allure Detox is an Inpatient Detox and Residential Treatment Center that is ready to assist men, women, and families affected by the substance abuse scourge.


TL;DR: “Calvin Klein” is a slang term for the combination of cocaine and ketamine when used recreationally.


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Published on: 2019-07-15
Updated on: 2024-09-23

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