What Happens if You Take Too Much Methylphenidate?

There is a common misconception in circulation that has proven devastating for many men and women across the country. People believe that if a medical professional has prescribed a medication, it is completely safe to use even when taken other than as intended.

The truth is that abusing a prescription medication can result in devastating consequences, including addiction and overdose-related death. Methylphenidate, the generic name for the ADHD medication Ritalin, is one of many prescription medications regularly abused. 

Can You Take Too Much Methylphenidate?

Young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 tend to abuse this specific medication more than members of any other demographic, largely because it works to increase alertness which benefits those enrolled in demanding classes (college-aged people, more specifically). What happens if you take too much? It is important to understand that a person can overdose on any chemical substance, whether that substance is alcohol, an illegal drug like heroin or methamphetamine, or a legal substance that a doctor prescribes to treat a legitimate mental illness. 

Consequences After Methylphenidate Misuse

If a person takes too much methylphenidate, they can overdose, and the overdose can lead to an untimely death if it is not caught immediately and reversed. Continue reading to learn more about methylphenidate overdose, and remember that you can always reach out to Allure Detox if you have any additional questions. 

What Happens if You Take Too Much Methylphenidate?

Methylphenidate Overdose Symptoms

Methylphenidate is a stimulant drug, meaning it works by speeding up several of the body’s vital processes. For example, when a person ingests a large amount of methylphenidate, their heart begins to beat more quickly, their blood pressure rises, and they begin breathing more rapidly, maybe finding it difficult to catch their breath. They might experience a significant rise in body temperature as well. The symptoms associated with a methylphenidate overdose include:

  • Intense headache 
  • Severe abdominal cramping
  • Tachycardia (rapid heart rate) or heart palpitations
  • Extreme agitation 
  • Confusion
  • Muscle twitching or severe muscle pain
  • Weakness throughout the body 
  • Hallucinations and delirium/seeing and hearing things that are not there 
  • Feelings of dissociation or detachment from reality
  • Elevated body temperature 
  • Uncontrollable shaking/body tremors 

How much methylphenidate can a person take before they overdose? This answer varies on a person-to-person basis. Some people, often people with low body weight or pre-existing health conditions, might experience an overdose after taking only slightly more than the recommended dose. It is always better to play it safe and avoid taking more medication than is prescribed. If you were prescribed methylphenidate for ADHD and felt like you need to up your dose, consult with a medical professional. 

Seek Professional Help For Methylphenidate Abuse

Never make decisions like this on your own. If you have been struggling with a methylphenidate abuse issue, seek professional help. Medical detox is always a recommended first step — not only because stimulant withdrawal can result in severe physical and psychological symptoms, but because professional detox centers like Allure Detox offer additional services that are important to continued sobriety. 

Stimulant Withdrawal Program at Allure Detox

At Allure Detox, we effectively treat all symptoms associated with stimulant withdrawal using a combination of medication-assisted treatment options, holistic approaches, and therapeutic services. The symptoms associated with stimulant withdrawal (like methylphenidate withdrawal) are largely psychological, meaning a dual-diagnosing approach to detox is often necessary.

Find Sobriety and Clean Life at Allure Detox

At Allure Detox, we have licensed psychiatric professionals on staff who help treat the psychological symptoms of withdrawal, including anxiety, depression, and insomnia. If one of our clients were initially prescribed Ritalin to treat a pre-existing attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, we would look into non-habit-forming alternatives.

We utilize intensive therapy to help our clients begin working through underlying issues in a safe and supportive setting, and we offer rehab placement services whenever necessary. To learn more about our medical detox program or methylphenidate withdrawal.


  • How much Methylphenidate will cause an overdose?

Published on: 2021-08-20
Updated on: 2024-12-22

What is the Role of Family in the Prevention of Drug Abuse?

TL;DR – The family plays a crucial role in drug abuse prevention by providing education, modeling drug-free behavior, maintaining open communication, setting boundaries, monitoring activities, offering emotional support, intervening when necessary, teaching coping skills, promoting engaging activities, and controlling access to drugs.

Addiction is often referred to as a “family disease.” This doesn’t mean that addiction is passed down from generation to generation (though genetic predisposition is a major risk factor), but that when one family member struggles with an addictive disorder, everyone is affected. If you have watched a loved one struggle with a substance abuse disorder, you have probably felt frustrated, helpless, hopeless, and alone.

Family Therapy

How to React When Family Members Abuse Drugs?

These are all common emotional responses to addiction. When one person in the family is suffering, the remainder of the family is deeply impacted on a mental and emotional level. This is why it is so important that each member of the family heals alongside their loved one once the addictive disorder is finally addressed.

If you have never experienced a loved one struggle with addiction firsthand, there are numerous ways to prevent these unfortunate circumstances from developing. What is the role of the family in the prevention of drug abuse? The family plays several vital roles. First of all, having open conversations with your children from a young age is always a good idea. Unfortunately, rates of substance abuse and dependence among adolescents and young adults are on the rise.

Are Conversations a Key Relapse Prevention Method?

This is why having a conversation about the risks involved in experimentation is appropriate. You might feel as if adolescence is a little too early to have such a heavy conversation, but children are exposed to chemical substances from a younger and younger age. What other roles does the family play when it comes to prevention?

The Role of the Family Unit in Prevention Substance Abuse

What role does the family play in the prevention of drug abuse? While it depends heavily on the ways in which the specific family unit functions, the role should be:

  • One of the best prevention methods is sitting down with an adolescent (between the ages of 10 and 13) and having an open and honest discussion about the dangers involved in drug and alcohol use. Unfortunately, many adolescents begin experimentation with no context, and they are unaware of how rapidly physical and psychological dependence can develop. They simply assume that everyone experiments, and so it must be okay. 
  • If there is a family history of substance abuse, it is good to keep chemical substances out of the household. Children get curious, and they tend to find things that they aren’t supposed to find. So maintaining a substance-free home is a great way to prevent drug use. 
  • If parents notice that their child is showing signs of an underlying mental health condition or unresolved trauma, they must seek adequate treatment for their child as quickly as possible. This might mean setting up an appointment with a psychiatric professional or with a licensed therapist. When underlying issues go untreated, they have a propensity to develop into drug abuse disorders over time. 
couple therapy

Allure Detox and Drug Addiction Recovery 

At Allure Detox, we offer a comprehensive program of medically monitored detox. We believe that medical detox should be about much more than a pain-free drug or alcohol withdrawal and an eventual transition to physical stabilization.

We believe that family involvement should begin as early on as the detox process, which is why we offer several services geared towards the family members of our clients. Not only have we developed an admissions process that takes much of the stress and pressure off of the loved ones of our clients, but we also offer family therapy services to begin helping the family members of our clients heal individually.

Start Healing Addiction Misuse at Allure Detox

We know just how difficult it can be to watch a loved one struggle with addiction, seeing as most of our staff members have helped a family member or a close friend through the recovery process themselves.

We understand that while you do experience a great deal of relief when your loved one finally agrees to seek treatment, you are often left feeling emotionally depleted and mentally worn out. For this reason, seeking therapeutic care for yourself is important – and we are available to help get that ball rolling. 


  • What is the Role of Family in the Prevention of Drug Abuse?

Published on: 2021-07-23
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Why Does Meth Cause Violent Behavior?

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive illegal stimulant drug, one that has been responsible for a significant number of violent crimes in recent years. People who use methamphetamine are liable to develop a physical and psychological dependence the very first time they use the drug, setting off a vicious cycle of drug-seeking and using behaviors that can quickly devolve into a range of serious – sometimes irreversible – consequences.

Meth Violent Behavior

How Meth Abuse is Related To Violent Behavior?

Why do people who use meth act out in angry and aggressive ways? Why are there so many violent crimes tied to meth use? According to an article published by the US National Library of Medicine titled Methamphetamine Use and Violent Behavior: User Perceptions and Predictors, most methamphetamine users who are studied reported that their violent outbursts were linked to psychological symptoms of chronic use.

For example, men and women who use methamphetamine for extended periods often experienced intense paranoia. They believe that people were out to get them; when they reacted violently, most of them said they believed it was in self-defense. Of course, to the outside world, these are nothing more than drug-induced delusions. A meth user who attacks another person will not be let off the hook because they believed they were acting in self-defense.

Why Does Meth Cause Violent Behavior?

Methamphetamine, also known as meth, can lead to violent behavior due to its effects on the brain and body. Here’s a brief overview of the key reasons:

  1. Altered brain chemistry: Meth stimulates the central nervous system, flooding the brain with dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, reward, and motor function. This flood of dopamine creates an intense rush of euphoria. However, with chronic use, the brain’s dopamine system becomes impaired, leading to difficulties in feeling pleasure without the drug, which can cause frustration and irritability.
  2. Paranoia and hallucinations: Meth use can lead to a condition known as methamphetamine psychosis, which is characterized by paranoia, hallucinations, and delusions. These symptoms can lead individuals to react violently if they feel threatened or perceive things that are not real.
  3. Impulsivity and aggression: Meth can reduce inhibitions, leading to impulsive and sometimes aggressive behavior. The drug can cause a user to lose control of their impulses, potentially resulting in violent actions.
  4. Withdrawal: Withdrawal from meth can lead to severe depression, anxiety, and agitation. These emotional states can potentially escalate into violence.
  5. Physical effects: Meth use often leads to sleep deprivation and malnutrition, both of which can affect mood and judgment. Chronic sleep deprivation can cause irritability, cognitive impairments, and mood swings, which can contribute to violent behavior.

It’s important to note that not all meth users become violent, and other factors can influence this outcome, such as the individual’s environment, underlying mental health conditions, and the presence of other substances. Treatment for meth addiction often involves addressing these underlying issues, along with the physical dependency on the drug.

Side Effects of Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant with a range of devastating side effects, impacting both physical and mental well-being. Here are just some of the dangers associated with meth use:

  1. Impact on Brain Function: Meth significantly impairs brain function, affecting crucial areas responsible for impulse control and decision-making. This makes it incredibly difficult for users to avoid the drug, even when faced with negative consequences.
  2. Intense Cravings: Methamphetamine creates intense cravings, further fueling the cycle of abuse. These cravings can be overwhelming and contribute to relapse, even after periods of sobriety.
  3. Physical Health Problems: Meth use can lead to a variety of physical health problems, including a dangerous increase in blood pressure, which can strain the cardiovascular system.
  4. Hyperactivity and Weight Loss: The stimulant effects of meth often manifest as hyperactivity. It also suppresses appetite, leading to significant and often unhealthy weight loss.
  5. Psychotic Symptoms: Long-term meth use can trigger or worsen psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations and paranoia. These experiences can be terrifying and debilitating.
  6. Mental Illness and Exacerbation of Conditions: Meth can mimic or exacerbate existing mental illness. In some cases, prolonged use can even trigger or worsen schizophrenia.
  7. Impaired Judgment and Decision-Making: The combination of impaired judgment, psychological changes, and intense cravings creates a powerful and dangerous cycle that is difficult to break without professional addiction treatment and support.

Overcome Meth Misusing

If you have been abusing methamphetamine, you might feel like there is absolutely no way out. If you have attempted to quit on your own, there is a good chance that you’ve been unsuccessful and have fallen deeper and deeper into the vicious cycle of compulsive drug use.

The good news is that recovery is possible no matter how far down the scale you have gone. Even if you have been abusing methamphetamine for years, you can overcome even the most severe substance abuse disorder with a long-term treatment program in place. To learn more about Allure Detox and methamphetamine addiction recovery, contact us today.

Methamphetamine Withdrawal Symptoms

If you or someone you love has been using methamphetamine for an extended period, it is entirely impossible to avoid undergoing withdrawal when used to stop suddenly. Therefore, it is always recommended that a person who has been abusing meth enters into a program of medically monitored detox where they will undergo a safe and pain-free withdrawal. The symptoms associated with methamphetamine withdrawal include:

  • Severe stomach cramping
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Aching joints
  • An inability to fall asleep and stay asleep
  • Persistent nightmares
  • Intense headaches
  • Extreme anxiety, which can lead to panic attacks when left untreated
  • Depression, which can lead to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts when left untreated

Allure Detox and Methamphetamine Recovery

While methamphetamine withdrawal is generally not too physically uncomfortable, it can result in severe psychological symptoms that will need to be thoroughly addressed in a closely monitored detox facility. At Allure Detox, we have psychiatric professionals on staff who can treat all psychological withdrawal symptoms the moment they develop. We understand how addictive methamphetamine can be and how crucial ongoing support and supervision are for someone new to sobriety to avoid returning to drug abuse. This is a critical component of substance abuse treatment.

Start Healing Your Methamphetamine Abuse

Our inpatient detox facility allows for 24/7 monitoring. In addition, we offer rehab placement services so that there is no significant period between medical detox and the next appropriate level of addiction treatment.

It is generally recommended that a person struggling with methamphetamine addiction, a form of substance use disorder, transfer directly into a residential treatment center after being physically stabilized and all psychological withdrawal symptoms have been addressed. This provides the necessary support for a loved one or family member battling addiction. To learn more about our methamphetamine detox program or begin with our simple and uncomplicated admissions process, contact us today.

Published on: 2021-07-21
Updated on: 2025-02-19

Can Your Veins Collapse Because of IV Drug Use?

Many consequences go hand in hand with intravenous drug use. Some of these consequences can be easily remedied with an extended period of sobriety, and others might last a lifetime. One of the consequences that could be permanent is the risk of collapsed veins from injecting drugs.

If you continuously inject drugs into your vein, eventually, they will collapse, which cannot be fixed and will be forever with you. The best thing to do is to stop using drugs altogether. Our Residential Treatment Program can help you overcome your addiction and save your veins before it is too late.

Can Your Veins Collapse Because of IV Drug Use

How Exactly Does a Vein Collapse?

Suppose a person continuously injects the chemical substance into the same vein, typical for heroin abuse and dependence. In that case, the vein’s walls might grow weak and crumble, ultimately reducing blood flow. The collapse of a vein is characterized by either the leakage of blood or the inability of blood to flow through. When one of your veins has collapsed, you will notice that the skin surrounding the injection site is beginning to darken and bruise.

Collapsed Veins Needs Time To Heal

The good news is that if you catch a collapsed vein right away, it does have the potential to heal. Unfortunately, because heroin addiction can grow so severe, many people abusing heroin and who experience a collapsed vein do not give it the time to heal. If your vein collapses and you inject it with a chemical substance shortly after that, you can cause permanent damage to the area.

Symptoms of a Collapsed Vein and What Steps to Take 

If you experience a collapsed vein, you will start to notice that the area bruises within several minutes. Other symptoms of a collapsed vein include a stinging sensation, swelling around the injection site, tenderness, or pain around the injection site. There is a difference between a collapsed vein and a blown vein, and when treating the area, it is essential to make this distinction. A collapsed vein is a vein that has caved in. Prolonged intravenous drug use can lead to the collapse of the vein, but the vein can be repaired if you avoid injecting that area while it is healing.

Physical Consequences of Collapsed Veins

If you experience a collapsed vein, it is an excellent indication that you require professional addiction treatment. As soon as you start experiencing physical consequences directly from your drug abuse, professional help becomes essential. If you experience a blown vein, the vein suffers potentially permanent damage because both sides are ruptured. This can occur if you use a too large needle or angle the needle wrong.

If you do experience a collapsed vein, you must avoid intravenous drug use in the future. Of course, this is easier said than done without professional help, and the good news is that Allure Detox is available to help.

Allure Detox and Intravenous Drug Addiction Recovery 

Collapsed veins can be fixed, but not without professional intervention. If you have gotten to the point where you are using drugs intravenously and experiencing physical consequences of the direct result, seeking treatment is extremely important. At Allure Detox, we believe that addiction recovery is about much more than providing clients with intensive behavioral therapy, 12 step program education, and a range of holistic treatment services.

Start Healing Your Intravenous Drug Addiction And Collapsed Veins

We believe that for recovery to be truly comprehensive, all of the physical implications of active addiction must also be addressed. For this reason, we provide our clients with an in-depth physical assessment upon their admission. If any additional health care services are required, we put our clients into touch with a medical professional who can help them.

Rest assured that if you have begun to experience physical consequences due to your drug addiction, the majority of these consequences can and will be reversed as soon as you enter into a program of recovery. Contact us today for more information on our recovery program or begin your journey of freedom from intravenous drug use.


  • What is a blown vein, and what does it look like?
  • Can Your Veins Collapse Because of IV Drug Use?

Published on: 2021-07-09
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Does Suboxone Make Anxiety Symptoms Worse?

Suboxone is an opioid antagonist used to treat men and women suffering at the hands of moderate or severe opioid abuse disorders. When this medication is used, it helps alleviate the psychological drug cravings that go hand in hand with opioid addiction, and it helps relieve symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal.

While Suboxone can be a valuable part of comprehensive treatment programs, it is essential to understand that it does not serve as a cure and is not an effective treatment when used alone. Behavioral therapy must be combined with a range of other treatment options for it to be truly effective.

Does Suboxone Make Anxiety Symptoms Worse?

TL;DR: Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) can affect anxiety differently for each person. For some, it helps reduce anxiety by stabilizing opioid withdrawal and cravings. For others, especially if taken in high doses or during dose changes, it might cause or worsen anxiety symptoms like restlessness, irritability, or insomnia. Always speak with a healthcare provider to adjust dosage or explore alternative treatments if anxiety increases.


Does Using Suboxone For a Long Period Lead to Anxiety?

Suboxone is a powerful medication, altering brain chemistry when used consistently for a prolonged period. As a result, a person who has been taking Suboxone is likely to experience mood swings, often characterized by increased irritability and agitation. Suboxone is also liable to cause anxiety in the user. Usually, this anxiety is not severe, and it resolves once Suboxone is no longer being taken.

The side effects caused by the medication are only one reason why it is recommended as a short-term part of a more comprehensive and long-term treatment program. It is also important to note that Suboxone is not suitable for everyone. For example, if you have previously been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, it is usually good to avoid this medication altogether. If you do not, the symptoms of your existing anxiety disorder might be made more severe.

Suboxone Withdrawal and Its Impact on Anxiety

Although Suboxone treatment plays a critical role in managing opioid use disorder (OUD), discontinuing or reducing the dose of Suboxone too quickly can lead to Suboxone withdrawal.


These opioid withdrawal symptoms may include muscle aches, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, digestive discomfort, and flu-like symptoms. Because Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist, its withdrawal tends to be milder than full opioids like fentanyl or methadone, but it can still significantly affect a person’s mental health, especially for those with pre-existing mental health conditions.

In some cases, anxiety may worsen during or after Suboxone use, particularly if withdrawal is not carefully managed. It’s essential to work with a medical professional when adjusting a treatment plan for opioid dependence, especially in outpatient settings, to avoid complications like high blood pressure, sedation, or even life-threatening symptoms if mixed with other prescription medications such as benzodiazepines or antidepressants. This information is for informational purposes only and should not replace guidance from a licensed provider.

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder

Opioid use disorder is a complex medical condition that affects physical, psychological, and social aspects of a person’s life. This complexity requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combines medications like Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a “whole-patient” approach.

Understanding Suboxone

Suboxone is an FDA-approved medication that can be highly effective throughout the recovery process, not just in early stages. As a partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine produces weaker effects than full opioids while also blocking other opioids from binding to receptors. This helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms while preventing euphoria from other opioids.

While Suboxone can lead to physical dependence (where the body adapts to the medication), this is distinct from addiction (characterized by compulsive drug-seeking despite harmful consequences). Many patients take Suboxone as prescribed for months or years without developing addiction. Some patients may experience side effects, though many report improved emotional stability with proper treatment.

Medical Consensus

The current medical consensus, supported by organizations like SAMHSA, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and the World Health Organization, recognizes medication-assisted treatment as a standard of care for opioid use disorder, not just a last resort option. These organizations recommend MAT as a first-line treatment option for most patients with opioid use disorder, regardless of severity.

Evidence-Based Approach

Research consistently shows that medications like Suboxone significantly improve treatment outcomes by:

  • Reducing illicit opioid use
  • Decreasing overdose deaths
  • Reducing criminal activity
  • Improving social functioning

Personalized Treatment

The treatment approach should be tailored to each individual’s needs. While behavioral therapies are important complementary treatments, the type and intensity should be personalized. Though some patients benefit from 12-step programs, these are not considered essential components of evidence-based care, and many patients recover successfully through other psychosocial approaches.

The decision to use medication assistance should be made collaboratively between patients and healthcare providers based on clinical assessment, patient preferences, and evidence-based guidelines rather than predetermined criteria about addiction severity.

How Does MAT Program Work at Allure Detox?

The Allure Detox program combines MAT with behavioral therapy and a range of comfort-based amenities to make the withdrawal process as painless and short-lived as possible. If you or someone you love has been struggling with opioid abuse, we are available to help – and help is only a phone call away. As soon as you decide to seek the professional care you need, we will step in to walk you through the admissions process.

The process begins with a short initial assessment. Next, we ask a series of questions like, “How long have you been abusing opioids?” “Have you ever attempted to quit on your own?” “Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic health condition or an underlying mental illness?” The answers to these questions help our clinical team determine which detox methods will benefit you or your loved one the most. Next, we begin choosing viable coverage options.

group therapy

Get the Help You Need for Suboxone Addiction

Allure Detox, we work closely with most major health insurance companies. Once coverage is determined, we will start planning out a date for your arrival. Again, as soon as you arrive, you will be given a brief tour of the facility and made to feel right at home. Opioid withdrawal does not have to be an intimidating process. With the right tools in place, you can undergo withdrawal in a short matter of time without experiencing the more severe symptoms.

To learn more about our detox program or the role that Suboxone plays in the opioid withdrawal process, contact us today. Our specialists are available 24/7 and will answer any questions you may have confidentially.

Published on: 2021-06-11
Updated on: 2025-03-21

What Does Nodding Out on Heroin Look Like?

As a former opiate addict now living in sobriety, it’s one of the most heartbreaking things in the world to see someone still struggling with their substance abuse. Often, when I’m in a city, I’ll come up upon a stoplight and see an addict nodding out (there are also some disturbing videos on YouTube from the streets of Philadelphia in the Kensington neighborhood where entire communities seem addicted.

Nodding Out
Why do people on drugs bend over?

I wish I could shake them out of it and tell them how good it is to be on the other side of that dark fence. But since I’ve been there, I know it would do little good, just as it would have done little good had someone done that to me. The Bliss of the Nod is just too tempting for those trying to cover up the pain with drugs. The following article is intended to give you insight into opiates, the nod, and how to tell if a loved one is dealing with an addiction to this deadly substance.

TL;DR: People on fentanyl may bend over or “nod off” due to the drug’s powerful sedative effects, leading to drowsiness and reduced muscle control.

How Opiates Like Heroin Affect the Brain?

Opiates affect the body and the brain in a multitude of ways. When it comes to the brain, opiates have a twofold effect that makes the user feel high. The first effect is a rush of dopamine to the dopamine receptors in the brain.

When opiates like heroin are taken, the dopamine rush given from the drug is higher than anything achievable from the natural world. Heroin use makes users feel high because it is a powerful central nervous system (CNS) depressant. Moreover, it can dramatically slow down many life-sustaining functions such as blood pressure, body temperature, heart rate, and respiration.

In other words, the feeling of getting high is unlike anything that the user has felt before… something like six times as much dopamine is released from an injection of heroin than could be felt naturally. This dopamine rush is responsible for the euphoric feeling that an opiate user receives from their drug of choice.

Ohio overdose viral
Viral Nodding Out Image

Do Opiates Slow Down Brain Activity?

Opiates also act as a sedative on the brain, which is responsible for the ”nod,” or the physical narcoleptic-like reaction to using the drug. After an effective dose, the opiate user can fall asleep while standing up, in mid-sentence, or doing just about anything. Even more so in people who simultaneously mix heroin or painkillers with alcohol, methadone, or benzodiazepines such as Valium or Xanax. But strangely, it appears opiates do not affect the balance. Some experienced add it can nod out and be completely bent over at the waist while standing up yet not fall over. The phenomenon is impressive, seeing it for the first time and horrific all at once. If you or someone you know experiences these symptoms, call 911 right away. Also, administer naloxone (narcan) if possible. This temporary treatment option can reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and allow time for medical and healthcare professionals to arrive.

How Do Opiates Affect the Body?

Meanwhile, each dose of opiates affects the body adversely. Toxins leftover from the cooking process end up in the body and affect it negatively. Heroin addicts can lose teeth, hair, and even fingernails. All the while, opiate addiction tends to make the opiate addict not take care of themself at all. Meals are missed, bills go unpaid, and life steadily starts to unravel.

Side Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin

Heroin, an opioid drug derived from morphine, has powerful effects on the central nervous system and is highly addictive. It binds to opioid receptors in the brain, producing intense euphoria but also leading to severe short-term and long-term health consequences.

Side Effects of Heroin

Short-Term Side Effects:

When heroin enters the brain, it quickly converts to morphine and binds to opioid receptors, producing effects such as:

  • Euphoria (“rush”) – Intense pleasure and relaxation
  • Extreme Drowsiness – “Nodding off” or drifting in and out of consciousness
  • Dry mouth – Cottonmouth sensation
  • Warm, flushed skin – A result of blood vessel dilation
  • Heavy limbs – A feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs
  • Slowed breathing (respiratory depression) – Can lead to unconsciousness, coma, or death
  • Nausea and vomiting – Common in first-time or high-dose users
  • Severe itching – Caused by histamine release in the body

Long-Term Side Effects:

Chronic heroin use leads to severe health issues, including:

  • Collapsed veins (from repeated injection use)
  • Infections (such as HIV, hepatitis B & C) due to needle sharing
  • Skin abscesses and ulcers
  • Liver and kidney disease
  • Heart infections (bacterial endocarditis)
  • Chronic constipation and stomach cramps
  • Lung complications (pneumonia, tuberculosis)
  • Hormonal imbalances – Can lead to infertility or sexual dysfunction
  • Cognitive impairment – Memory loss, poor decision-making, and emotional dysregulation

Withdrawal Symptoms of Heroin

Heroin withdrawal occurs when a dependent individual stops or reduces use. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, depending on the duration and intensity of use.

Early Withdrawal Symptoms (6-12 Hours After Last Use):

  • Intense cravings for heroin
  • Anxiety, agitation, and restlessness
  • Runny nose and excessive yawning
  • Sweating and chills (“cold turkey”)
  • Muscle aches and joint pain
  • Dilated pupils and watery eyes

Peak Withdrawal Symptoms (24-72 Hours After Last Use):

  • Severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Tremors and uncontrolled leg movements (“kicking the habit”)
  • Profuse sweating
  • High blood pressure and rapid heart rate
  • Depression and suicidal thoughts

Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) (Weeks to Months):

  • Persistent anxiety and depression
  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Insomnia and vivid nightmares
  • Cravings that can last for months or even years

Dangers of Heroin Withdrawal

Although heroin withdrawal is not usually fatal, severe dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea can lead to electrolyte imbalances and complications. Additionally, withdrawal increases the risk of relapse, which can be deadly if the person overdoses after losing tolerance.

Treatment Options for Heroin Addiction

  1. Medical Detox – Under medical supervision, medications like methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), or clonidine can ease withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) – Methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone help reduce cravings and prevent relapse.
  3. Behavioral TherapyCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Contingency Management (CM) help address psychological dependence.
  4. Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab – Provides structured support for long-term recovery.
  5. Support Groups – 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) can help maintain sobriety.

Heroin is one of the most addictive and dangerous substance use disorders due to its severe withdrawal symptoms and high risk of drug overdose. Medical treatment, behavioral therapy, and long-term support are crucial for recovery.

Are There Any Other Signs that Someone is Using Heroin or Opiates?

One of the most noticeable signs of opioid use is constricted pupils, appearing tiny or pinpointed. The person may also seem excessively sleepy or have eyes that look irritated, as if they’ve been rubbing them. While these are key indicators, other signs can suggest opioid addiction. Many individuals who use heroin inject the drug, which can leave injection sites on the body.

The most common injection site is a vein in the arm, often near the elbow where veins are close to the surface. However, to conceal their drug use, some people may inject in less obvious locations, such as between the toes or into muscles in the arm or back. These practices carry significant health risks. It’s important to be aware of the signs of addiction, including both physical indicators like injection marks and behavioral changes.


Allure Detox and Heroin Addiction Treatment

If you or a loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, including addiction to prescription opioids or experiencing issues like heroin overdose or the “heroin nod,” it’s time to reach out to a treatment center like Allure Detox for help. We offer a comprehensive treatment program to support you on your path to recovery and improved mental health.


  • What drug makes you fall asleep standing up?

Published on: 2021-06-07
Updated on: 2025-02-19

Does Lyrica Help With Benzodiazepine Detox?

Benzodiazepine addiction has rapidly become one of the most significant drug-related issues throughout the country. However, despite this fact, most Americans who have been prescribed this type of medication or who take it for recreational purposes have no idea what a serious threat it poses.

Some of the more common types of benzodiazepines include Valium, Klonopin, and Xanax. These medications are most commonly used to treat severe anxiety disorders. They are rarely prescribed to be taken for more than several weeks because of their addictive nature.

Does Lyrica Help With Benzodiazepine Detox?

TL;DR: Lyrica (pregabalin) may help ease some symptoms of benzodiazepine detox, such as anxiety, insomnia, and seizures, due to its calming effect on the nervous system. However, it’s not a standard treatment and should only be used under close medical supervision, as it has its own dependency risks.


How Lyrics Works and Applying it to Benzo Detox

Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be hazardous unless it is closely monitored in a designated detox facility. Unlike withdrawal from other prescription medications, such as opiates and stimulants, benzodiazepine withdrawal can result in severe complications, including grand mal seizures, coma, and, in extreme cases, death. Several detox methods have proven effective for the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Is Lyrica Beneficial for Benzodiazepine Detox?

The most common methods of benzodiazepine detox include tapering, medication-assisted treatment, and psychotherapy. Most detox centers also introduce their clients to the 12-step process of addiction recovery, seeing as this is an essential tool for maintaining long-term sobriety.

As it stands, medication-assisted treatment is one of the most effective treatment options for benzodiazepine detox. Recently, several studies have pointed out that Lyrica, also known as pregabalin, can help alleviate the more severe symptoms associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal. Pregabalin, similar to gabapentin, affects receptors in the central nervous system, and is often used to treat neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia. It is thought that its action on gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathways may contribute to its efficacy in managing withdrawal symptoms. Given the similarities in the mechanisms of action, it is important to consider the potential for overlapping effects with other cns drugs.

It is crucial to be aware of the risks associated with benzodiazepine use, including benzodiazepine dependence, particularly with medications such as alprazolam, diazepam, and lorazepam. Detoxification is often necessary to manage the severe anxiety symptoms that arise during withdrawal. These symptoms are often measured using scales like the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Proper management of these symptoms is essential, especially for individuals with underlying mental health or psychiatric disorders, where the interaction of various medications, including potential use of antidepressants, must be carefully considered.


Does Lyrica Help With Benzo Detox?

A recent placebo-controlled study published in European Psychiatry suggests that Lyrica can help alleviate the more severe symptoms associated with benzodiazepine detox. The study’s conclusion means that this is an efficacious treatment for benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome, but it is much more effective when combined with other proven detox methods. Lyrica itself is most commonly prescribed to treat generalized anxiety disorder, epilepsy, or chronic nerve pain.

This medication works by reducing the pain signals that the central nervous system sends to the brain. It is not a narcotic; it is an anticonvulsant medication that can be habit-forming but is not more addictive than an opioid narcotic. While numerous studies are still taking place, there is ample scientific evidence that points towards the fact that this medication can be highly beneficial in preventing symptoms of benzodiazepine detox that can lead to serious health-related complications.

More About Lyrica and Benzodiazepine Withdrawal 

As previously mentioned, benzodiazepine withdrawal can be hazardous unless it is closely monitored in a medical detox facility. Generally speaking, two distinct phases are associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, and these two phases are the acute withdrawal phase and the protracted withdrawal phase. While Lyrica may be helpful in this process, it is generally not recommended nor used by medical detox facilities as part of the medication regimen for benzo detox. This may be due to concerns regarding potential side effects and the need for careful monitoring of prescribing practices.

The acute withdrawal phase of benzodiazepine detox generally lasts for between 5 days and two whole weeks. Symptoms that coincide with the acute withdrawal phase are typically more severe, and it is more important that they are monitored around the clock in a detox facility. The symptoms associated with the acute phase of benzodiazepine withdrawal include:

  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Feelings of depression, which can lead to suicidal ideation
  • Significant feelings of anxiety can lead to panic attacks when left untreated
  • Profuse sweating
  • Heart palpitations
  • Extreme dizziness

It’s important to consider that discontinuation of benzodiazepines, especially after prolonged drug use, can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, individuals with a history of substance abuse or substance use disorders may require specialized care during this process. Understanding the pharmacology of Lyrica and benzodiazepines, along with potential adverse effects, is crucial for safe and effective treatment. High doses of benzodiazepines, particularly when combined with alcohol withdrawal, can increase the risk of complications.

Behavioral Therapy

Benzodiazepine Detoxification is a Long Process

Once the acute symptoms begin to subside, the protracted withdrawal phase begins. Depending on how severe the benzodiazepine abuse disorder was, the prolonged withdrawal phase can last for 12 full months. Symptoms associated with prolonged benzodiazepine withdrawal include:

  • Mild anxiety and depression
  • Sleep-related issues like insomnia
  • A loss of appetite, which can lead to temporary weight loss
  • Mood swings, usually marked by agitation and irritability
  • An inability to pay attention
  • General feelings of physical discomfort
  • Persistent headaches
  • Restlessness

Medical Benzo Detox Program at Allure Detox Center

The good news is that if you or your loved one enters into a program of benzodiazepine detox, these symptoms can all be alleviated. At Allure Detox, we have extensive experience treating all symptoms associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal, regardless of how severe they are. To learn more about our detox program, pick up the phone and give us a call today.


  • How does pregabalin work, and how can it alleviate benzo withdrawals?

Published on: 2021-04-30
Updated on: 2025-03-21

Can Imodium Cause a False Positive for Opiates?

Imodium (also known as loperamide) is an over-the-counter medication used to treat diarrhea and some patients with ostomies.  But the relatively lackluster drug has been receiving coverage of late in the media for its role in the opioid epidemic; it appears some addicts are taking Imodium in large doses to get high or at least to relieve withdrawal symptoms.

Large Doses of Imodium for Opiate Detox Reasons Are Dangerous

Taking such large amounts of over-the-counter medication can be toxic and, in some rare cases, has resulted in hospitalizations and death. It can also result in false positives on some drug tests for opiates. The following article is a resource for anyone curious about the connection between opiate addiction and the abuse of Imodium.

Can Imodium Cause a False Positive for Opiates?

What Do Opiate Addicts Use Imodium For?

Loperamide is a synthetic opiate and, molecularly speaking, is quite similar to the opiates which get you high. The medication works by binding itself to the opioid receptors in the brain, and the side effect is a decrease in motility on the gastrointestinal system.  Taken in small doses, the drug is harmless. But taken in large amounts, the synthetic opiate qualities of the drug can result in a high feeling and for cheap (Imodium usually costs less than 5 dollars in enough sum to feel).

Although most opiate addicts use the drug as a bridge between doses of street drugs, no reduce withdrawal symptoms (such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea) in the same vein as an alcoholic who turns to cough syrup once the whisky runs out. In conclusion, abusing over-the-counter medication is toxic to the body and unhealthy to the mind.

Why is Imodium Toxic in Heavy Doses?

The main toxic side effect of taking the drug in large quantities is simply the medication doing its job by interfering with the gastrointestinal system. Constipation is a common problem (as it is already for opiate addicts) and can be for many weeks.

Loperamide has also been linked to irregular heartbeats and is known to be stress-inducing to the organ. But in the most extreme cases, including multiple in the last few years, an overdose of loperamide can be fatal. As of now, there are no restrictions in buying the drug in large amounts like the ones that have been placed on drugs like sudafedreine, which can be used to make methamphetamines.

Can Imodium Abuse Cause a False Positive for Opiates in Drug Tests?

In small doses, Imodium is undetectable in most tests. But when taken in large amounts, the active ingredient can indicate opiate use in some drug screens. But simply put, if someone is taking enough loperamide to test positive for opiates… they most likely already have a problem with opioids. It would take all diarrhea in the world to justify taking such massive amounts of Imodium.

Is Someone I Love is Abusing Imodium or Opiates?

If you or someone you love is abusing Imodium, chances are the issues go farther than over-the-counter medications. The good news for you, though, is that you are not alone and that there is an entire community of former addicts who have dedicated their lives to helping those in recovery.

The first step in getting one’s life back on track is always seeking help from a drug counseling program, detox clinic, medication, or a combination of these options. But seeking quality help in a timely fashion is essential as addiction only worsens with time. The links on this page are a resource for you in continuing the conversation about addiction and recovery. We are here to help.


  • Will Imodium (Loperamide) show up on a drug test?

Published on: 2021-04-28
Updated on: 2024-12-22

OTC Medication for Alcohol Detox Symptoms

Of all the drugs one can withdrawal from, alcohol might have the worst symptoms. Detoxification from alcohol can be dangerous, even deadly under the most extreme circumstances. Because alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be so hazardous to your health and especially severe for chronic alcoholism, the National Institute of Health says this concerning alcohol detox:

Patients should be kept calm in a controlled environment to try to reduce the risks of progression from mild symptoms to hallucinations. (NIH)

With that said, it’s always recommended that detoxing from extreme alcohol abuse should be done under the supervision of trained medical professionals, such as the clinical team we’ve assembled at Allure Detox in West Palm Beach, Florida.

How to Relieve Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawals occur after the continuous heavy drinking occurring weeks or months in a row. Enzymes that the body makes to break down alcohol increase with tolerance, and once the body is without, the overload of enzymes sends the body into detox.  Alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Nausea

The most severe of these symptoms require hospitalization and subsequent prescriptions to avoid long-term health consequences. But sometimes, that support isn’t available, or the severity of the signs does not merit medical treatment.

OTC Medication for Alcohol Detox Symptoms

Over-the-Counter Medication to Ease Alcohol Detox

Here is a list of over-the-counter medications that one can take to alleviate alcohol detox symptoms.

Water – First and foremost, the body will need loads of water while going through alcohol withdrawal symptoms. This will help to flush the system of toxins and provide much-needed rehydration. Plenty of water is a good idea anytime, but especially during detox.

Proper Nutrition – Alcohol consists of empty calories, which offer the consumer zero nutritional value. Also, how healthy are the things we often eat while intoxicated? Usually, the intoxicated person will opt for whatever is easy and tasty in such a reduced capacity. A chronic alcoholic may go years into this harmful cycle of booze and various forms of fast food. Giving the body the wholesome food it needs during the detox process can only help, not hurt.

Dramamine – A common over-the-counter medication used to treat nausea or motion sickness; Dramamine can help keep down the food and water the body needs when it’s purging of toxic chemicals. Dramamine can be found for $10 or less at almost any drug store.

Vitamin B – Intense drinking deteriorates the body and deprives it of vitamins, especially vitamin B. Long-term vitamin B-1 deprivation over time can lead to a severe condition called Korsakoff’s syndrome, also known as ‘wet brain,’ and is a form of alcohol-related brain injury. Make sure to have plenty of B-1 on hand (also known on some bottles as Thiamine) when the alcohol is ready to go for a chronic abuser! Vitamin C can also help alleviate detox symptoms by healing the body and uplifting one’s spirits in the trying times.

Kudzu – This is an ancient Asian herb that has been known to reduce alcohol cravings and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal since 600 AD. Also, kudzu can reduce alcohol consumption before drinking is known to occur and decrease the propensity for returning to binge drinking after five days.  Blogs are calling this supplement “the natural Antabuse.”

What Can I Do for Alcohol Detox?

Unfortunately, not many tried and proper supplements work consistently for everyone other than the ones listed above. Alcohol has a profound effect on the body and is inconsistent in individuals depending on genetics.

Some people can drink more than others and not feel hangovers or chronically and not feel withdrawal symptoms. Either way, alcoholism is a severe disease that affects millions, and help is all around you… if you know where to look. Allure Detox is ready and standing by if you or a loved one are ready for medically-supervised detoxification that genuinely minimizes the painful alcohol withdrawal symptoms.


  • What over the counter medicine is good for alcohol withdrawal?
  • My husband is trying to detox from alcohol and has terrible shakes. What can he do?

Published on: 2021-03-30
Updated on: 2024-12-22

What Are the Symptoms of Modafinil Withdrawal?

Modafinil is a prescription medication most commonly used to treat excessive tiredness related to chronic conditions like sleep apnea or narcolepsy. Modafinil works by keeping people alert and awake when needed, even when they have consistently not gotten adequate sleep.

Is Modafinil an Addictive Drug?

While this prescription medication has a low potential for abuse, using more than prescribed for an extended period can lead to physical dependence. Some several signs and symptoms go hand-in-hand with Modafinil abuse, including:

  • Attempting to obtain more Modafinil from a medical professional before the current prescription runs out (also known as doctor shopping).
  • Using this prescription medication in combination with other chemical substances like alcohol, opioids, or other medications.
  • Spending a great deal of time obtaining, using, and recovering from the effects of Modafinil and any other substances taken simultaneously.
  • Developing a physical tolerance means a higher dose of Modafinil is required for the desired effects to be produced.
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when the modafinil prescription runs out or whenever more becomes unavailable.

One of the most telling symptoms of substance abuse and dependence is the onset of withdrawal, which typically occurs within the first 24 hours of the last dose. The symptoms of Modafinil withdrawal are not generally life-threatening, but they can be severe. If you or someone you love has struggled with prescription drug addiction, Allure Detox is available to help.

What Are the Symptoms of Modafinil Withdrawal?

Symptoms of Modafinil Withdrawal

The symptoms of Modafinil withdrawal include (but are not limited to):

  • Excessive shakiness
  • Chills
  • Profuse sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Confusion and disorientation

The symptoms typically take hold within the first 24 hours of the last dose and can last for up to two full weeks if they are not adequately treated. However, if the symptoms associated with Modafinil withdrawal are being treated in a medical detox center like Allure Detox, they can resolve within several days. However, if the prescription medication is combined with any other chemical substance, withdrawal symptoms can be more severe and require more intensive care.

Treatment for Modafinil Addiction

If you or someone close to you has been struggling with prescription drug addiction, it is essential to note that medically monitored detox is only the very first step. While medical detox will provide a safe prescription drug withdrawal in a closely monitored environment, many other implications of active addiction must be addressed in a more intensive level of clinical care.

For example, prescription drug withdrawal often leaves people in poor financial standing and with a range of other serious consequences such as damage to interpersonal relationships, problems in the workplace, and health-related issues. These consequences must be thoroughly addressed in an inpatient treatment center. At Allure Detox, we are more than happy to put you or your loved one in contact with a reputable addiction treatment center in the immediate area as soon as physical stabilization has been achieved.

Allure Detox and Prescription Drug Withdrawal

At Allure Detox, our team of highly experienced and licensed medical professionals understands the importance of treating all symptoms associated with prescription drug withdrawal, including Modafinil, the moment they arise. We utilize several proven detoxification techniques, ranging from tapering our clients slowly off the medication to providing them with non-narcotic medications that will help speed along the withdrawal process.

To learn more about the techniques we utilize or to learn more about the ins and outs of Modafinil withdrawal, please feel free to reach out to us. If you or someone you love has been struggling with prescription drug addiction, know that help is readily available – and is only a phone call away.


  • How do you reduce Modafinil Withdrawal Symptoms?

Published on: 2021-03-19
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Vyvanse Withdrawal Symptoms

Vyvanse is a medication used to treat ADHD in children and binge eating disorders in adults. The prescription is similar to other stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta. The chemical in Vyvanse, called lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, is a derivative of amphetamines, a highly addictive substance affecting neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

When used correctly and adequately prescribed, Vyvanse effectively treats symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other conditions it was designed for. However, the problem is that the drug is increasingly being abused. Easily shared between friends, the drug is becoming popular amongst teens and college students and is easily addictive for those without a prescription.

What Are the Symptoms of Vyvanse Withdrawal?

What Symptoms Could Occur During Vyvanse Withdrawal?

When a person stops taking Vyvanse, especially if they have been using it for an extended period or in higher doses, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to note that withdrawal from Vyvanse should be managed under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Common symptoms of Vyvanse withdrawal can include:

  1. Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness: Since Vyvanse is a central nervous system stimulant, withdrawal from the medication can lead to a person feeling extremely tired or fatigued.
  2. Depression: Stopping Vyvanse can cause changes in mood, including depression.
  3. Increased Appetite: While taking Vyvanse, appetite is often suppressed. When the medication is stopped, there can be a rebound effect, causing an increase in appetite.
  4. Insomnia or Sleep Disturbances: Even though a person may feel tired, they might have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  5. Anxiety: Some people experience heightened anxiety when they stop taking Vyvanse.
  6. Irritability or Mood Swings: Changes in mood, including irritability or mood swings, are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  7. Difficulty Concentrating: Since Vyvanse is used to improve focus in ADHD, stopping the medication can lead to decreased concentration and attention.
  8. Cravings: If the person develops a dependence on Vyvanse, they might experience strong cravings for the medication.
  9. Physical Aches and Pains: Some individuals report experiencing muscle aches or headaches during withdrawal.
  10. Vivid or Unpleasant Dreams: Changes in sleep patterns and dreaming are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
  11. Slower Movement and Thought Processes: As the stimulant effect wears off, the person may feel sluggish in both movement and thinking.

To minimize these withdrawal symptoms, it is usually recommended that individuals taper off Vyvanse gradually under the supervision of a healthcare provider, rather than stopping cold turkey. Additionally, supportive care, counseling, and, in some cases, medications may be used to help manage symptoms during the withdrawal process.

What Does Vyvanse Do?

Because the lisdexamfetamine molecule is so similar to the amphetamine molecule, high doses of Vyvanse have a high similarity to methamphetamines. For this reason, the drug is defined as a schedule II controlled substance in the U.S. because of its propensity to be abused.

These effects include:

  • Fluctuations between euphoria and Irritability
  • Increased energy
  • Increased heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Raised blood pressure
  • Dilated pupils

Addiction to amphetamines is a severe issue and one that affects addicts across all classes and creeds. One of the reasons that drugs like Vyvanse can be so dangerous is that they are legally prescribed substances, and therefore their use and abuse are easily justified. And the stigma in movies, television, and music is that legal amphetamines are no big deal! But is it harmless? It turns out the drug might have more of a negative effect on the mind and bodies of abusers than previously thought.

Abuse of Legal Stimulants

One of the reasons that legal stimulants can be so dangerous is that it reduces appetite so dramatically that weight loss is often a side effect of Vyvanse abuse. The impact of not receiving proper nutrition is especially detrimental for the bodies of teens and young adults where the drug proliferates. Indications of prescription stimulant abuse include:

  • Increased talkativeness
  • Boosted ego
  • Loss of sleep
  • Loss of weight
  • Withdrawal from friends/family after crashing

The Comedown from Vyvanse 

Another hazardous aspect of stimulant addiction is the comedown or crash after the use of amphetamines. Because the drug often creates a feeling of euphoria when used, the comedown is an extreme opposite. The crash is especially hard for those dealing with emotional pain or mental illness. Amplified feelings of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and apathy are common amongst those crashing from an amphetamine binge.

Is There Medical Detox for Amphetamine Withdrawal?

Unfortunately, there are no prescriptions that can be given to reduce symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal. However, this does not mean that detoxing from the drug in a medical facility is not recommended. Coming down from any drug with the help of trained professionals is always advisable. Having the support, knowledge, and access to continued treatment is essential to getting clean and staying clean from amphetamines.

According to the National Institute of Health:

Ongoing use (of amphetamines) can lead to dependence, which can be as hard to recover from as dependence on heroin or cocaine. (NIH)

With the seriousness of amphetamine addiction highlighted above, it’s more important than ever to seek help if you or your loved one is experiencing a dependence on Vyvanse or any other mind-altering chemical.

Treatment is the First Step to Vyvanse Recovery

Attempting to recover from addiction on one’s own significantly reduces the success rate of getting clean. For many of those struggling with amphetamine addiction, the underlying reasons or stresses for the need to abuse substances are overwhelming when not using the drug. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use problem, contact Allure Detox today. It may be the difference between life and death.


  • What happens when you stop taking Vyvanse?
  • What is a safe recommended Vyvanse tapering schedule?

Published on: 2021-03-14
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Dangers of Codeine Cold Water Extraction

Over the past two decades, Americans of ages, genders, social backgrounds, and demographics have been exposed to what has primarily become known as a nationwide epidemic. Opioid abuse, addiction, and overdose have mostly taken the country by storm, and nearly 130 American citizens currently lose their lives to opioid overdose every day. Heroin largely fuels the epidemic, but prescription opioid narcotics – like codeine – are also responsible for a significant number of overdose-related deaths.


What is Cold Water Extraction of Codeine?

Codeine Cold Water Extraction (CWE) is a method used to separate codeine from combination analgesic medications that contain paracetamol (acetaminophen), ibuprofen, or aspirin. The process takes advantage of the different solubility of these substances in water, allowing for the removal of potentially toxic ingredients while isolating the opioid for recreational use.

This practice is considered high-risk and poses significant public health concerns due to the dangers of opioid toxicity, overdose, and dependence.

Why Do People Use Cold Water Extraction?

Many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription combination analgesic products contain codeine phosphate along with acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen. Since consuming high doses of these non-opioid ingredients can cause severe liver toxicity (acetaminophen) or stomach ulcers and kidney damage (ibuprofen), CWE is used to reduce these risks while isolating codeine.

Common Medications Used for CWE

  • Co-Codamol (Codeine + Acetaminophen)
  • Co-Codaprin (Codeine + Aspirin)
  • Nurofen Plus (Codeine + Ibuprofen)
  • Panadeine Forte (Codeine + Acetaminophen)

Warning: CWE is not foolproof and does not guarantee complete removal of toxic substances.

How Does Cold Water Extraction Work?

The principle behind CWE is solubility:

  • Codeine phosphate is highly soluble in cold water (~800 mg/100 mL at 5°C).
  • Acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and aspirin are less soluble in cold water.

Basic CWE Process (Filtration Method)

  1. Crush Tablets – Pills are ground into a fine powder.
  2. Dissolve in Cold Water – The powder is mixed in a small amount of very cold water (~4°C).
  3. Filtration – A coffee filter or similar method is used to separate the solid acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or aspirin from the liquid.
  4. Consumption – The filtered liquid contains codeine and is consumed.

Risk: Poor filtration can still allow dangerous amounts of acetaminophen into the final product, leading to liver damage or failure.

Dangers & Risks of Codeine CWE

Although CWE is intended to reduce toxic effects from other analgesic products, it still carries serious risks:

1. Overdose & Respiratory Depression

  • CWE isolates codeine, which the liver metabolizes into morphine.
  • Large doses or combining with alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other CNS depressants increases the risk of fatal respiratory depression.

2. Liver Toxicity Risk Still Exists

  • Incomplete filtration can still leave toxic amounts of acetaminophen in the solution.
  • Over 4g of acetaminophen per day can cause acute liver failure, which may be fatal.

3. Increased Tolerance, Dependence & Addiction

  • Repeated use of CWE-extracted codeine increases tolerance, leading to higher doses over time.
  • This can result in opioid dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

4. Public Health Concerns

  • OTC access to codeine combination analgesics has led to concerns in clinical toxicology and addiction medicine.
  • Many countries (e.g., UK, Australia, Canada) have restricted access to codeine-containing OTC products due to the rise in misuse.

Side Effects of CWE-Extracted Codeine

Even when using CWE, codeine still carries risks:

  • Drowsiness & confusion
  • Nausea & vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness & low blood pressure
  • Itchy skin & allergic reactions
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms if used frequently

Regulations & Restrictions on Codeine

Due to the high-risk potential of opioid extraction from combination analgesic products, many governments have tightened regulations:

  • United Kingdom – Codeine is no longer available OTC; prescription required.
  • Australia – As of 2018, all codeine-containing products require a prescription.
  • Canada – Codeine-containing OTC medications are limited in availability.
  • United States – Codeine is a Schedule II-V controlled substance, depending on formulation.

Cold Water Extraction is a method used to separate codeine from combination painkillers, but it is not a safe practice. Even with filtration, toxic ingredients may still remain, and the extracted codeine still carries overdose and addiction risks.

If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid use, seek professional help. Treatment options, including medication-assisted therapy (MAT) with methadone or buprenorphine, can help manage opioid dependence safely.

Addiction to Codeine Requires Professional Help

If you or someone you know has been abusing codeine, seeking professional help is critical. Allure Detox is available to help you or your loved one take the first step on the lifelong road to recovery – medical detox. However, you might have a sneaking suspicion that someone you love has been grappling with codeine addiction, but you still might not be sure. If you are unsure, several signs will unquestionably indicate that your loved one needs treatment.

Codeine Cold Water Extractions Mean You’re Addicted to Codeine

How do you know that treatment has become a necessity? There are several ways to tell that treatment has become necessary and that codeine use has developed in substance abuse. One of the best ways to tell is to observe whether or not your loved one has been using the medication other than as prescribed – for example, crushing and snorting codeine in its tablet form or engaging in codeine cold water extraction (cwe). What is codeine cold water extraction? Essentially, this is one of many tampering with codeine to make it more easily abused and feel its effects more quickly. This is a popular method of tampering because it can usually be completed with several relatively basic household supplies.

Cold Water Extractions Are Not a Safe Way to Use Codeine

People who abuse codeine in this way extract the drug from over-the-counter cough syrup that contains codeine, either codeine/paracetamol 8/500mg or codeine/ibuprofen 12/200mg. Codeine cold water extractions increase the drug’s potency by removing all acetaminophen in the tablets, leaving pure codeine to abuse and get high on. This is absolutely an indication of a drug abuse problem – one that requires professional treatment. How do you tell if someone you love is using the cold water extraction method? The best way to tell is by looking through your loved one’s browser search history. Most people who use this method will need to research it extensively online because it is certainly not a straightforward – or safe – process.

Allure Detox and Codeine Addiction Recovery 

If you or someone you love has been abusing codeine in any capacity, seeking professional help is necessary – and medically monitored detox is always an essential initial step. Allure Detox offers a comprehensive and unique program of medical codeine detox, seeing as we tackle the root cause of addiction along with the physical and psychological symptoms of codeine withdrawal. Call us today to learn more about our detox program or get you or your loved one started on a long-term journey of codeine addiction recovery.


  • What is Codeine?

Published on: 2021-02-21
Updated on: 2025-02-19

Why Do People Nod Off On Opiates?

Opiates are one of the deadliest and most difficult drugs to quit, and there is rarely a recreational user. It is almost certain that when you start using opiates, you will become dependent on them and become addicted. This addiction will ruin your life utilizing taking all your money, your health, your friends and family, and all you have achieved in life so far, and if you are one of the many statistics, your life.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), more than 67,300 Americans died from a drug-involved overdose in 2018, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids. Drug overdose deaths rose from 38,329 in 2010 to 70,237 in 2017, followed by a significant decrease in 2018 to 67,367 deaths.

Nodding Out

TL;DR: People nod off on opiates due to the drug’s sedative effects on the central nervous system, leading to drowsiness and decreased consciousness.

Becoming Addicted to Opiates

Many addicts start off becoming addicted to opiates either by recreationally using pain medication or becoming dependent on their prescribed pain medication because of their chronic pain. Opiates that are commonly prescribed for pain are Codeine, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, and Oxycodone, just to name a few.

When it comes to abusing opiates, some have an intense euphoric rush when taken intravenously. The fierce rush is followed by many side effects that are common in other opioid drugs:

  • Nodding out
  • Extreme happiness followed by drowsiness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Drowsiness
  • Constricted pupils
  • Shallow breathing
  • Mental confusion
  • Lack of motor control
  • Slow heart rate

What Does Nodding Off On Opiates Mean?

The majority of those side effects are pretty self-explanatory except for one, “nodding out.” What is “nodding out”? Nodding out (or nodding off, which can be used interchangeably) is a common term for heroin or opioid-induced state that causes overdose-related deaths more often than any other drug euphoria or high. However, there are many dangers of nodding out on heroin and opiates.

Why Do You Not Out While On Opiates?

When opiates enter the brain, users feel an intense euphoria, or “rush.” However, this is inevitably followed by a period when the person experiences a trans-like state that shifts between drowsy and wide awake for many hours. It is referred to as nodding out or nodding off.

Nodding out is not an exact medical term, and it can be comparable to a student that is bored in class who is trying to keep his head up and stay awake; his head will “nod” and drop as he gets more and more sleepy, and then his head will inevitably jerk awake.

Nodding off occurs because opiates are sedatives that make users go from feeling alert but sleepy into such a deep sleep that they cannot be forced to wake up. This may seem like a perfect state of well-being for an opiate user, but it is commonly the first step on the road toward falling asleep and never waking up again.

Opiate Addiction Treatment at Allure Detox

If you or a loved one need to get off opiates and back to living, Allure Detox is here for you. If you are ready to take the next step in your path to recovery, we at Allure Detox can help. Allure Detox exists to help patients stop using drugs and alcohol safely. Unlike many facilities, Allure’s detox center treats addiction as a disease. Our team of specially trained physicians and nurses is committed to helping addicts and alcoholics achieve lasting recovery.


  • What drugs cause you to nod off?

Published on: 2021-01-15
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Mixing Suboxone and Tramadol

Millions of people in the United States suffer from pain that, if not treated, can affect their lives, including being able to work. Medical doctors remedy this by prescribing painkillers, but the abuse and overdoses have continued growing for years.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Since the 1990s, when the number of opioids prescribed to patients began to grow, the number of overdoses and deaths from prescription opioids has also increased. Even as the amount of opioids prescribed and sold for pain has increased, the amount of pain that Americans report has not similarly changed. From 1999 to 2017, almost 218,000 people died in the United States from overdoses related to prescription opioids. Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids were five times higher in 2017 than in 1999.


Is it safe to use Tramadol and Suboxone together?

Combining Tramadol and Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) is generally not recommended and should only be done under strict medical supervision.

Here’s why:

Drug Interactions

Both Tramadol and Suboxone affect the central nervous system. Tramadol is an opioid analgesic, while Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, and naloxone, an opioid antagonist. Mixing them can lead to unpredictable effects and potentially dangerous drug interactions.

Respiratory Depression

Both medications can depress the central nervous system and respiratory function. When taken together, there is an increased risk of severe respiratory depression, which can be life-threatening.

Serotonin Syndrome

Tramadol affects serotonin levels in the brain. Combining it with other medications that influence serotonin can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome, a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by symptoms such as agitation, confusion, rapid heart rate, and high blood pressure.

Precipitated Withdrawal

Suboxone can cause precipitated withdrawal in individuals who are dependent on full agonist opioids like Tramadol. This occurs because buprenorphine displaces other opioids from the receptors but activates them less, leading to sudden withdrawal symptoms.

Physical Dependence and Substance Abuse

Using both medications together can increase the risk of physical dependence and substance abuse. It’s crucial to follow a treatment program designed by healthcare professionals to manage opioid dependence safely.

FDA and Medical Advice

According to the FDA and other authoritative sources, combining these medications should only be done if specifically advised by a healthcare provider who can monitor the patient closely. They will consider factors such as the patient’s overall health, mental health status, and history of substance abuse.

While it’s not inherently safe to use Tramadol and Suboxone together due to the significant risks involved, a healthcare provider might manage both medications in a controlled setting if absolutely necessary. Always consult with a healthcare professional before combining these or any other medications.

Dangers of Polydrug Abuse

This crisis has brought new synthetic opioid painkillers into play, milder than your usual oxycodone, morphine, or fentanyl, therefore, thought to be less addictive like the latest painkiller, Tramadol. Besides those who are still in chronic pain that still needs medication to live everyday life, there are opioid medications that help those individuals with an opioid dependency.

Mixing Suboxone and Tramadol

Suboxone and Tramadol Are Addictive

Some might think that since one is to help you get off opioids and the other is a low grade, not as potent an opioid for pain, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to take them simultaneously. Or perhaps one was taken earlier in the day, and the drug is still in your body while you pop the other painkiller. This is a recipe for disaster. Besides death from overdose, it can increase your risk of seizures. Mixing Suboxone and Tramadol is not recommended, and you should know the risks.

Suboxone has been proven to be effective in safely getting addicts off opiates. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NIH), Suboxone is the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone used to treat opioid dependence (addiction to opioid drugs, including heroin and narcotic painkillers). Buprenorphine is in a class of medications called opioid partial agonist-antagonists, and naloxone is in a class of medications called opioid antagonists. Buprenorphine alone and the combination of buprenorphine and naloxone work to prevent opioid withdrawal symptoms when someone stops taking opioid drugs by producing similar effects to these drugs.

Tramadol, although weaker, is a synthetic opioid just like fentanyl, and it comes in an immediate-release form or an extended-release form. It has been thought by doctors to be a safer alternative to the more potent painkillers, but research shows it too can become dependent on and cause addiction, taken as prescribed or not. It has even been named more heavily than other painkillers because it is not highly addictive, even to those with a history of substance use disorder.

Mixing Tramadol and Suboxone Causes Deadly Effects

Mixing Suboxone and Tramadol could have deadly effects. If you have taken opioid medicines such as Tramadol for a while or taken a hefty dose of it, the buprenorphine in Suboxone may cause you to experience precipitated withdrawal. If you have only taken Tramadol for a short time, the Suboxone may reduce some of the effectiveness of your Tramadol, therefore, not controlling your pain as well.

As we know, taking Suboxone in its directed form will cause the naloxone to remain dormant and will only release the buprenorphine. The intake of two opioids at once can cause an overdose. If altered, Suboxone does have the potential to completely negate the effects of both Tramadol and buprenorphine, making the mixture useless. Further, mixing naloxone and Tramadol can lead to an increased risk of seizures.

Get the Help You Need

If you or a loved one may be dependent or addicted to opioids, we At Allure Detox can help get you back on track. We are a comfortable and evidence-based drug and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida. We can free you or your loved one from the physical symptoms of addiction and start you on the path to recovery. We offer detoxification from drugs and alcohol on a medical basis so that you can safely resume the life you once lived, the life you thought was lost forever.

Men and women emerge from Allure Detox healthy, sane, and prepared for a lifetime of recovery. Please contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.


  • Does Suboxone block Tramadol?
  • Does Tramadol help with Suboxone Withdrawal?
  • Does Suboxone help with Tramadol Withdrawal?
  • How long after taking Tramadol can you take Suboxone?

Published on: 2021-01-10
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Can You Get a False Positive Drug Test?

Most individuals will have gone through a drug test at least once in their lifetime. Drug testing is often done when applying for employment, especially for positions that may involve federal transportation, airline industries and pilots, bus drivers, trucker drivers, railways, hospitals, and other workplaces where public safety is of the utmost importance.

However, besides just for safety, workplace drug testing is now standard in general for many U.S. employers to lessen the impact of drug abuse, safety concerns, and low productivity in the workplace.

Can You Get a False Positive Drug Test?

Is it possible to get a false positive on a drug test?

Yes, you can get a false positive on a drug test. A false positive occurs when a drug test indicates the presence of a drug when the person has not actually used that drug. Several factors can contribute to false positives, including certain medications, foods, and medical conditions. Here are some common causes of false positives:


  1. Over-the-Counter Medications: Some antihistamines, decongestants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause false positives.
  2. Prescription Medications: Certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and medications for mental health conditions can lead to false positives.
  3. Weight Loss Medications: Some weight loss pills contain ingredients that might cause a false positive.

Foods and Supplements:

  1. Poppy Seeds: Consuming poppy seeds can result in a false positive for opioids.
  2. Dietary Supplements: Certain supplements, especially those that are not well-regulated, may contain substances that cause false positives.

Medical Conditions:

  1. Liver Disease: Some liver conditions can affect metabolism and cause substances to appear in the urine that might be misinterpreted as drugs.
  2. Diabetes: High levels of ketones in individuals with uncontrolled diabetes can sometimes cause a false positive for substances like alcohol or amphetamines.

Lab Errors:

  1. Sample Contamination: Contaminants in the sample can lead to incorrect results.
  2. Cross-Reactivity: Some drug tests are not specific enough and can cross-react with other substances that have a similar chemical structure.

Prevention and Mitigation:

  1. Inform the Tester: Always inform the testing agency about any medications, supplements, or foods you have recently consumed.
  2. Confirmatory Testing: If you receive a positive result, ask for a confirmatory test, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), which is more accurate and specific.
  3. Follow-Up: Discuss any unexpected positive results with your healthcare provider to explore potential causes and next steps.

False positives on drug tests can occur due to various factors. It’s important to communicate openly with the testing agency and seek confirmatory testing if necessary.

How Does Drug Testing Work?

Drug testing is the evaluation of a urine, blood, or another type of biological sample to determine if the person has been using any drugs against that workplace’s policy or determine if there may be a situation to be aware of. Many circumstances may require drug testing, which often includes:

  • Pre-employment drug screening test or random, work-related drug testing to identify on-the-job drug abuse.
  • College or professional athletic drug testing.
  • Post-accident drug testing is a vehicular or on-the-job accident involving human error and casualties or property damage.
  • Safety-related drug testing – if an employee’s job could lead to safety issues if the judgment or physical ability were impaired.

Prescription drug abuse is a severe problem in the U.S. As reported by NIDA; the Surgeon General states that alcohol and drug abuse, including tobacco, costs the economy over $740 billion per year. Costs are related to crime, lost work productivity, and health care.

We hear “false positive” as a defense from professional athletes or repeated drug users all the time when it comes to drug screens, but unexpected results on drug tests do happen.

What is a False Positive Drug Test?

A drug screen tests for the presence of certain illegal drugs and commonly abused prescription medications. A false positive means that the test has detected the presence of these substances in your body when you haven’t taken them.

You could be affected by a false positive at any time in your life, whether you’re applying for a job, playing sports, or participating in a drug rehabilitation program. Here are several common medications, prescription and over-the-counter, that can lead to a false-positive result on a drug screen.

Drugs That Can Cause False Positives

If you’ve taken one of these medications and had what you believe is a false positive test, speak to the employer, explain the issue, and speak with your healthcare provider to see if you can stop taking the medication or cut back on it. Then ask to repeat the test to confirm.


Dextromethorphan is an active ingredient in Robitussin, Delsym, and other over-the-counter cough suppressants. If you’ve taken medication with dextromethorphan in it, your drug screen may be favorable for opiates and PCP.


Diltiazem (Cardizem) is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) or slow your heart rate if you have atrial fibrillation. If you’re taking diltiazem, your urine drug screen may test as a false positive for LSD.


Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine found in allergy medications like Benadryl and sleep aids like Tylenol PM and Advil PM. If you’ve taken diphenhydramine, your drug screen may show a positive result for opiates, methadone, or PCP.


Used for sinus and nasal congestion like Sudafed, pseudoephedrine can cause false-positive tests for amphetamine or methamphetamine.


Ibuprofen, which is Motrin or Advil, and naproxen which is Aleve, are two widespread over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). If you’ve taken either of these, your urine screen may test positive for barbiturates or THC, and Ibuprofen may also show a false positive for PCP.

Get Help at Allure Detox

If you or your loved ones suffer from an addiction, let Allure Detox get you started on the right path. Allure Detox can help, and we are a comfortable and evidence-based drug and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida. We can free you or your loved one from the physical symptoms of addiction and start you on the path to recovery.

We offer detox from drugs and alcohol on a medical basis so that you can safely resume the life you once lived, the life you thought was lost forever. Addicts emerge from Allure Detox healthy, sane, and prepared for a lifetime of recovery. Please contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.

Published on: 2020-12-27
Updated on: 2025-03-03

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Relapse?

Recovery is a difficult journey and a lifelong one at that. Many addicts have felt the same feelings and had the same fears. One of those fears is the fear of relapsing. The difficult road it took to get to sobriety can be crushed when you think there could be a moment when it all goes “down the drain.”

It is common for one to relapse at some point after getting clean. It is said that it is part of lifelong recovery and the journey. Life is a learning process, and recovery, relapse, making mistakes, and starting over are often a part of that process.  It takes time to heal from an addiction fully, and there may be hiccups along the path.


What is a Relapse While in Recovery?

By the simplest definition, a relapse is when a person returns to using drugs or alcohol after a period of sobriety. Many people recovering from addiction face a consistently high risk of relapse because chronic substance use can result in specific structural and functional brain alterations that persist well beyond the period that sobriety was first obtained.

There are two actual types of relapse, one being the more “traditional” relapse which occurs when a person knowingly uses a drink or a drug to, for example, calm themselves down from a long day at work. The second type of relapse is called “freelance” which is when someone unintentionally uses a drink or a drug. This could happen when someone is given alcohol and thinks the beverage is non-alcoholic.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH):

For some drugs, a relapse can be very dangerous—even deadly. If a person stops taking drugs and then takes the amount they used before quitting, they can easily overdose. Their body is no longer used to having the same amount of the drug in its system. An overdose happens when a drug causes serious, harmful symptoms or death.

Many People Relapse and Recover Again

It can be very embarrassing and you may feel shameful about your relapse but you can’t let this stop you from moving forward. You first want to talk to your support, with people who have been through a relapse before.

Now you wonder since you slipped up, did you just throw all of your sobriety down the drain? A relapse can strengthen your recovery, revealing a weakness you may have overlooked. This is something you can learn from. There is no time frame as to when you recover from a relapse. Recovery is a way of life you work on every day in many different ways. You may want to consider some other steps after you have picked yourself up.

Picking Yourself Back Up After a Relapse

Should you go back to treatment? Whether or not you should return to treatment will depend on the severity of your lapse and the circumstances surrounding it. If the relapse consisted of a few hours or a few days, you might be able to veer back to your recovery path somewhat seamlessly. If you went on multiple week-long benders, another round of treatment might be in order. Like every addiction story is different, so is the path to recovery.

Look on the bright side. A slip may feel like the end of the world, but it’s an opportunity for growth and reinforcing basic life skills that need more work. Many people emerge from relapse with fresh motivation and strength to fight for their sobriety, as well as a deeper commitment to becoming and staying sober. This renewed motivation can help you come back from a relapse even stronger than you were before.

Overcome The Pain of a Relapse

Allure Detox can help you get back to your path of recovery. We are a comfortable, evidence-based drug and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida. We can free you or your loved one from the physical symptoms of addiction and start you on the path to recovery. We offer detox from drugs and alcohol on a medical basis so that you can safely resume the life you once lived, the life you thought was lost forever. Addicts emerge from Allure Detox healthy, sane, and prepared for a lifetime of recovery. Please contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.


  • How long does it take to recover from a relapse?

Published on: 2020-12-07
Updated on: 2024-12-22

How Long Does a Crack Cocaine High Last?

TL;DR: The effects of crack cocaine typically last about 5 to 10 minutes.

Drugs come in many forms and can be administered in many different ways. They also have other effects on the mind and body. Symptoms can range from being stimulated to having feelings of relaxation, and there are many various symptoms in between. Drugs can also last longer or shorter than others, depending on the type of drug and the administration.

crack cocaine

Crack Cocaine originates from a plant and differs in forms and ways it can be ingested. Crack Cocaine can come in a powdered form called Cocaine and Crack, which is a solid form. They are both cocaines, so they are the same, but they look different, feel different, depending on the administration, and are sometimes viewed differently socially, but both are dangerous.

How long does Crack Cocaine high last?

When you start feeling the effects and how long you feel them, crack cocaine varies and depends solely on how the drug is ingested.  Let’s look at the different ways it’s consumed and how long the high lasts.

  • Injecting Crack Cocaine – the onset of injecting cocaine is 10 to 15 seconds, and the high lasts from 5 to 15 minutes.
  • Snorting Crack Cocainethe onset of snorting cocaine is 1 to 3 minutes, and the high lasts from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Gumming Crack Cocainegumming cocaine is eating it or rubbing it on your gums. The onset of gumming cocaine is 1 to 3 minutes, and the high lasts for 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Smoking Crack Cocainethe onset of smoking crack cocaine is 10 to 15 seconds, and the high lasts for 5 to 15 minutes.
Method of UseOnset TimeDuration of High
Injecting10 to 15 seconds5 to 15 minutes
Snorting1 to 3 minutes15 to 30 minutes
Gumming1 to 3 minutes15 to 30 minutes
Smoking10 to 15 seconds5 to 15 minutes

The methods that get cocaine into your system or bloodstream faster allow the drug to wear off more quickly. The high and euphoria of smoking crack cocaine are very hard and very fast, making it one of the most psychologically addicting drugs. Once the high wears off, the drug leaves you craving more and more of it. Often, you will hear people say that they continue to smoke crack cocaine, trying to achieve that initial high and euphoria that they got when they took that first hit, and they are never able to obtain it.

Cocaine Drug Test Detection Times

How Long Does Crack Cocaine Stay in Your Urine, Hair and Blood?

Drug Test TypeDetection Time
Urine tests2-4 days (can be longer for chronic users)
Blood testsUp to 2 days
Saliva testsUp to 2 days
Hair follicles testsUp to 90 days

Important Notes:

  • Detection times can vary based on individual factors like metabolism, frequency of use, and the amount of cocaine used.
  • Chronic users may have longer detection times.
  • These are general guidelines, and specific tests may have different sensitivities.

Disclaimer: This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have concerns about drug use or testing, please consult a healthcare provider.

Crack Cocaine is a Quick and Dangerous High

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), Crack Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug made from the leaves of the coca plant native to South America. Although healthcare providers can use it for valid medical purposes, such as local anesthesia for some surgeries, recreational cocaine use is illegal. As a street drug, cocaine looks like a fine, white crystal powder. Street dealers often mix it with cornstarch, talcum powder, or flour to increase profits.

They may also mix it with other stimulant amphetamines or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. Adding synthetic opioids to cocaine is especially risky when people using cocaine don’t realize it contains this dangerous additive. Increasing numbers of overdose deaths among cocaine users might be related to this tampered cocaine.

Side Effects of Cocaine

Cocaine use carries a range of serious health risks due to its powerful stimulant effects. Here are some potential side effects:

  • Cardiovascular Issues: Cocaine significantly impacts the cardiovascular system. It can cause a dangerous increase in heart rate and blood pressure, putting users at high risk for heart attack, stroke, and other cardiac problems.
  • Weight Loss: Cocaine can suppress appetite, leading to weight loss and malnutrition with prolonged use.
  • Mental Health Problems: Cocaine use can contribute to or worsen existing health conditions, including mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, and even psychosis.
  • Other Health Problems: Beyond the immediate effects, cocaine use can damage the nasal septum, lead to respiratory problems, and cause a variety of other health problems.
  • Metabolites and Toxicity: The body breaks down cocaine into metabolites, some of which can be toxic and contribute to organ damage. These side effects can vary in severity and depend on factors like the amount of cocaine used, frequency of use, and individual health.

Get the Help You Need

Our crack cocaine addiction treatment center in West Palm Beach, Florida, embraces the updated mindset that treats addiction (addiction treatment) as a disease of the brain or substance use disorder. People who are addicted to cocaine require empathy and respect. No one intends to become addicted to cocaine or other drugs, or develop a substance use disorder. Addiction happens over time, after the drug has altered the brain’s normal functioning. Cocaine users often readily admit they need help. We have successfully been helping individuals detox from cocaine and methamphetamine, helping countless people achieve long-term recovery. We offer a variety of treatment options, including both inpatient and outpatient programs, allowing us to create individualized treatment plans. We understand that the length of time someone has been using cocaine, as well as their last use, are important factors in determining the most appropriate care.

Allure Detox is available for men, women, and young adults. We address both the physical and behavioral health aspects of addiction, and can connect individuals with mental health resources as needed. While we do not directly offer services like cognitive-behavioral therapy or support groups, we can help you find these resources as part of your aftercare plan. The admission process begins when we are contacted directly by you or your loved one. We’re waiting for your phone call around the clock, and our treatment program team is standing by to provide a confidential assessment for substance abuse treatment. We are committed to supporting your wellness journey.


  • What are the differences between Crack and Meth?
  • Does Crack Have a Smell?

Published on: 2020-12-04
Updated on: 2025-02-19

Is Methamphetamine a Prescription Drug?

When you think of methamphetamine you think of it as an illegal drug. Meth is a highly addictive drug that is known to make abusers think and do things that are very out of the ordinary. But there are a couple of medical situations where it is prescribed by a doctor as a prescription drug. It is available only through a prescription that cannot be refilled.

Today there is only one legal meth product, Desoxyn®. It is currently marketed in 5, 10, and 15-milligram tablets, in immediate-release and the extended-release formulation, and has very limited use in the treatment of obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Desoxyn tablets are indicated as the main part of a total treatment program which typically includes other coexisting treatments such as psychological, educational, social, for a stabilizing effect in children over 6 years of age with a behavioral syndrome characterized by the following group of developmentally inappropriate symptoms:

  • Moderate to severe distractibility
  • Short attention span
  • Hyperactivity
  • Emotional lability
  • Impulsivity

Obesity and Methamphetamine Use

Desoxyn can be used as a short-term, such as a few weeks use, to assist in a regimen of weight reduction based on caloric restriction, for patients who are obese and cannot lose weight when used other ways such as repeated diets, group programs, and other drugs.

There are great risks when taking anything that contains methamphetamine as it can be habit-forming, addictive, and dangerous. You should never take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer time than prescribed by your doctor. Prescription methamphetamine should only be taken for a short period when used for weight loss.

However, if you take too much methamphetamine you may find that the medication no longer controls your symptoms and you may feel a need to take large amounts of the medication quickly to becoming dependent on it. You may experience symptoms such as rash, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, irritability, hyperactivity, and unusual changes in your personality or behavior. Overusing methamphetamine may also cause serious heart problems or sudden death.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, an estimated 12.3 million Americans, or 5% of the adult population, have used methamphetamine at least once, claims a US expert on substance misuse. He also says an estimated 600 000 people are weekly users of the drug.

It doesn’t take long at all for a user of methamphetamines to become addicted and begin chasing their first high. This addictive drug increases levels of dopamine in the brain, causing a very euphoric and awake feeling.

Methamphetamine, when not used in the prescription Desoxyn, is usually called Crystal meth or just Meth, is generally created in illegal labs and made with ingredients that are highly toxic, explosive, and lead to a wide variety of complications and risks. These toxic ingredients include:

  • Battery acid
  • Brake fluid
  • Lighter fluid
  • Engine cleaner
  • Iodine
  • Paint thinner
  • Rubbing alcohol

Looking at the ingredients list for making methamphetamine, it’s easy to see that this drug is very dangerous to the body. No matter how a user ingests meth, they are slowly but surely poisoning themselves. This and many more are the reasons why Desoxyn is not prescribed frequently.

Negative Effects of Methamphetamine Use

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), methamphetamine use may worsen the progression of HIV/AIDS and its consequences. Studies indicate that HIV causes more injury to nerve cells and more cognitive problems in people who use methamphetamine than it does in people who have HIV and don’t use the drug. Cognitive problems are those involved with thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering.

The short-term risks include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Heightened body temperature
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Dilated pupils
  • Nausea
  • Bizarre, erratic, and even violent behavior
  • Irritability
  • Hallucinations
  • Panic and anxiety
  • Drug-induced psychosis
  • Convulsions and seizures
  • Death from overdose

The long-term health risks include:

  • Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain
  • High blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death
  • Liver, lung, and kidney damage
  • Breathing problems
  • Infectious diseases
  • Severe weight loss
  • Severe tooth decay
  • Disorientation/exhaustion
  • Long term psychosis
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of cognitive function

Users who continue to use methamphetamine over long periods are also known to have cognitive problems. It can cause changes in the brain that can damage coordination, verbal learning, emotion, and memory.

Unlike other drugs, meth is especially damaging to a person’s self-esteem and mental health. At Allure Detox our treatment team works with meth addicts and is all trained in meth addiction recovery. We have dedicated our careers to helping meth addicts regain their confidence, sense of wellbeing, and life purpose.

Treatment for Meth Dependence

If you or someone you love needs to be admitted into our West Palm Beach meth detox, the first step is to call one of our addiction recovery specialists. They will be able to make all the arrangements to have you or your family member admitted into the meth treatment and detox unit within 24 hours.

Published on: 2020-12-02
Updated on: 2024-12-22

Real Reviews from Real Clients

At Allure Detox, client safety and comfort are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect a warm welcome from every member of our team. We are committed to providing exceptional drug and alcohol detox services and creating an environment that supports long-term, successful recovery.