
Mixing Valium and Percocet

Valium also is known as Diazepam, is used to treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. It is also used to relieve muscle spasms and to provide sedation before medical procedures. This medication works by calming the brain and nerves. Diazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines.

Misuse of this medicine can cause addiction, overdose, and death, especially in a child or other person using the medicine without a prescription. Fatal side effects can occur if you use Valium with opioid medicine, alcohol, or other drugs that cause drowsiness or slow breathing.

Allure detox west palm beach FL

What are the Side Effects of Valium?

In summary, the harmful side effects of Valium are confusion, agitation, hyperactivity, hallucinations, decreased inhibitions, increased risk-taking behavior, aggression, depression, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self-harm, shallow breathing (feel need to pass out), muscle twitch or tremor, loss of bladder control, little or no urination, and or seizures.

Allure detox west palm beach FL

What is Percocet?

Percocet contains a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opioid pain medication, and an opioid is sometimes called a narcotic. Acetaminophen is a less potent pain reliever that increases the effects of oxycodone. Percocet is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Due to the high risks of addiction, abuse, and misuse, even at recommended doses, Percocet is only prescribed when treatment with non-opioid pain-relieving medication has not been tolerated or has not provided adequate pain relief. Percocet is not to be used if you have recently used alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers, or other narcotic medications.

What are the Side Effects of Percocet?

In summary, the harmful side effects of Percocet are hypotension (low blood pressure), respiratory depression, apnea (breathing stops), respiratory failure, circulatory depression, shock, and or death.

What are the Risks of Mixing Valium and Percocet?

Using narcotic pain or cough medication and other medications that cause central nervous system depression can lead to serious side effects, including respiratory distress, coma, and even death. Drug Interactions between Percocet and Valium are significant. Guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warn doctors of the risks of prescribing narcotic painkillers and benzodiazepines.

Drug overdose deaths involving benzodiazepines rose from 1,135 in 1999 to 11,537 in 2017. The bars are overlaid by lines showing the number of deaths involving benzodiazepines and any opioid, benzodiazepines without any opioid, and benzodiazepines and other synthetic narcotics. The number of deaths involving benzodiazepines in combination with other synthetic narcotics has been increasing steadily since 2014 while deaths involving benzodiazepines without any opioids have remained steady. (NIH)

The guidelines also advise doctors to tell their patients of the potential for a narcotic overdose. Data shows that mixing the two suppresses breathing. According to the data collected by the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2017 in the U.S., there were 17,029 overdose deaths caused by prescription opioids such as Percocet, and there were 11,537 deaths caused by Benzodiazepines such as Valium.

How Can Allure Detox Help with Valium and Percocet Addiction?

If you or someone you know is fighting with benzodiazepine and/or opioid dependence, Allure Detox provides a safe and comfortable environment for you to begin your journey in recovery. Our services meet our patients’ specific medical, mental, social, occupational, and family needs. We provide different therapies and treatments to maximize each person’s success by facing everyone’s health and happiness head-on.

Our addiction professionals will help you plan your care which includes but isn’t limited to outpatient therapy and residential treatment. Addiction isn’t easy to face, and Luckily you do not have to face it on your own. Take the first step towards recovery by reaching out to one of our confidential professionals at Allure detox.


  • Can you mix Valium and Percocet?

Published on: 2020-02-20
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Health Dangers from Snorting & Sniffing Pills

Addicts have found multiple ways of using drugs. Drugs can be taken orally, smoked, injected, and sniffed or snorted. Different ingestion methods achieve a more intense high in a shorter amount of time and have other side effects. Many addicts think by snorting a drug, they are safer because they aren’t injecting it intravenously. Another misconception is if an addict is snorting a prescribed drug rather than a street drug, they are also safer. Both of these misconceptions are far from the truth. Snorting prescribed drugs is just as dangerous as shooting up street drugs.

Some drugs that are commonly snorted include:

  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine
  • Heroin
  • Opioid painkillers, such as Vicodin, Percocet, and OxyContin
  • Prescription stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin

Why do people snort crushed pills?

People snort crushed pills to achieve a faster and more intense effect from the medication. When pills are taken orally, they pass through the digestive system, and it takes time for the active ingredients to be absorbed into the bloodstream. By crushing the pills and snorting them, the substance is absorbed directly through the nasal mucous membranes and enters the bloodstream more quickly, bypassing the digestive system.

This method of ingestion can lead to a more rapid onset of effects, which is often why it’s done for medications with euphoric or stimulating properties. However, snorting crushed pills is extremely dangerous. It can lead to severe health risks, including damage to the nasal passages, overdose, addiction, and other serious complications. Additionally, many pills contain binders and fillers that are not meant to be inhaled, which can cause harm when introduced to the nasal passages and lungs.

What are the Health Dangers from Snorting & Sniffing Pills?

Snorting or sniffing pills poses significant health dangers. Here are some of the major risks associated with this method of drug intake:

Physical Health Risks:

  1. Nasal and Sinus Damage: Irritation, inflammation, and damage to the nasal passages and sinuses, potentially leading to chronic nasal issues or infections.
  2. Respiratory Issues: Particles from the pills can enter the lungs, causing respiratory problems or infections.
  3. Nosebleeds: Frequent snorting can cause persistent nosebleeds.
  4. Loss of Smell: Potential damage to the olfactory receptors, leading to a reduced or complete loss of the sense of smell.
  5. Sinus Infections: Increased risk of sinus infections due to damage and irritation of the nasal passages.
  6. Perforated Septum: Severe damage to the nasal septum, the cartilage, and bone dividing the nostrils, which can result in a hole (perforation).

Systemic Health Risks:

  1. Cardiovascular Issues: Increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and risk of heart attack or stroke due to rapid absorption of the drug into the bloodstream.
  2. Toxicity and Overdose: Higher risk of toxicity and overdose as snorting often leads to faster and more intense drug effects.
  3. Infections: Risk of infections from contaminated drugs or paraphernalia.
  4. Organ Damage: Potential for liver and kidney damage from the high concentration of the drug and inactive ingredients.

Psychological and Behavioral Risks:

  1. Addiction: Increased risk of developing a substance use disorder due to the rapid and intense high.
  2. Mental Health Issues: Potential exacerbation of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and paranoia.
  3. Cognitive Impairment: Possible long-term cognitive deficits with prolonged use.

Other Risks:

  1. Impurities and Contaminants: Risk of snorting harmful substances that may be mixed with the pills.
  2. Legal Issues: Legal consequences associated with the misuse of prescription medications.

Snorting or sniffing pills can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening health issues. It is important to use medications only as prescribed and seek help if struggling with substance misuse.

What Is Sniffing/Snorting?

Snorting or sniffing is when an addict inhales a drug in powder form or a crushed-up pill through the nose. This way of administration is also referred to as nasal insufflation or intranasal.

Because it is misunderstood that snorting prescribed drugs, such as pills, is safer than shooting up street drugs, there has been a rise in overdoses due to snorting prescription pills.

Prescription pills are made to be taken in a particular way, often ingested orally, and to be released slowly. When taken the right way, the medication is broken down in the stomach before being absorbed into the bloodstream over time. By snorting, the drug’s full effect is released almost immediately by going straight into the bloodstream via blood vessels in the nasal cavity, which can have serious consequences.

Health Dangers from Snorting Pills

Your nose simply wasn’t meant to inhale powders. Sniffing or snorting drugs has multiple health consequences. You can damage your respiratory system, making it difficult for you to breathe normally. The mucous membranes in your nose are incredibly delicate and can be easily damaged. When these get damaged, they stop functioning normally, making your typical respiratory actions not work correctly.

Other side effects of snorting drugs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Shakiness
  • Dizziness
  • Increased heart
  • Loss of smell
  • Nosebleeds
  • Frequent runny nose
  • Problems with swallowing

Long-term effects are the most severe and often cause permanent damage to the nose. Long-term snorting of drugs sets up a cascade of infections and damage leading to perforation in the septum part of the nose. A nasal septum perforation is a medical condition in which the nasal septum, the bony/cartilage wall dividing the nasal cavities, develops a hole.

The belief that snorting drugs cannot lead to addiction is also far from true. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), the path to drug addiction begins with the voluntary act of taking drugs. But over time, a person’s ability to choose not to do so becomes compromised. Seeking and taking the drug becomes compulsive. This is primarily due to the effects of long-term drug exposure on brain function. Addiction affects parts of the brain involved in reward and motivation, learning and memory, and control over behavior.

If you or a loved one have been sorting or sniffing pills and noticed the signs of addiction such as:

  • Obsessive thoughts
  • Disregard of harm
  • Loss of control
  • Denial
  • Mood change
  • Loss of interest
  • Denial
  • Hiding drug use

We Are Here to Help with Drug Addiction

We At Allure Detox can help you get in the right direction to recovery. The priority of a detox is to help patients stop using drugs and alcohol safely. But Allure’s Medical detox offers more: a renewed love of life.

We look forward to working with you and your family to get your lives back on track. Contact us around the clock for a confidential assessment, and let’s see if Allure Detox is the right treatment center for yourself or a loved one.

Published on: 2020-02-05
Updated on: 2024-09-23

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

Track marks are injection marks on arms and the scars which remain after a person shoots up a drug, and these are the tell-tale signs of chronic intravenous drug use. The act of drug injection is often referred to as “jacking up,” “shooting up,” or “slamming” and is typically identified with the use of heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and opiates.

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

What Do Track Marks Look Like?

Track marks can look like small holes in the skin in various stages of healing. New puncture wounds may look bright red or pink, and scabs or recent scar tissue may cover the skin. Older track marks can look like white or light pink healed scars. Track marks can appear as puncture wounds or as discolored and scarred veins. The appearance of track marks is not only a sign of drug use; they also carry a social stigma due to the health risks that are associated with this drug sub-culture.

Track marks are often noticeable along the forearms, where visible veins are present, although they can be anywhere on the body that has been used as an injection site. But after infection of the forearms, the most frequently used site, addicts begin injecting drugs via other parts of the body, such as the neck, groin, hands, and feet. Many IV drug users are conscious of their track marks, prompting them to hide the visible signs of shooting up.

What are the Dangers of Having Track Marks?

track marks

The use of unsanitary needles can lead to severe skin infections, such as cysts, abscesses, and ulcers. One of the health problems associated with track marks is collapsed veins. Damage occurs to the lining of the vein, causing blood clots to form within. The vein can become blocked entirely with continued use of blunt needles, constant use of the same injection site, or improper injection techniques.

If not treated, permanently damaged veins can never be healed. Poor circulation can lead to brain problems, heart problems, stroke, kidney disease, and cyanosis of the limbs due to a lack of adequate oxygen supply. With cyanosis, limbs may feel numb and tingly and turn blue or black due to lack of circulation.

Those who share needles are at risk of contracting HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Tuberculosis, and multitudes of other blood-borne bacterial, fungal and viral infectious agents. The chances of catching a disease from a single needle stick are usually meager. But for hepatitis B, the odds can be as high as nearly 1 in 3 if the person hasn’t been vaccinated for it.

Hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) are the most common viral hepatitis infections transmitted through the sometimes risky behaviors by people who use drugs—particularly among people who inject drugs. (NIH)

Based on the data available for analysis as of January 5, 2020, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, there were, within 12 months, ending on June of 2019, 67,165 reported drug overdose deaths within the 50 states and the District of Columbia of the United States.

How Can Allure Detox Help an IV Drug Addict?

We are not an old-fashioned detox center, as not all detox centers are created equal. In the past, before addiction was understood, addicts were treated like criminals. We don’t force any way of life on patients because our methods are updated, which is why we stand out. We provide much more than the bare minimum.

Our services meet our patients’ specific medical, mental, social, occupational, and family needs independently. No two individuals are the same, and therefore, we create a recovery strategy exclusive to each addict and their needs. Take the first step towards recovery by reaching out to one of our confidential professionals at Allure Detox.


  • What do track marks look like?

Published on: 2020-01-31
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

Unfortunately, there will always be another new addictive drug, whether synthetic or natural, that can cure pain or aid in work productivity. Many of today’s illegal drugs, synthetic and from nature, used to be thought of as a cure with no side effects or dangers. Such drugs are cocaine, prescribed painkillers, heroin and many more. These drugs caused and are causing many of the world population’s deaths due to overdose and millions more are addicted.

Such a drug that is fairly new and thought to have no ill effects is Kratom. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), kratom (Mitragyna speciose) is a tree in the coffee family, found in Thailand and other tropical countries. Traditionally, in Southeast Asia, people have chewed their leaves or made them into a tea that’s used to fight fatigue and improve work productivity. Kratom has also traditionally been used during religious ceremonies and to treat medical conditions such as pain and diarrhea, sometimes as a substitute for opium.

What are Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms?

Kratom detox withdrawal symptoms can vary in severity and type but often resemble those of opioid withdrawal due to the way kratom affects the brain’s opioid receptors. Here are some common symptoms:

Physical Symptoms:

  1. Muscle Aches: Generalized body pain and muscle cramps.
  2. Sweating: Excessive sweating, often accompanied by hot flashes or chills.
  3. Runny Nose: Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  4. Nausea and Vomiting: Gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  5. Restlessness: Inability to stay still, feeling jittery or on edge.
  6. Tremors: Shaking or trembling, especially in the hands.
  7. Fatigue: Extreme tiredness and lethargy.

Psychological Symptoms:

  1. Anxiety: Increased feelings of anxiety or panic.
  2. Depression: Low mood and feelings of hopelessness.
  3. Irritability: Heightened irritability and mood swings.
  4. Insomnia: Difficulty falling or staying asleep.
  5. Cravings: Intense desire to use kratom again.

Duration and Management:

  • Duration: Symptoms typically begin within 12 to 48 hours after the last dose and can last for several days to a week.
  • Management: Gradual tapering under medical supervision, hydration, over-the-counter medications for symptom relief, and supportive therapies such as counseling.

Kratom withdrawal can be uncomfortable and challenging to manage alone. Seeking professional help can provide support and ensure a safer detox process.

Kratom Detox Withdrawal Symptoms

What is Kratom?

Two compounds in kratom leaves, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxy mitragynine, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing sedation, pleasure, and decreased pain when taken in high doses. Lower doses cause alertness instead of sedation.

Some people in Western countries use kratom to try to treat pain or manage opioid withdrawal symptoms. But there are also those that have an opioid addiction that maybe can’t obtain their drug of choice or are trying to get the same euphoric effects but want to go unnoticed since most drug tests don’t test for Kratom.

While, just like prescribed opioids intended use when used as directed, it has its positives by relieving pain, relaxation, improved mood, increased energy and treating opioid addiction. But with the good comes the bad when abused which include tolerance, dependence, addiction, and withdrawal.

NCCIH states that a variety of side effects of kratom have been reported. They include anxiety, irritability, and increased aggression, which may be related to the drug’s stimulant effects; and sedation, nausea, constipation, and itching, which may be related to its opioid-like effects. Increased pigmentation of the cheeks, tremor, loss of appetite, weight loss, and psychosis have been seen in long-term kratom users. Seizures have been reported in users of high doses of kratom.

Since Kratom is an opioid its detox withdrawal symptoms are similar to those addicts coming off heroin. It may be less severe, shorter, and less common but you will experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop your dose if you are taking large enough doses.


Kratom Detox is Similiar to Opioid Withdrawal

Withdrawal symptoms are similar to any other opioid. They typically appear within 12 to 48 hours of your last dose. Symptoms typically disappear within 3 days.

Commonly cited kratom withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Muscle aches
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Cravings
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Cramping
  • Tremor
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Sweating
  • Watering eyes
  • Runny nose
  • Hot flashes
  • Restless legs

There are also reports of heavy kratom users suffering from post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). PAWS happens to some people after withdrawal from a variety of substances. People tend to experience depression, anxiety, and insomnia that comes and goes in waves. It may be a few weeks or months before you feel like yourself again.

Allure Detox is Here to Help with Kratom Detox

It can be difficult to stop using kratom for many people. There are a couple of ways to go about it; cold turkey or slowly tapering off the drug. Whatever the path you choose, Allure Detox can help.

When it comes to Allure Detox, we provide much more than the bare minimum.  Of course, we help clients stop using safely – that’s just a given.  Almost as important as that, though, is that we offer clients the foundation for a lifetime of relief and recovery.

That’s the Allure Detox promise: that patients leave our care with more than good health at their disposal. Our focus is on minimizing your withdrawal symptoms to a comfortable level while beginning the comprehensive treatment process that will keep you sober.


  • Does Kratom withdrawal cause Restless Legs?

Published on: 2020-01-16
Updated on: 2024-09-23

I’m Addicted to Suboxone, Now What?

Despite the wide range of accessible therapeutic treatment programs throughout the United States, Suboxone has quickly become the preferred method of treating opioid addiction. For many, this is an unfortunate reality, seeing as Suboxone addiction can be just as devastating as addiction to heroin or other opioids.

If you have been struggling with Suboxone dependence, you may be feeling hopeless. “If this doesn’t work, then what will?” The good news is, there are numerous alternatives – all of which are more successful in helping opioid addicts maintain long-term sobriety. Suboxone addiction is not a joke, and while it can be a successful opioid replacement therapy, you’re really just substituting one substance for another.

Addicted to Suboxone

How to deal with Suboxone addiction?

Dealing with Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) addiction requires a comprehensive and multifaceted approach. Suboxone is commonly used to treat opioid dependence, but it itself can be misused and lead to dependence. Here are steps to address Suboxone addiction:

1. Seek Professional Help

  • Medical Evaluation: Consult with a healthcare provider or addiction specialist to assess the severity of the addiction and develop an appropriate treatment plan.
  • Detoxification: Undergo medically supervised detox to safely manage withdrawal symptoms.

2. Tapering Off Suboxone

  • Gradual Reduction: Work with a healthcare provider to gradually reduce the dose of Suboxone to minimize withdrawal symptoms and reduce dependence.
  • Monitoring: Regular monitoring by a healthcare provider to adjust the tapering schedule as needed and address any issues that arise.

3. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

  • Alternative Medications: If necessary, alternative medications such as methadone or naltrexone may be used to support the transition off Suboxone.
  • Symptom Management: Medications to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

4. Behavioral Therapies

  • Counseling: Individual or group counseling to address the psychological aspects of addiction.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A therapy that helps change negative thought patterns and behaviors associated with addiction.
  • Motivational Interviewing: A counseling approach that helps individuals find the motivation to change and commit to the treatment plan.

5. Support Groups

  • 12-Step Programs: Participation in groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) for peer support and accountability.
  • Non-12-Step Programs: Alternatives like SMART Recovery that focus on self-management and recovery training.

6. Lifestyle Changes

  • Healthy Routine: Establishing a healthy daily routine with regular exercise, nutritious diet, and sufficient sleep.
  • Avoiding Triggers: Identifying and avoiding situations, people, or places that trigger the urge to use Suboxone.
  • Stress Management: Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga to manage stress and prevent relapse.

7. Long-Term Follow-Up

  • Ongoing Support: Regular follow-up appointments with healthcare providers to monitor progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  • Relapse Prevention: Strategies and support systems in place to prevent relapse and maintain long-term recovery.

8. Family and Social Support

  • Involvement of Loved Ones: Educating family and friends about Suboxone addiction and involving them in the recovery process.
  • Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and understanding home environment to facilitate recovery.

Addressing Suboxone addiction requires a comprehensive approach involving medical, psychological, and social support. It’s important to seek professional help and follow a structured treatment plan tailored to individual needs.

What is Suboxone?

Suboxone is the brand name for a medication containing naloxone and buprenorphine. Naloxone is used to help reverse the effects of opioids, meaning that the feelings of elation, relaxation, and numbness that typically go hand-in-hand with opioid abuse will be eliminated. Those who use opioid narcotics are almost always doing so to experience the “high” – if the high is elusive, drug use will seem far less appealing.

Additionally, buprenorphine acts as an opioid agonist, which essentially reduces the urge to use and diminishes symptoms of withdrawal. Whereas most other opioid replacement medications must be prescribed in an inpatient treatment center by addiction specialists, Suboxone can be prescribed by a standard physician.

How Does Suboxone Addiction Begin?

The issue with Suboxone as a treatment for opioid addiction is simply that it can be highly addictive itself. Misuse of this specific medication can lead to physical and psychological dependence. If an individual is prone to substance abuse (which they undoubtedly are if they are being treated for opioid addiction), it is best to steer clear of this prescription medication. Still, many ‘recovering’ addicts have prescribed Suboxone, and when misused… the results can be devastating.

Treatment for Suboxone Addiction

Some consider Suboxone treatment nothing more than “trading one addiction with another.” If the medication is abused, it will inevitably turn out to be just that. If you find that you are struggling with this addiction, help is available. As is the case with almost every drug addiction treatment program, medically monitored detox is a necessary first step. Once an individual has safely undergone withdrawals from Suboxone, he or she must immediately enter into a residential treatment program. Inpatient treatment will last for between 3 and 6 months and will consist predominantly of individual and group therapy.

The main benefit of inpatient treatment is allowing newly sober individuals the support and structure they need to begin down the road of long-term recovery. If you have been struggling with Suboxone addiction, you may be feeling confused, seeing as this specific drug is marketed as a “cure” (or at the very least, an aid) to help cure other “more serious” addictions. In truth, Suboxone addiction is very serious, and it must be treated just the same as other opioid dependencies.

Allure Detox and Treatment for Suboxone Addiction

Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives to treatment with Suboxone that don’t include eventually dealing with the Suboxone addiction itself once you’re ready to come off Suboxone – among the most popular being intensive, therapeutic inpatient rehab. We at Allure Detox will help you or your loved one find the right treatment center to suit all of your personal needs. Many heroin addicts (and those addicted to other opioids) have maintained long-term recovery with the assistance of rehab and long-term outpatient treatment – usually by means of continued therapy and regular attendance at a 12-step program (such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous).

We at Allure Detox understand the seriousness of Suboxone addiction, and our team of licensed and dedicated professionals is here to help. If you or someone close to you has been struggling with Suboxone addiction or dependency, please feel free to give us a call today. We look forward to hearing from you soon.


  • Can you become addicted to Suboxone?
  • How to detox from suboxone?
  • How long does it take to get addicted to suboxone?

Published on: 2019-10-16
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Does Imodium Work for Opioid Withdrawal?

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) state the Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, morphine, and many others.

Approximately 10.3 million people aged 12 or older in 2018 misused opioids in the past year. This number of past-year opioid misusers corresponds to 3.7 percent of the population, according to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

Many people who abuse painkillers usually become addicted to them. Some of those people may move on to abusing harder illegal drugs such as heroin because it’s cheaper than prescription drugs.

Imodium for opioid withdrawal

Is Imodium effective for opioid withdrawal?

Imodium (loperamide) can help alleviate certain symptoms of opioid withdrawal, but it is not a comprehensive treatment. Here’s how it works and its limitations:

How Imodium Helps:

  1. Diarrhea Relief: Loperamide is an anti-diarrheal medication that helps reduce diarrhea, which is a common symptom of opioid withdrawal.
  2. Digestive Comfort: It can help manage abdominal cramping and discomfort associated with withdrawal.


  1. Limited Scope: Imodium only addresses gastrointestinal symptoms and does not alleviate other withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, muscle pain, insomnia, or cravings.
  2. Potential for Misuse: Some people may misuse loperamide in high doses in an attempt to self-treat withdrawal or achieve opioid-like effects, which can lead to serious health risks, including heart problems.
  3. Not a Substitute for Comprehensive Treatment: While it can provide some symptom relief, Imodium is not a substitute for medically supervised detoxification and treatment.


  • Medical Supervision: It’s important to use loperamide under medical guidance to avoid potential misuse and complications.
  • Part of a Treatment Plan: Imodium should be used as part of a broader opioid withdrawal management plan, which may include other medications and supportive therapies.

Imodium can help manage diarrhea during opioid withdrawal but should be used cautiously and as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Is Opioid Abuse Leading to a Decline in Your Life?

Those who become addicted to drugs, such as opioids, most likely always decline one’s general quality of life as an effect. Some of the consequences include loss of interest in hobbies, loss of friends or connect with family, late work or loss of a job, deterioration of health, isolation, and many more. One may even think of quitting drugs altogether, turning their life around, because of these consequences but cannot because of the fear of withdrawal.

When one stops taking opioids, the drug quickly leaves the body. Without the drug that the body is used to getting, it goes into withdrawal. Opioid withdrawal symptoms usually start not too long after the drug was last ingested; the timeline depends on the method of use. Opioid withdrawal symptoms include, but are not limited to, body aches and pains, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, trouble sleeping, and more. Over time the symptoms will end, but most individuals don’t go through this “cold turkey” without some form of medicinal help or without giving up and relapsing and returning to using opioids.

Going through opioid withdrawals is not life-threatening, even though it may feel like it. It is very uncomfortable, and it is not recommended to go through it alone without medical attention. A healthcare professional can help guide you through the withdrawals with medicine, such as methadone or buprenorphine, that will slowly wean one off the opioids.


Using Imodium for Opioid Detox

Although not recommended and usually not successful, some try to detox themselves at home with home remedies one may find online. This can be very dangerous, depending on what is instructed to take for the withdrawal symptoms and the dosage.

One of the home remedies that is often used is anti-diarrheal medication, such as Imodium. Imodium is an over-the-counter medication that prevents one from having diarrhea. While it’s technically an opioid, Imodium (loperamide) does not cross the blood-brain barrier to create an opioid-based high. However, many people assume it will act as a detox medication that can help with many common withdrawal pains, but this is not true. Imodium only treats diarrhea because it doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier at regular doses, so there is no high experienced.

Because of these misconstrued concepts of Imodium helping with opioid withdrawal, there is a possibility for overdoses when taken more than severe directed symptoms can occur, including urinary retention, liver damage, and something called paralytic, ileus a stoppage of the intestine.

Conclusion About Imodium for Opioid Withdrawal

So does Imodium work for Opioid withdrawal? No, not effectively, so you should never self-medicate and always have a medical professional around if such symptoms arise, and that is where Allure Detox comes in. We detox patients on a medical basis, which allows us to give patients more than safety, and our medically supervised opioid detox will help ease your painful withdrawal symptoms.

Our detox programs use Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) to detox patients from opiates. And if need be, we administer MAT’s to help patients maintain long-term recovery. Sometimes, additional help is required, but these prescription drugs give every addict a chance for permanent recovery. Please call us today if your family is suffering from opiate addiction.

Published on: 2019-10-09
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Does Narcan Always Work?

Narcan is a life-saving drug that stops the deadly effects of opiates on a person who is experiencing an accidental overdose, thus saving them from dying. When a person overdoses on opioid drugs like heroin, fentanyl, or prescription pain pills such as Vicodin, Percocet, or Dilaudid, their breathing slows or stops, and oxygen is limited. This means their heart and brain begin to stop functioning, causing death. A person overdosing from opiate-based drugs will not move and appear in deep sleep or unconscious. Their lips and skin will be gray or blue, and their breathing will be limited. These symptoms of overdoses are reversed when a dose of Narcan is administered.

Narcan is the name brand used for Naloxone; Naloxone is a medication designed to stop an opioid overdose quickly. It is an opioid antagonist—meaning that it binds to opioid receptors and can reverse and block the effects of other opioids. As a life-saving medication, Narcan restores normal breathing and consciousness to a person who may be close to dying because of the potency of the opiate drug they took to get high. Narcan is administered as an intramuscular injection in the thigh, hip, or upper arm, or it can be sprayed into the nose with a nasal spray.

Does Narcan Always Work

Is Narcan always effective?

Narcan (naloxone) is highly effective in reversing opioid overdoses, but it does not always work in every situation. Here are some important points to consider:


  1. Opioid-Specific: Narcan is effective only for opioid overdoses. It will not reverse overdoses from other substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or stimulants.
  2. Dosage and Timing: The effectiveness of Narcan depends on the dose administered and the timing. Multiple doses may be needed if the person has taken a high amount of opioids or long-acting opioids.
  3. Severity of Overdose: In cases of severe overdose, especially involving potent opioids like fentanyl, Narcan may need to be administered multiple times, and immediate medical attention is crucial.


  1. Underlying Health Conditions: If the individual has other severe health issues or complications, Narcan may be less effective or may not fully revive them without further medical intervention.
  2. Polysubstance Use: If the person has ingested a combination of drugs, Narcan will only address the opioid component of the overdose.

Key Considerations:

  1. Emergency Response: Narcan is a temporary solution. Even if it successfully reverses the overdose, it is essential to seek emergency medical help immediately, as the effects can wear off, leading to the risk of re-overdose.
  2. Availability: Having Narcan accessible and knowing how to use it can save lives, but it is not a substitute for comprehensive addiction treatment and support.

While Narcan is a critical tool in combating opioid overdoses and can be life-saving, it is not infallible and should be used as part of a broader emergency response and treatment strategy.

How to Get Narcan for an Opiate Overdose

Narcan is available with or without a prescription, depending on the state that you’re in. All emergency responders, schools, government offices, medical facilities, and private or public organizations that support addiction recovery often have access to Narcan. Many employers and other private businesses also make Narcan available in case of an accidental overdose at work. It has become a lot more known in recent years as the opioid epidemic continues to ravage the country.

Narcan Doesn’t Always Work On All Opiates.

The question on many addicts’ minds is…does Narcan always work? Unfortunately, a new dangerous drug on the street affects all drug addicts, not just heroin and opiate addicts, that one dose of Narcan cannot always reverse. This dangerous drug is undeniably Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opiate added to heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and mixed with Ecstasy and other club drugs. The reality of Fentanyl is that it kills many people…and very quickly. Accidental overdoses occur even when a  person does not decide to take an opioid drug intentionally.

The potency of Fentanyl is why this drug is so dangerous. Drug dealers and addicts may not realize how much of the drug they are adding to other drugs, making it a deadly dose of cocaine, meth, or tab of ecstasy. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine, and it takes to kill a person is very small. Therefore, Fentanyl overdoses are the most likely to require repeated doses of Narcan to stop the effects of the Fentanyl on the user’s body.

Another essential fact about Narcan is that it will reverse the effects of all opiates, but one dose of Narcan may not be enough depending on how much of an opiate the person has taken. As in the case of Fentanyl overdoses and other potent opiate-based narcotics, Narcan often has to be repeatedly administered to begin reversing the effects. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that very high doses of opiate drugs in a person’s body may limit Narcan’s ability to stop an overdose.

“Naloxone alone may be inadequate if someone has taken large quantities of opioids, very potent opioids, or long-acting opioids. For this reason, call 911 immediately for every overdose situation.” (CDC).

However, the current research on Narcan proves that it is reducing mortality and THK’s or take-home kits are now of interest by the medical field. A recent systematic review conducted by McDonald and Strang (2016) noted:

“When communities were compared that implemented THKs versus no THKs and their findings indicate decreased overdose deaths in communities with THKs…It can be viewed as unethical to withhold naloxone, a known lifesaving medication for those experiencing an opioid overdose.” (McDonald, Strang)

THK’s are effective and should be prescribed to the following persons who are at risk for an accidental overdose, per the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS):

If you or someone you know meets any of the following criteria, there is an elevated risk for an opioid overdose:

  • Misusing prescription opioids (like oxycodone) or using heroin or illicit synthetic opioids (like fentanyl or carfentanil).
  • An opioid use disorder, especially those completing opioid detoxification or being discharged from treatment that does not include ongoing use of methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone.
  • Being recently discharged from emergency medical care following an opioid overdose.
  • Being recently released from incarceration with a history of opioid misuse or opioid use disorder.

It should be noted that, in addition to the above patient populations, patients taking opioids as prescribed for long-term management of chronic pain, especially those with higher doses of prescription opioids or those taking prescription opioids along with alcohol or other sedating medications, such as benzodiazepines (anxiety or insomnia medications), are also at elevated risk for an overdose.” (HHS).

Those at risk for an opioid overdose should seek out addiction treatment immediately. Every second in active addiction makes it more challenging to find the courage to reach out for help.

Narcan Can Still Be Effective with a Fentanyl Overdose

Although Narcan may have to be repeatedly administered to prevent a fatal overdose, the effectiveness of Narcan overall is excellent. If you or your loved one are addicted to opiates and are ready for recovery, Allure Detox in West Palm Beach, Florida, has a specific opiate drug detoxification regimen. Please remember that not all opioids have the same potency. Therefore a person addicted to Fentanyl versus a person addicted to a low dose of Percocet will require a different detoxification approach.

To be admitted within 24 hours into our inpatient West Palm Beach detox center, the first step is to speak with one of our representatives. They will make all the arrangements for your journey to lasting sobriety.

Published on: 2019-08-15
Updated on: 2024-09-23

Can You Die From Benzo Withdrawal?

The question on many people’s minds is: can benzo withdrawal kill you? Yes, people have died as a result of withdrawal complications from the extended use of benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines are sedative drugs generally prescribed to treat insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, and a host of mental health conditions. Benzodiazepines also referred to as benzos, are very lethal when combined with alcohol or opioids.

Can You Die From Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

Statistics released by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) indicated that between 1999 and 2017, overdose deaths involving benzodiazepines increased from 1,135 to 11,537. According to the same source, the number of deaths in the United States due to combining benzodiazepines with other synthetic narcotics has been on the rise since 2014.

Commonly abused benzos include Xanax (Alprazolam), Valium (Diazepam), Klonopin (Clonazepam), and Ativan (Lorazepam). The number of adults prescribed benzodiazepines continues to increase despite its potency for misuse and addiction. Between 1996 and 2013, the number of benzodiazepine prescriptions filled by adults in the United States rose from 8.1 million to 13.5 million, a 67% increase over previous years. As a result, emergency room visits are standard when people run out of benzos or become severely addicted, fatal if left untreated.

TL;DR: Yes, severe benzodiazepine withdrawal can be life-threatening and lead to complications like seizures, which, if not managed, can be fatal.

How Benzodiazepines Work In the Body

Benzos belong to a class of drugs known as Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants. When taken into the body, benzodiazepines become active within minutes of entering the bloodstream. They slow down the brain’s activity, exhibiting a calming or sedative effect on users’ bodies by increasing the level of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

When benzos are mixed with other narcotics such as opiates, it carries a very high risk of overdose death because both drugs act as sedatives and suppress breathing. Additionally, a combination of both medications negatively impairs cognitive functions. Bezo withdrawal can kill you if it’s not safely and clinically tapered dosages.

Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Overdose

Benzodiazepine overdoses usually lead to fatal consequences. You must recognize the signs and symptoms of benzodiazepine overdose in your loved one to seek appropriate help immediately. If you notice the following signs in your loved one, they may have overdosed on benzos:

  • Blurred Vision
  • Uncontrolled muscles twitching
  • Trembling
  • Disorientation
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Impaired mental coordination
  • Coma

Benzodiazepine overdose should be treated in a hospital, so it’s important to contact emergency services immediately. This could mean the difference between life and death for your loved one.

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) describes withdrawal as a group of physical and psychological symptoms that manifest due to stopping the regular dosage of a particular drug. Withdrawal symptoms are far-ranging, and however, in almost all cases, they tend to exaggerate the very physical manifestations they were supposed to suppress.

Benzodiazepine withdrawal can result in irrepressible and fatal seizures. You should never attempt to quit using benzodiazepine suddenly or on your own. It may take weeks or even months to taper off withdrawal symptoms safely without adversely affecting your life.

The following are symptoms associated with benzodiazepine withdrawal:

  • Irritability
  • Panic attack
  • Profuse sweating
  • Increased heart rate
  • Inflated blood pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Trembling
  • Confusion
  • Heightened anxiety

Guidelines for Benzo Withdrawal Management

If you are dependent on Central Nervous System depressants such as benzodiazepines, there’s a high probability that you will experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms when you come off the drug.

There are standard medical and psychological guidelines for managing patients experiencing discomforts due to withdrawal symptoms, known as Withdrawal Management (WM). At Allure Detox, we have years of experience in offering world-class benzo detox treatment that minimizes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Even a casual brush with benzodiazepines can lead to a chemical dependency. It’s challenging to recover from drug addiction on your own, especially without help from a detox program specializing in benzodiazepine abuse. At Allure Detox, we provide withdrawal management through medical detoxification in a systematic way. In this controlled environment, our clinical team provides the necessary support needed to cope with the discomfort felt in the detox process.

As with other psychotropic drugs, withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be pretty dangerous if handled carelessly. Depending on the length of usage and severity of your addiction, symptoms can take complex dimensions within hours of taking the last dose.

Withdrawal symptoms often progress over time, leading to possible seizures, hallucinations, confusion, Delirium Tremens, increased blood pressure, and heart rate. These symptoms are potentially life-threatening, and there have been cases of reported deaths directly due to benzo withdrawal.

Generally, the most reliable way to manage benzodiazepine withdrawal is to administer the drug in gradually decreasing amounts until the effects begin to wear off. This helps in relieving unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and prevents the onset of seizures. Other medications may be administered to reverse the effects of benzo withdrawal.

Manage Your Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Safely at Allure Detox

If you or a loved one are struggling with benzodiazepine addiction and have been delaying seeking professional help, you may be putting yourself in harm’s way. Our well-structured benzodiazepine detox program will help you come through the withdrawal phase without the usual pain and discomfort. Our team of addiction experts is available to give you 24-hours supervision throughout the whole withdrawal period. Medical detoxification has been recognized worldwide as one of the first steps in any addiction treatment program.

You must take action now to set yourself free from the grip of chemical dependence. Contact us today and start your journey to a life of sobriety without any delay. Recovery is possible for you, regardless of how long you have been addicted to benzos such as Xanax, Valium, Klonopin, or Ativan. Give your life a new turn by speaking to one of our addiction detox specialists around the clock.

Published on: 2019-02-21
Updated on: 2024-09-23

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At Allure Detox, client safety and comfort are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect a warm welcome from every member of our team. We are committed to providing exceptional drug and alcohol detox services and creating an environment that supports long-term, successful recovery.