If you would like to learn more about Allure Detox, the fastest way to get your questions answered is to give us a call! We have friendly representatives available to take your call 24 hours a day.
If you would like to learn more about Allure Detox, the fastest way to get your questions answered is to give us a call! We have friendly representatives available to take your call 24 hours a day.
Mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”
There is a common misconception in circulation that has proven devastating for many men and women across the country. People believe that if a medical professional has prescribed a medication, it is completely safe to use even when taken other than as intended.
The truth is that abusing a prescription medication can result in devastating consequences, including addiction and overdose-related death. Methylphenidate, the generic name for the ADHD medication Ritalin, is one of many prescription medications regularly abused.
Can You Take Too Much Methylphenidate?
Young adults between the ages of 18 and 24 tend to abuse this specific medication more than members of any other demographic, largely because it works to increase alertness which benefits those enrolled in demanding classes (college-aged people, more specifically). What happens if you take too much? It is important to understand that a person can overdose on any chemical substance, whether that substance is alcohol, an illegal drug like heroin or methamphetamine, or a legal substance that a doctor prescribes to treat a legitimate mental illness.
Consequences After Methylphenidate Misuse
If a person takes too much methylphenidate, they can overdose, and the overdose can lead to an untimely death if it is not caught immediately and reversed. Continue reading to learn more about methylphenidate overdose, and remember that you can always reach out to Allure Detox if you have any additional questions.
Methylphenidate Overdose Symptoms
Methylphenidate is a stimulant drug, meaning it works by speeding up several of the body’s vital processes. For example, when a person ingests a large amount of methylphenidate, their heart begins to beat more quickly, their blood pressure rises, and they begin breathing more rapidly, maybe finding it difficult to catch their breath. They might experience a significant rise in body temperature as well. The symptoms associated with a methylphenidate overdose include:
Intense headache
Severe abdominal cramping
Tachycardia (rapid heart rate) or heart palpitations
Extreme agitation
Muscle twitching or severe muscle pain
Weakness throughout the body
Hallucinations and delirium/seeing and hearing things that are not there
Feelings of dissociation or detachment from reality
Elevated body temperature
Uncontrollable shaking/body tremors
How much methylphenidate can a person take before they overdose? This answer varies on a person-to-person basis. Some people, often people with low body weight or pre-existing health conditions, might experience an overdose after taking only slightly more than the recommended dose. It is always better to play it safe and avoid taking more medication than is prescribed. If you were prescribed methylphenidate for ADHD and felt like you need to up your dose, consult with a medical professional.
Seek Professional Help For Methylphenidate Abuse
Never make decisions like this on your own. If you have been struggling with a methylphenidate abuse issue, seek professional help. Medical detox is always a recommended first step — not only because stimulant withdrawal can result in severe physical and psychological symptoms, but because professional detox centers like Allure Detox offer additional services that are important to continued sobriety.
Stimulant Withdrawal Program at Allure Detox
At Allure Detox, we effectively treat all symptoms associated with stimulant withdrawal using a combination of medication-assisted treatment options, holistic approaches, and therapeutic services. The symptoms associated with stimulant withdrawal (like methylphenidate withdrawal) are largely psychological, meaning a dual-diagnosing approach to detox is often necessary.
Find Sobriety and Clean Life at Allure Detox
At Allure Detox, we have licensed psychiatric professionals on staff who help treat the psychological symptoms of withdrawal, including anxiety, depression, and insomnia. If one of our clients were initially prescribed Ritalin to treat a pre-existing attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, we would look into non-habit-forming alternatives.
We utilize intensive therapy to help our clients begin working through underlying issues in a safe and supportive setting, and we offer rehab placement services whenever necessary. To learn more about our medical detox program or methylphenidate withdrawal.
How much Methylphenidate will cause an overdose?
We must emphasize the importance of using medications responsibly and under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It is critical not to misuse medications, especially stimulants like methylphenidate, which have a potential for abuse and serious health consequences.
The amount of methylphenidate that could cause an overdose varies depending on several factors including an individual’s tolerance, body weight, metabolism, and any underlying health conditions. There is no safe amount above the prescribed dose.
Symptoms of methylphenidate overdose can include:
Agitation or paranoia
Rapid heart rate
High blood pressure
Muscle tremors or seizures
Nausea or vomiting
In severe cases, an overdose of methylphenidate can lead to heart attack, stroke, seizures, or even death.
If you suspect someone has taken an excessive amount of methylphenidate or is showing signs of an overdose, it is crucial to seek emergency medical help immediately.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use or addiction, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional or support group. It’s essential to prioritize safety and well-being.
TL;DR – The family plays a crucial role in drug abuse prevention by providing education, modeling drug-free behavior, maintaining open communication, setting boundaries, monitoring activities, offering emotional support, intervening when necessary, teaching coping skills, promoting engaging activities, and controlling access to drugs.
Addiction is often referred to as a “family disease.” This doesn’t mean that addiction is passed down from generation to generation (though genetic predisposition is a major risk factor), but that when one family member struggles with an addictive disorder, everyone is affected. If you have watched a loved one struggle with a substance abuse disorder, you have probably felt frustrated, helpless, hopeless, and alone.
How to React When Family Members Abuse Drugs?
These are all common emotional responses to addiction. When one person in the family is suffering, the remainder of the family is deeply impacted on a mental and emotional level. This is why it is so important that each member of the family heals alongside their loved one once the addictive disorder is finally addressed.
If you have never experienced a loved one struggle with addiction firsthand, there are numerous ways to prevent these unfortunate circumstances from developing. What is the role of the family in the prevention of drug abuse? The family plays several vital roles. First of all, having open conversations with your children from a young age is always a good idea. Unfortunately, rates of substance abuse and dependence among adolescents and young adults are on the rise.
Are Conversations a Key Relapse Prevention Method?
This is why having a conversation about the risks involved in experimentation is appropriate. You might feel as if adolescence is a little too early to have such a heavy conversation, but children are exposed to chemical substances from a younger and younger age. What other roles does the family play when it comes to prevention?
The Role of the Family Unit in Prevention Substance Abuse
What role does the family play in the prevention of drug abuse? While it depends heavily on the ways in which the specific family unit functions, the role should be:
One of the best prevention methods is sitting down with an adolescent (between the ages of 10 and 13) and having an open and honest discussion about the dangers involved in drug and alcohol use. Unfortunately, many adolescents begin experimentation with no context, and they are unaware of how rapidly physical and psychological dependence can develop. They simply assume that everyone experiments, and so it must be okay.
If there is a family history of substance abuse, it is good to keep chemical substances out of the household. Children get curious, and they tend to find things that they aren’t supposed to find. So maintaining a substance-free home is a great way to prevent drug use.
If parents notice that their child is showing signs of an underlying mental health condition or unresolved trauma, they must seek adequate treatment for their child as quickly as possible. This might mean setting up an appointment with a psychiatric professional or with a licensed therapist. When underlying issues go untreated, they have a propensity to develop into drug abuse disorders over time.
Allure Detox and Drug Addiction Recovery
At Allure Detox, we offer a comprehensive program of medically monitored detox. We believe that medical detox should be about much more than a pain-free drug or alcohol withdrawal and an eventual transition to physical stabilization.
We believe that family involvement should begin as early on as the detox process, which is why we offer several services geared towards the family members of our clients. Not only have we developed an admissions process that takes much of the stress and pressure off of the loved ones of our clients, but we also offer family therapy services to begin helping the family members of our clients heal individually.
Start Healing Addiction Misuse at Allure Detox
We know just how difficult it can be to watch a loved one struggle with addiction, seeing as most of our staff members have helped a family member or a close friend through the recovery process themselves.
We understand that while you do experience a great deal of relief when your loved one finally agrees to seek treatment, you are often left feeling emotionally depleted and mentally worn out. For this reason, seeking therapeutic care for yourself is important – and we are available to help get that ball rolling.
What is the Role of Family in the Prevention of Drug Abuse?
The role of family in the prevention of drug abuse is significant. Here’s a concise breakdown:
Education & Awareness: Families can educate members about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse.
Modeling Behavior: Parents and older siblings serve as role models. Demonstrating a drug-free lifestyle influences younger family members.
Open Communication: An environment where members feel safe discussing peer pressure and personal feelings can deter drug experimentation.
Setting Boundaries: Clear rules and consequences regarding drug use can dissuade experimentation.
Monitoring: Being aware of a child’s friends and activities helps in early detection of drug-related behaviors.
Support System: Strong familial ties provide emotional support, reducing the likelihood of seeking solace in drugs.
Intervention: If drug use is suspected, families can intervene, seeking professional help if needed.
Building Coping Skills: Families can teach ways to handle stress, peer pressure, and setbacks without resorting to drug use.
Promoting Activities: Encouraging hobbies, sports, and other activities can keep individuals engaged and reduce the temptation to use drugs.
Access Control: Families can ensure that prescription medications and other potential drugs are out of reach.
In summary, the family plays a central role in shaping values, behaviors, and attitudes towards drugs. Through proactive measures and ongoing support, families can significantly reduce the risk of drug abuse.
Suboxone is an opioid antagonist used to treat men and women suffering at the hands of moderate or severe opioid abuse disorders. When this medication is used, it helps alleviate the psychological drug cravings that go hand in hand with opioid addiction, and it helps relieve symptoms associated with opioid withdrawal.
While Suboxone can be a valuable part of comprehensive treatment programs, it is essential to understand that it does not serve as a cure and is not an effective treatment when used alone. Behavioral therapy must be combined with a range of other treatment options for it to be truly effective.
Does Suboxone Make Anxiety Symptoms Worse?
TL;DR: Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) can affect anxiety differently for each person. For some, it helps reduce anxiety by stabilizing opioid withdrawal and cravings. For others, especially if taken in high doses or during dose changes, it might cause or worsen anxiety symptoms like restlessness, irritability, or insomnia. Always speak with a healthcare provider to adjust dosage or explore alternative treatments if anxiety increases.
Does Using Suboxone For a Long Period Lead to Anxiety?
Suboxone is a powerful medication, altering brain chemistry when used consistently for a prolonged period. As a result, a person who has been taking Suboxone is likely to experience mood swings, often characterized by increased irritability and agitation. Suboxone is also liable to cause anxiety in the user. Usually, this anxiety is not severe, and it resolves once Suboxone is no longer being taken.
The side effects caused by the medication are only one reason why it is recommended as a short-term part of a more comprehensive and long-term treatment program. It is also important to note that Suboxone is not suitable for everyone. For example, if you have previously been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, it is usually good to avoid this medication altogether. If you do not, the symptoms of your existing anxiety disorder might be made more severe.
Suboxone Withdrawal and Its Impact on Anxiety
Although Suboxone treatment plays a critical role in managing opioid use disorder (OUD), discontinuing or reducing the dose of Suboxone too quickly can lead to Suboxone withdrawal.
These opioid withdrawal symptoms may include muscle aches, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, digestive discomfort, and flu-like symptoms. Because Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist, its withdrawal tends to be milder than full opioids like fentanyl or methadone, but it can still significantly affect a person’s mental health, especially for those with pre-existing mental health conditions.
In some cases, anxiety may worsen during or after Suboxone use, particularly if withdrawal is not carefully managed. It’s essential to work with a medical professional when adjusting a treatment plan for opioid dependence, especially in outpatient settings, to avoid complications like high blood pressure, sedation, or even life-threatening symptoms if mixed with other prescription medications such as benzodiazepines or antidepressants. This information is for informational purposes only and should not replace guidance from a licensed provider.
Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Opioid use disorder is a complex medical condition that affects physical, psychological, and social aspects of a person’s life. This complexity requires a comprehensive approach to treatment. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combines medications like Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) with counseling and behavioral therapies to provide a “whole-patient” approach.
Understanding Suboxone
Suboxone is an FDA-approved medication that can be highly effective throughout the recovery process, not just in early stages. As a partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine produces weaker effects than full opioids while also blocking other opioids from binding to receptors. This helps reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms while preventing euphoria from other opioids.
While Suboxone can lead to physical dependence (where the body adapts to the medication), this is distinct from addiction (characterized by compulsive drug-seeking despite harmful consequences). Many patients take Suboxone as prescribed for months or years without developing addiction. Some patients may experience side effects, though many report improved emotional stability with proper treatment.
Medical Consensus
The current medical consensus, supported by organizations like SAMHSA, the American Society of Addiction Medicine, and the World Health Organization, recognizes medication-assisted treatment as a standard of care for opioid use disorder, not just a last resort option. These organizations recommend MAT as a first-line treatment option for most patients with opioid use disorder, regardless of severity.
Evidence-Based Approach
Research consistently shows that medications like Suboxone significantly improve treatment outcomes by:
Reducing illicit opioid use
Decreasing overdose deaths
Reducing criminal activity
Improving social functioning
Personalized Treatment
The treatment approach should be tailored to each individual’s needs. While behavioral therapies are important complementary treatments, the type and intensity should be personalized. Though some patients benefit from 12-step programs, these are not considered essential components of evidence-based care, and many patients recover successfully through other psychosocial approaches.
The decision to use medication assistance should be made collaboratively between patients and healthcare providers based on clinical assessment, patient preferences, and evidence-based guidelines rather than predetermined criteria about addiction severity.
How Does MAT Program Work at Allure Detox?
The Allure Detox program combines MAT with behavioral therapy and a range of comfort-based amenities to make the withdrawal process as painless and short-lived as possible. If you or someone you love has been struggling with opioid abuse, we are available to help – and help is only a phone call away. As soon as you decide to seek the professional care you need, we will step in to walk you through the admissions process.
The process begins with a short initial assessment. Next, we ask a series of questions like, “How long have you been abusing opioids?” “Have you ever attempted to quit on your own?” “Have you ever been diagnosed with a chronic health condition or an underlying mental illness?” The answers to these questions help our clinical team determine which detox methods will benefit you or your loved one the most. Next, we begin choosing viable coverage options.
Get the Help You Need for Suboxone Addiction
Allure Detox, we work closely with most major health insurance companies. Once coverage is determined, we will start planning out a date for your arrival. Again, as soon as you arrive, you will be given a brief tour of the facility and made to feel right at home. Opioid withdrawal does not have to be an intimidating process. With the right tools in place, you can undergo withdrawal in a short matter of time without experiencing the more severe symptoms.
To learn more about our detox program or the role that Suboxone plays in the opioid withdrawal process, contact us today. Our specialists are available 24/7 and will answer any questions you may have confidentially.
Vyvanse is a medication used to treat ADHD in children and binge eating disorders in adults. The prescription is similar to other stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta. The chemical in Vyvanse, called lisdexamfetamine dimesylate, is a derivative of amphetamines, a highly addictive substance affecting neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.
When used correctly and adequately prescribed, Vyvanse effectively treats symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other conditions it was designed for. However, the problem is that the drug is increasingly being abused. Easily shared between friends, the drug is becoming popular amongst teens and college students and is easily addictive for those without a prescription.
What Symptoms Could Occur During Vyvanse Withdrawal?
When a person stops taking Vyvanse, especially if they have been using it for an extended period or in higher doses, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s important to note that withdrawal from Vyvanse should be managed under the supervision of a healthcare provider.
Common symptoms of Vyvanse withdrawal can include:
Fatigue or Extreme Tiredness: Since Vyvanse is a central nervous system stimulant, withdrawal from the medication can lead to a person feeling extremely tired or fatigued.
Depression: Stopping Vyvanse can cause changes in mood, including depression.
Increased Appetite: While taking Vyvanse, appetite is often suppressed. When the medication is stopped, there can be a rebound effect, causing an increase in appetite.
Insomnia or Sleep Disturbances: Even though a person may feel tired, they might have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep during Vyvanse withdrawal.
Anxiety: Some people experience heightened anxiety when they stop taking Vyvanse.
Irritability or Mood Swings: Changes in mood, including irritability or mood swings, are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
Difficulty Concentrating: Since Vyvanse is used to improve focus in ADHD, stopping the medication can lead to decreased concentration and attention.
Cravings: If the person develops a dependence on Vyvanse, they might experience strong cravings for the medication.
Physical Aches and Pains: Some individuals report experiencing muscle aches or headaches during withdrawal.
Vivid or Unpleasant Dreams: Changes in sleep patterns and dreaming are common during Vyvanse withdrawal.
Slower Movement and Thought Processes: As the stimulant effect wears off, the person may feel sluggish in both movement and thinking.
To minimize these withdrawal symptoms, it is usually recommended that individuals taper off Vyvanse gradually under the supervision of a healthcare provider, rather than stopping cold turkey. Additionally, supportive care, counseling, and, in some cases, medications may be used to help manage symptoms during the withdrawal process.
What Does Vyvanse Do?
Because the lisdexamfetamine molecule is so similar to the amphetamine molecule, high doses of Vyvanse have a high similarity to methamphetamines. For this reason, the drug is defined as a schedule II controlled substance in the U.S. because of its propensity to be abused.
These effects include:
Fluctuations between euphoria and Irritability
Increased energy
Increased heart rate
Raised blood pressure
Dilated pupils
Addiction to amphetamines is a severe issue and one that affects addicts across all classes and creeds. One of the reasons that drugs like Vyvanse can be so dangerous is that they are legally prescribed substances, and therefore their use and abuse are easily justified. And the stigma in movies, television, and music is that legal amphetamines are no big deal! But is it harmless? It turns out the drug might have more of a negative effect on the mind and bodies of abusers than previously thought.
Abuse of Legal Stimulants
One of the reasons that legal stimulants can be so dangerous is that it reduces appetite so dramatically that weight loss is often a side effect of Vyvanse abuse. The impact of not receiving proper nutrition is especially detrimental for the bodies of teens and young adults where the drug proliferates. Indications of prescription stimulant abuse include:
Increased talkativeness
Boosted ego
Loss of sleep
Loss of weight
Withdrawal from friends/family after crashing
The Comedown from Vyvanse
Another hazardous aspect of stimulant addiction is the comedown or crash after the use of amphetamines. Because the drug often creates a feeling of euphoria when used, the comedown is an extreme opposite. The crash is especially hard for those dealing with emotional pain or mental illness. Amplified feelings of anxiety, depression, fatigue, and apathy are common amongst those crashing from an amphetamine binge.
Is There Medical Detox for Amphetamine Withdrawal?
Unfortunately, there are no prescriptions that can be given to reduce symptoms of amphetamine withdrawal. However, this does not mean that detoxing from the drug in a medical facility is not recommended. Coming down from any drug with the help of trained professionals is always advisable. Having the support, knowledge, and access to continued treatment is essential to getting clean and staying clean from amphetamines.
According to the National Institute of Health:
Ongoing use (of amphetamines) can lead to dependence, which can be as hard to recover from as dependence on heroin or cocaine. (NIH)
With the seriousness of amphetamine addiction highlighted above, it’s more important than ever to seek help if you or your loved one is experiencing a dependence on Vyvanse or any other mind-altering chemical.
Treatment is the First Step to Vyvanse Recovery
Attempting to recover from addiction on one’s own significantly reduces the success rate of getting clean. For many of those struggling with amphetamine addiction, the underlying reasons or stresses for the need to abuse substances are overwhelming when not using the drug. If you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use problem, contact Allure Detox today. It may be the difference between life and death.
What happens when you stop taking Vyvanse?
When you stop taking Vyvanse, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, depression, increased appetite, and sleep disturbances. These effects can vary in intensity and duration depending on the individual and the duration of Vyvanse use. Vyvanse detox and treatment programs, including both inpatient and outpatient options, can provide necessary support. Medical supervision and professional advice are crucial during this process to manage severe withdrawal symptoms and to ensure safe and effective addiction treatment options.
What is a safe recommended Vyvanse tapering schedule?
To safely discontinue Vyvanse, it is essential to follow a carefully structured tapering schedule under the guidance of a medical professional. Vyvanse is a stimulant medication used to treat ADHD symptoms and binge eating disorders, and abrupt cessation can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms. Here is a comprehensive approach incorporating various important considerations and keywords:
1. Consult a Medical Professional: Always seek medical advice before altering your medication. A healthcare provider, particularly one specializing in psychiatry, can design a personalized tapering schedule based on your specific needs.
2. Gradual Reduction: The tapering schedule should involve gradually reducing the dose of Vyvanse over a set period of time. This helps minimize the risk of extreme fatigue, vyvanse crash, and other withdrawal symptoms.
3. Monitoring and Adjustments: Regular check-ins with your healthcare provider are crucial. They can monitor your response to the tapering schedule and make necessary adjustments to ensure your safety and comfort.
4. Managing Withdrawal Symptoms: Be prepared to manage various Vyvanse withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, increased appetite, insomnia, and difficulty concentrating. In some cases, adjunctive medications like methylphenidate may be considered to ease the transition.
5. Addressing Physical Dependence and Addiction: For those with a history of Vyvanse addiction or substance abuse, a more structured addiction treatment program, including detox programs and behavioral therapy, might be necessary to address physical dependence and underlying issues.
6. Mental Health Support: Continuous mental health support is essential during the tapering process. Behavioral therapy and counseling can provide coping strategies and emotional support.
7. FDA and Safety Guidelines: Follow FDA guidelines and safety protocols for tapering off stimulant medications. Always adhere to the prescribed schedule and avoid self-medicating or adjusting doses without professional guidance.
8. Disclaimers and Precautions: Understand that every individual’s response to tapering may vary. This general information is not a substitute for personalized medical advice from your healthcare provider.
9. Supportive Care: Engage in supportive care practices, such as maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep hygiene, to help your body adjust during the withdrawal timeline.
10. Education on Medication Use: Educate yourself about the effects of Vyvanse, its role as a prodrug, and the potential risks associated with misuse. Awareness of the similarities to other prescription medications like opioids can emphasize the importance of careful tapering.
By following a structured Vyvanse tapering schedule and receiving ongoing support from medical professionals, you can safely and effectively discontinue the medication while minimizing withdrawal symptoms and promoting overall well-being.
Opiates are one of the deadliest and most difficult drugs to quit, and there is rarely a recreational user. It is almost certain that when you start using opiates, you will become dependent on them and become addicted. This addiction will ruin your life utilizing taking all your money, your health, your friends and family, and all you have achieved in life so far, and if you are one of the many statistics, your life.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), more than 67,300 Americans died from a drug-involved overdose in 2018, including illicit drugs and prescription opioids. Drug overdose deaths rose from 38,329 in 2010 to 70,237 in 2017, followed by a significant decrease in 2018 to 67,367 deaths.
TL;DR: People nod off on opiates due to the drug’s sedative effects on the central nervous system, leading to drowsiness and decreased consciousness.
Becoming Addicted to Opiates
Many addicts start off becoming addicted to opiates either by recreationally using pain medication or becoming dependent on their prescribed pain medication because of their chronic pain. Opiates that are commonly prescribed for pain are Codeine, Hydrocodone, Hydromorphone, and Oxycodone, just to name a few.
When it comes to abusing opiates, some have an intense euphoric rush when taken intravenously. The fierce rush is followed by many side effects that are common in other opioid drugs:
Nodding out
Extreme happiness followed by drowsiness
Loss of consciousness
Constricted pupils
Shallow breathing
Mental confusion
Lack of motor control
Slow heart rate
What Does Nodding Off On Opiates Mean?
The majority of those side effects are pretty self-explanatory except for one, “nodding out.” What is “nodding out”? Nodding out (or nodding off, which can be used interchangeably) is a common term for heroin or opioid-induced state that causes overdose-related deaths more often than any other drug euphoria or high. However, there are many dangers of nodding out on heroin and opiates.
Why Do You Not Out While On Opiates?
When opiates enter the brain, users feel an intense euphoria, or “rush.” However, this is inevitably followed by a period when the person experiences a trans-like state that shifts between drowsy and wide awake for many hours. It is referred to as nodding out or nodding off.
Nodding out is not an exact medical term, and it can be comparable to a student that is bored in class who is trying to keep his head up and stay awake; his head will “nod” and drop as he gets more and more sleepy, and then his head will inevitably jerk awake.
Nodding off occurs because opiates are sedatives that make users go from feeling alert but sleepy into such a deep sleep that they cannot be forced to wake up. This may seem like a perfect state of well-being for an opiate user, but it is commonly the first step on the road toward falling asleep and never waking up again.
Opiate Addiction Treatment at Allure Detox
If you or a loved one need to get off opiates and back to living, Allure Detox is here for you. If you are ready to take the next step in your path to recovery, we at Allure Detox can help. Allure Detox exists to help patients stop using drugs and alcohol safely. Unlike many facilities, Allure’s detox center treats addiction as a disease. Our team of specially trained physicians and nurses is committed to helping addicts and alcoholics achieve lasting recovery.
What drugs cause you to nod off?
“Nodding off” is a term used to describe a state where a person alternates between drowsiness and wakefulness, typically with the head nodding forward and backward. This state is commonly associated with the use of certain drugs, especially central nervous system depressants. Some substances that can cause a person to “nod off” include:
Opioids: This class of drugs includes prescription pain relievers like oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, as well as illegal drugs like heroin. Opioids are known to cause drowsiness and can lead to “nodding off”.
Benzodiazepines: These medications, including drugs like diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), and lorazepam (Ativan), are often prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. They can cause drowsiness and sedation.
Barbiturates: These are older sedatives that are not commonly prescribed anymore due to their high risk of overdose and addiction. They can cause significant drowsiness.
Alcohol: As a depressant, alcohol can cause drowsiness and, in larger quantities, can lead to “nodding off”.
Antihistamines: Certain antihistamines, especially the first-generation ones like diphenhydramine (Benadryl), can cause drowsiness.
Certain Antidepressants and Antipsychotics: Some medications used to treat depression and mental disorders can cause sedation.
Using substances that cause drowsiness, especially in high doses or in combination, can be very dangerous. It is important to use medications only as prescribed by a healthcare professional and to avoid using illegal substances. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse or addiction, it is critical to seek help from a healthcare professional or addiction specialist.
Most individuals will have gone through a drug test at least once in their lifetime. Drug testing is often done when applying for employment, especially for positions that may involve federal transportation, airline industries and pilots, bus drivers, trucker drivers, railways, hospitals, and other workplaces where public safety is of the utmost importance.
However, besides just for safety, workplace drug testing is now standard in general for many U.S. employers to lessen the impact of drug abuse, safety concerns, and low productivity in the workplace.
Is it possible to get a false positive on a drug test?
Yes, you can get a false positive on a drug test. A false positive occurs when a drug test indicates the presence of a drug when the person has not actually used that drug. Several factors can contribute to false positives, including certain medications, foods, and medical conditions. Here are some common causes of false positives:
Over-the-Counter Medications: Some antihistamines, decongestants, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can cause false positives.
Prescription Medications: Certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and medications for mental health conditions can lead to false positives.
Weight Loss Medications: Some weight loss pills contain ingredients that might cause a false positive.
Foods and Supplements:
Poppy Seeds: Consuming poppy seeds can result in a false positive for opioids.
Dietary Supplements: Certain supplements, especially those that are not well-regulated, may contain substances that cause false positives.
Medical Conditions:
Liver Disease: Some liver conditions can affect metabolism and cause substances to appear in the urine that might be misinterpreted as drugs.
Diabetes: High levels of ketones in individuals with uncontrolled diabetes can sometimes cause a false positive for substances like alcohol or amphetamines.
Lab Errors:
Sample Contamination: Contaminants in the sample can lead to incorrect results.
Cross-Reactivity: Some drug tests are not specific enough and can cross-react with other substances that have a similar chemical structure.
Prevention and Mitigation:
Inform the Tester: Always inform the testing agency about any medications, supplements, or foods you have recently consumed.
Confirmatory Testing: If you receive a positive result, ask for a confirmatory test, such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), which is more accurate and specific.
Follow-Up: Discuss any unexpected positive results with your healthcare provider to explore potential causes and next steps.
False positives on drug tests can occur due to various factors. It’s important to communicate openly with the testing agency and seek confirmatory testing if necessary.
How Does Drug Testing Work?
Drug testing is the evaluation of a urine, blood, or another type of biological sample to determine if the person has been using any drugs against that workplace’s policy or determine if there may be a situation to be aware of. Many circumstances may require drug testing, which often includes:
Pre-employment drug screening test or random, work-related drug testing to identify on-the-job drug abuse.
College or professional athletic drug testing.
Post-accident drug testing is a vehicular or on-the-job accident involving human error and casualties or property damage.
Safety-related drug testing – if an employee’s job could lead to safety issues if the judgment or physical ability were impaired.
Prescription drug abuse is a severe problem in the U.S. As reported by NIDA; the Surgeon General states that alcohol and drug abuse, including tobacco, costs the economy over $740 billion per year. Costs are related to crime, lost work productivity, and health care.
We hear “false positive” as a defense from professional athletes or repeated drug users all the time when it comes to drug screens, but unexpected results on drug tests do happen.
What is a False Positive Drug Test?
A drug screen tests for the presence of certain illegal drugs and commonly abused prescription medications. A false positive means that the test has detected the presence of these substances in your body when you haven’t taken them.
You could be affected by a false positive at any time in your life, whether you’re applying for a job, playing sports, or participating in a drug rehabilitation program. Here are several common medications, prescription and over-the-counter, that can lead to a false-positive result on a drug screen.
Drugs That Can Cause False Positives
If you’ve taken one of these medications and had what you believe is a false positive test, speak to the employer, explain the issue, and speak with your healthcare provider to see if you can stop taking the medication or cut back on it. Then ask to repeat the test to confirm.
Dextromethorphan is an active ingredient in Robitussin, Delsym, and other over-the-counter cough suppressants. If you’ve taken medication with dextromethorphan in it, your drug screen may be favorable for opiates and PCP.
Diltiazem (Cardizem) is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure) or slow your heart rate if you have atrial fibrillation. If you’re taking diltiazem, your urine drug screen may test as a false positive for LSD.
Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine found in allergy medications like Benadryl and sleep aids like Tylenol PM and Advil PM. If you’ve taken diphenhydramine, your drug screen may show a positive result for opiates, methadone, or PCP.
Used for sinus and nasal congestion like Sudafed, pseudoephedrine can cause false-positive tests for amphetamine or methamphetamine.
Ibuprofen, which is Motrin or Advil, and naproxen which is Aleve, are two widespread over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). If you’ve taken either of these, your urine screen may test positive for barbiturates or THC, and Ibuprofen may also show a false positive for PCP.
Get Help at Allure Detox
If you or your loved ones suffer from an addiction, let Allure Detox get you started on the right path. Allure Detox can help, and we are a comfortable and evidence-based drug and alcohol detox in West Palm Beach, Florida. We can free you or your loved one from the physical symptoms of addiction and start you on the path to recovery.
We offer detox from drugs and alcohol on a medical basis so that you can safely resume the life you once lived, the life you thought was lost forever. Addicts emerge from Allure Detox healthy, sane, and prepared for a lifetime of recovery. Please contact us today if you or someone you love is suffering the pain of addiction.
When you think of methamphetamine you think of it as an illegal drug. Meth is a highly addictive drug that is known to make abusers think and do things that are very out of the ordinary. But there are a couple of medical situations where it is prescribed by a doctor as a prescription drug. It is available only through a prescription that cannot be refilled.
Today there is only one legal meth product, Desoxyn®. It is currently marketed in 5, 10, and 15-milligram tablets, in immediate-release and the extended-release formulation, and has very limited use in the treatment of obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Desoxyn tablets are indicated as the main part of a total treatment program which typically includes other coexisting treatments such as psychological, educational, social, for a stabilizing effect in children over 6 years of age with a behavioral syndrome characterized by the following group of developmentally inappropriate symptoms:
Moderate to severe distractibility
Short attention span
Emotional lability
Obesity and Methamphetamine Use
Desoxyn can be used as a short-term, such as a few weeks use, to assist in a regimen of weight reduction based on caloric restriction, for patients who are obese and cannot lose weight when used other ways such as repeated diets, group programs, and other drugs.
There are great risks when taking anything that contains methamphetamine as it can be habit-forming, addictive, and dangerous. You should never take a larger dose, take it more often, or take it for a longer time than prescribed by your doctor. Prescription methamphetamine should only be taken for a short period when used for weight loss.
However, if you take too much methamphetamine you may find that the medication no longer controls your symptoms and you may feel a need to take large amounts of the medication quickly to becoming dependent on it. You may experience symptoms such as rash, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, irritability, hyperactivity, and unusual changes in your personality or behavior. Overusing methamphetamine may also cause serious heart problems or sudden death.
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, an estimated 12.3 million Americans, or 5% of the adult population, have used methamphetamine at least once, claims a US expert on substance misuse. He also says an estimated 600 000 people are weekly users of the drug.
It doesn’t take long at all for a user of methamphetamines to become addicted and begin chasing their first high. This addictive drug increases levels of dopamine in the brain, causing a very euphoric and awake feeling.
Methamphetamine, when not used in the prescription Desoxyn, is usually called Crystal meth or just Meth, is generally created in illegal labs and made with ingredients that are highly toxic, explosive, and lead to a wide variety of complications and risks. These toxic ingredients include:
Battery acid
Brake fluid
Lighter fluid
Engine cleaner
Paint thinner
Rubbing alcohol
Looking at the ingredients list for making methamphetamine, it’s easy to see that this drug is very dangerous to the body. No matter how a user ingests meth, they are slowly but surely poisoning themselves. This and many more are the reasons why Desoxyn is not prescribed frequently.
Negative Effects of Methamphetamine Use
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), methamphetamine use may worsen the progression of HIV/AIDS and its consequences. Studies indicate that HIV causes more injury to nerve cells and more cognitive problems in people who use methamphetamine than it does in people who have HIV and don’t use the drug. Cognitive problems are those involved with thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering.
The short-term risks include:
Loss of appetite
Increased heart rate
Increased blood pressure
Heightened body temperature
Disrupted sleep patterns
Dilated pupils
Bizarre, erratic, and even violent behavior
Panic and anxiety
Drug-induced psychosis
Convulsions and seizures
Death from overdose
The long-term health risks include:
Permanent damage to blood vessels of heart and brain
High blood pressure leading to heart attacks, strokes, and death
Liver, lung, and kidney damage
Breathing problems
Infectious diseases
Severe weight loss
Severe tooth decay
Long term psychosis
Memory loss
Loss of cognitive function
Users who continue to use methamphetamine over long periods are also known to have cognitive problems. It can cause changes in the brain that can damage coordination, verbal learning, emotion, and memory.
Unlike other drugs, meth is especially damaging to a person’s self-esteem and mental health. At Allure Detox our treatment team works with meth addicts and is all trained in meth addiction recovery. We have dedicated our careers to helping meth addicts regain their confidence, sense of wellbeing, and life purpose.
Treatment for Meth Dependence
If you or someone you love needs to be admitted into our West Palm Beach meth detox, the first step is to call one of our addiction recovery specialists. They will be able to make all the arrangements to have you or your family member admitted into the meth treatment and detox unit within 24 hours.
So many people in the U.S. suffer from pain and, if not treated, it can affect their lives included being able to work. Medical doctors remedy this by prescribing painkillers but the abuse and overdoses have been a continuing growing problem for years. Many alternative painkillers are thought not to be dangerous and addictive but there are always going to be complications and risks if you take too much of anything.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Since the 1990s, when the number of opioids prescribed to patients began to grow, the number of overdoses and deaths from prescription opioids has also increased. Even as the amount of opioids prescribed and sold for pain has increased, the amount of pain that Americans report has not similarly changed. From 1999 to 2017, almost 218,000 people died in the United States from overdoses related to prescription opioids. Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids were five times higher in 2017 than in 1999.
TL;DR: Tramadol is primarily prescribed for pain relief, but some people may experience sedative effects; however, it is not specifically approved or recommended for sleep or anxiety.
What Is Tramadol Used For?
The ongoing opioid crisis has led to the use of newer synthetic opioid painkillers, sometimes perceived as milder and therefore less addictive than traditional options like oxycodone, morphine, or fentanyl. Tramadol, sold under numerous brand names, including Ultram®, Ultram ER®, ConZip®, Ryzolt®, and Qdolo®, is one such analgesic. While it may be considered weaker than some other opioids, it is still a synthetic opioid and carries the potential for abuse and dependence, similar to fentanyl. Many patients prescribed tramadol, and even some healthcare providers, mistakenly believe it to be a safe, milder alternative to other pain medications. This misconception can be dangerous. Despite this “safe” view, tramadol is a potent medication that poses risks, especially if taken in higher doses or not used as directed for pain management, particularly chronic pain or severe pain. It’s important to understand that even though it might not be as strong as some other opioids, tramadol still acts on the central nervous system (CNS) and carries the risks associated with opioid use.
Side Effects of Tramadol
Tramadol, while effective for pain management, can cause a range of side effects. It’s important to be aware of both the most common and the more serious side effects associated with this medication. If you experience any concerning symptoms while taking tramadol, it’s crucial to contact your healthcare provider promptly.
Most common side effects:
Drowsiness or sleepiness
Nausea and vomiting
Increased blood pressure
Seizures (serious side effect)
Serotonin syndrome (serious side effect)
Respiratory depression, caused by sleep apnea (serious side effect)
Does Tramadol Help People with Insomnia?
There’s a misconception that tramadol can help with insomnia because of its pain-relieving properties. However, this drug can actually contribute to sleep disturbances and should never be used as a sleep aid. While tramadol may initially cause drowsiness, it does not promote sustained sleep throughout the night and can disrupt normal sleep patterns, potentially impacting REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. Unfortunately, issues with pain, sleep, and mood often co-occur, which sometimes leads doctors to prescribe tramadol alongside other medications like sleeping pills or antidepressants. This combination, however, can be extremely dangerous and potentially deadly. For any sleep concerns or before making any changes to your medication regimen, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized guidance. They can assess your specific situation and recommend appropriate, short-term or long-term, strategies for managing pain and sleep.
Anonymous User Feedback
Tramadol is an Addictive Drug
Tramadol is very easy to obtain and less expensive than other opiates therefore easy to misuse. Taken as prescribed, tramadol is usually a time-release capsule. It is designed to block pain over an extended period. However, tramadol abusers bypass the time-release and ingest all the medication at once. The resulting euphoric effect is similar to the instant highs obtained from heroin and just as addictive.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSA), tramadol prescriptions increased 88 percent from 23.3 million in 2008 to 43.8 million in 2013. The estimated number of tramadol-related ED visits involving misuse or abuse increased about 250 percent from 6,255 visits in 2005 to 21,649 in 2011. And this statistic has surlily increased considering the opiate crisis we are in these days.
Get the Help You Need for Tramadol Dependence
If you or a loved one may be dependent or addicted to Tramadol, we At Allure Detox can help get you back on track. When it comes to Tramadol, Allure Detox’s detox program creates a safe environment for managing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Our detox program is supervised to prevent potential complications. During the pain pill detox program in West Palm Beach, Florida, patients can lose a considerable amount of bodily fluids. This is why the individual needs to be supervised during withdrawal. Get your life back today with Allure Detox.
What is Tramadol?
Tramadol is a synthetic opioid analgesic, meaning it’s a pain medication that works similarly to other opioid medications like codeine, although it is often considered to be weaker. It’s a controlled substance, meaning its use is regulated due to the potential for abuse and dependence. Tramadol works by binding to opioid receptors in the central nervous system, changing how the body perceives pain. It is available in various forms, including extended-release tablets. While sometimes prescribed for pain relief, it’s important to note that tramadol carries the risk of side effects, and can lead to tramadol withdrawal symptoms if stopped abruptly. It is not an over-the-counter medication and should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Almost most people drink, and drinking is considered pretty standard in the U.S. from college parties to weddings; it is popular and a part of a lot of social activities. But just like everything else, you should only enjoy it in moderation. Drinking too much can lead to health problems, dependency, and alcohol addiction.
If you’re considering going through alcohol treatment at home, there are some ways to ease mild withdrawal symptoms. Keep in mind that gradually reducing alcohol intake instead of quitting cold turkey is essential.
Support System: Engage with family members, friends, or support groups for emotional support and encouragement during recovery. This could also include Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. This supports overall well-being and can aid in alcohol recovery.
Mindfulness Practices: Practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to manage stress and cravings.
Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that may lead to alcohol use. This could include certain social situations, places, or emotions.
Distraction Techniques: Engage in activities or hobbies that distract from cravings and provide fulfillment and enjoyment.
Herbal Supplements: Consider natural supplements like milk thistle or kudzu, which may support liver health and reduce alcohol cravings. However, consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.
Limit Alcohol Access: Remove or limit access to alcohol in the home to reduce temptation. Making your home alcohol-free will help with limiting temptations.
Set Clear Goals: Establish clear, achievable goals for reducing or quitting alcohol consumption and track progress over time. This will help you reduce your drinking habits over time.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated is a healthy way you can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, side effects, and cravings.
Seek Emotional Support: Talk to a therapist or counselor to address underlying emotional issues and develop coping strategies for substance abuse disorders.
Educate Yourself: Learn about alcoholism, its effects on the body and mind, and available treatment options for substance use. Knowledge can empower and motivate recovery efforts.
Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset and celebrate small victories along the way. Recovery is a journey, and every step forward is progress.
Information on Withdrawal from Alcohol
Withdrawing from alcohol is an essential step toward recovering from addiction, but it comes with certain risks that can be deadly. There is simply no way to sugarcoat It or make it sound pleasant cause it’s not. Detoxing from alcohol dependency is unpleasant at the least and horrible at the worst. As the body attempts to rid itself of the toxins associated with alcohol abuse, it will rebel. Unfortunately, it is necessary to begin the recovery process from addiction, so it does it under medical supervision when starting the detox.
Natural Alcohol Detox Remedies from Home
Going through alcohol withdrawal under medical care is suggested, but for those who do not wish to uproot and go to an inpatient facility to undergo the detox process, knowing a bit about treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms at home is valuable information. First and foremost, alcohol detox should not be attempted without medical monitoring. This is because there may be severe withdrawal symptoms that the intervention of a medical professional must manage. There are some valuable tips on treating alcohol withdrawal symptoms at home that will make the process go smoothly.
Alcohol withdrawal or detox symptoms usually occur within 8 hours after the last drink but can occur days later. Symptoms usually peak by 24 to 72 hours, but may go on for weeks.
A chemical dependency of any kind is uncomfortable, but when it comes to alcoholism, the symptoms can be especially severe. When it comes to alcohol, painful withdrawal symptoms can include:
Anxiety or nervousness
Jumpiness or shakiness
Mood swings
Sweating, clammy skin
Enlarged (dilated) pupils
Insomnia (sleeping difficulty)
Loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Rapid heart rate
Tremor of the hands or other body parts
Severe confusion
Choosing to detox at home is high risk and may turn deadly. Quitting alcohol “cold turkey” without medical supervision may lead to fatal health issues. Alcohol is one of the only substances that can cause seizures and even death. Due to alcohol being absorbed into every part of your body, it is crucial to understand the possible life-threatening effects that can occur when detoxing without being medically monitored.
How to stop drinking alcohol
Most attempts to stop drinking without help end in failure and increased despair. But this is where Allure Detox can help. Our team of physicians and nurses is specifically trained to manage these difficult symptoms. They work directly with the problem drinker to formulate a detox plan. Then, they prescribe medications that significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms and allow the drinker to stop safely.
Please give us a call to learn more about our addiction treatment options.
What are some at-home remedies to alleviate alcohol withdrawal symptoms?
At-home remedies can complement professional treatment for alcohol withdrawal. Here are some strategies:
Support System: Engage family members or loved ones to provide emotional support during withdrawal. A strong support system can enhance well-being and mental health during this challenging time.
Natural Remedies: Consider natural supplements like milk thistle or kudzu, which may support detoxification and reduce alcohol cravings. However, consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new herbal remedies.
Sleep Hygiene: Prioritize enough sleep and establish a daily routine to promote wellness. Good sleep habits can help alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and improve overall well-being.
Healthy Lifestyle: Incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine to release endorphins and improve mood. Adopting a new hobby can also distract from cravings and provide a healthy outlet.
Mindfulness and Self-Awareness: Practice mindfulness techniques and self-awareness to manage cravings and identify common triggers for alcohol use. Behavioral therapy or smart recovery programs can provide additional support in this area.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Explore alternative therapies like acupuncture, a component of TCM, which may help alleviate symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and promote relaxation.
Emotional Support: Seek emotional support from friends, family, or support groups. Sharing experiences with others who understand can provide comfort and encouragement throughout the recovery process.
While at-home remedies can be beneficial, they should not replace professional treatment for alcohol use disorder. A comprehensive treatment plan, including medical supervision and therapy, offers the best chance for successful recovery from alcohol addiction.
How to reduce alcohol withdrawal symptoms naturally?
Reducing alcohol withdrawal symptoms naturally involves several strategies aimed at supporting your body during the withdrawal process. Here are some tips:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as alcohol withdrawal can cause dehydration. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugary beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration and worsen withdrawal symptoms.
Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. This can help replenish essential nutrients and support your overall health during withdrawal.
Vitamins and Minerals: Consider taking supplements, particularly those containing B-complex vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. Alcohol abuse can deplete these nutrients from your body, and replenishing them may help alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Herbal Remedies: Some herbs and supplements may have calming effects that can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation during alcohol withdrawal. Examples include valerian root, chamomile, passionflower, and kava. However, consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies, as they can interact with medications or exacerbate certain conditions.
Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity, such as walking, jogging, yoga, or swimming. Exercise can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote better sleep, all of which can be beneficial during alcohol withdrawal.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practice mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or other relaxation techniques to manage stress and anxiety.
Get Adequate Sleep: Prioritize good sleep hygiene practices to improve the quality and duration of your sleep. Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and create a comfortable sleep environment.
Stay Connected: Seek support from friends, family, or support groups during the withdrawal process. Having a strong support network can provide encouragement, understanding, and accountability.
Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that may tempt you to drink alcohol. This could include social situations where alcohol is present, certain places, or activities associated with drinking.
Seek Professional Help: If you’re experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or having difficulty managing withdrawal on your own, seek professional medical assistance. A healthcare provider can provide guidance, monitor your progress, and prescribe medications or other interventions to help manage withdrawal symptoms safely.
Remember that everyone’s experience with alcohol withdrawal is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to listen to your body, prioritize self-care, and seek support when needed during this challenging time.
Propranolol is known as a beta-blocker – it is a prescription medication most commonly used to treat high blood pressure. In addition to treating high blood pressure, this specific medication has several other clinical uses, including treating chronic headaches and migraines and some anxiety-related disorders. In recent years, with the rise of benzodiazepine abuse and addiction throughout the United States, Propranolol and other heart medications have been found to have another medical purpose – the effective treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the more common complications relate directly to heart health in benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms – which can be lethal if not constantly overseen by an experienced team of medical and clinical professionals. Propranolol can help immensely with symptoms of benzodiazepine withdrawal by lowering blood pressure, reducing heart rate, and helping with inevitable anxiety-related symptoms.
If you have been suffering at the hands of a benzodiazepine abuse disorder or addiction, seeking medically monitored detox will always be a necessary first step. While many detox methods are available, Allure Detox utilizes the most effective and up-to-date methodologies, including Propranolol in Medication-Assisted Treatment.
Benzodiazepine Detox Options Include Propranolol
When it comes to benzodiazepine detox, many practical and proven detox methodologies are frequently employed. At Allure Detox, we conduct an in-depth evaluation upon admission to our medical detox program. This evaluation helps us determine which detox methods will be the most effective for each unique case of benzodiazepine addiction. In most cases, detox programs utilize a combination of non-narcotic medications like Propranolol, tapering (which means slowly reducing the number of benzodiazepines in the system until they are entirely gone), and traditional, over-the-counter medication.
Our program of medical detox is not simply about reducing physical pain and improving client comfort. We treat each client comprehensively, tackling their emotional and mental health as well. We offer an intensive program of therapeutic care, including individual and group therapy sessions. We also offer clients the opportunity to engage in proven holistic treatment methods.
The First Step on the Road to Benzodiazepine Recovery
When it comes to addiction recovery, medical detox is always a necessary first step. At Allure Detox, we focus on much more than physically stabilizing our clients – we provide them with comprehensive and individualized clinical care. Upon admission to our program, our clients undergo an in-depth assessment, during which the most beneficial detox methods will be adequately identified. Suppose we determine that benzodiazepines were the predominant drug of abuse. In that case, we will then decide whether Medication-Assisted Treatment, tapering, or a combination of the two will be the most effective. Clients will receive an unmatched level of clinical care while they are allowed to relax in a safe and expertly designed environment.
Our Benzodiazepine Admissions Process
At Allure Detox, our admissions process is straightforward. We completely understand how stressful the early recovery process can be for both clients and their loved ones. We know that ironing out all of the finer details is likely the last thing you want to do once you commit to receiving professional help. Fortunately, we are available to help you along during every step of the early recovery process.
If you are concerned about covering the cost of treatment, we are available to help. Our team of admissions counselors will check your current insurance coverage to see how much of the detox process is covered. We will also help you lay out travel plans and set up a time for immediate intake. If you have any further questions or want to learn more about getting yourself or your loved one admitted to our detox program as quickly as possible, please give us a call today.
How to reduce Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms?
Reducing benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms should be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional, as withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be severe and, in some cases, life-threatening. Here are general steps that are often involved in managing benzodiazepine withdrawal, but please remember that this should be done with the guidance of a healthcare professional:
Gradual Tapering: One of the most common methods for reducing benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms is to gradually reduce the dose of the medication over time. This allows the body to slowly adjust to lower levels of the drug and can minimize withdrawal symptoms.
Medical Supervision: Consulting with a physician or psychiatrist who is knowledgeable about benzodiazepine withdrawal is important. They can provide guidance and monitor for any complications.
Medication Management: In some cases, medications may be used to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, or seizures. For example, anticonvulsants or antidepressants may be prescribed as needed.
Psychotherapy and Counseling: Counseling and psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, can be beneficial in managing anxiety and other psychological symptoms of withdrawal.
Support Groups: Engaging in support groups can be helpful. Sharing experiences with others who are going through the same process can provide emotional support.
Healthy Lifestyle Habits: Adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and good sleep hygiene can also be beneficial during withdrawal.
Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga may help in managing anxiety and stress during withdrawal.
Educate Yourself and Family: Understanding the withdrawal process and educating family members or friends can help in garnering support during the withdrawal process.
Create a Comfortable Environment: Reducing stress in your environment by making sure you have a comfortable and calm space can also be beneficial.
Keep a Symptom Journal: Keeping track of symptoms and triggers can help in managing them more effectively.
It is crucial to emphasize that benzodiazepine withdrawal should be managed with the help of a healthcare professional, and individuals should not attempt to discontinue benzodiazepines on their own without medical supervision.
Prescription drugs are prescribed daily for pain, mental, emotional, or other illnesses. They are usually given a set of directions from the doctor for how much and how long to take them. When taken appropriately, they typically cure what issue a user has. After the prescribed dosage is up, the user should stop taking the drug for that initial incident. Some patients get dependent on the drug, whether they had more refills than necessary or took more than the recommended dosage.
Many prescribed medications are abused and taken more than recommended to get “high.” One prevalent drug is Xanax, which is a brand name for alprazolam. This drug is not only popular as a prescribed medication but also recreationally. Xanax is a potent benzodiazepine or benzo that is only recommended for up to six weeks. This drug usually is for those who suffer from anxiety and get relief when used as prescribed.
The audio version of the article.
So What Does Xanax Feel Like?
How Xanax will affect you, whether you are taking it recreationally or it is prescribed, depends on several factors, including the following:
Mental state at the time you take the drug
Xanax dosage
Recreational Use of Xanax
Many people take Xanax recreationally or without a prescription. This is popular for those especially who take uppers and want to come down so they can sleep. These users usually describe the feeling as sedating or calming.
Xanax has the exact opposite feelings from some drugs, such as cocaine, that produce a “high” or euphoric feeling. Xanax users describe feeling more relaxed, quiet, and tired. Xanax users, because of the relaxed feeling, have also claimed to have an appetite increase and will tend to overindulge in food.
These feelings may lead to falling asleep or passing out for a few hours. Some people have also reported memory loss or blacking out and not remembering what happened for several hours. Higher doses will have more potent effects, and these more substantial effects can lead to dangerous activities because of the loss of inhibitions. Some may shoplift, drive under the influence, or get into fights. Some users have found themselves waking up a few hours after the effects have worn off in jail.
Xanax Abuse is Dangerous
Those who abuse Xanax don’t have a specific age, but most tend to be adolescents. They may have gotten them from a friend or found them in their parent’s medicine cabinet. College students are especially at risk for dependency since their abuse rate for these drugs has peaked in recent years. SAMHSA notes those rates are higher among individuals with mental illness, too, touting 31.6 percent of college students who abused prescription drugs in 2010 had a mental health disorder, compared to 15 percent of those who did not have a mental health disorder. Sometimes Xanax is abused with other drugs and especially is common to use to come down off of uppers such as cocaine or ecstasy.
Xanax Prescription Abuse
If you take this medication as intended by your doctor, which is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety or panic disorders, you may feel “normal” after your first dose. The sedating effect can help alleviate anxiety symptoms and calm your body’s response to anxiety or stress.
According to the National Health Statistics Reports during 2014–2016, benzodiazepines were prescribed to approximately 65.9 million office-based physician visits. The rates for women prescribed the drug were also higher than the men (at 34 visits per 100 women).
Using Other Drugs With Xanax
Other drugs, especially alcohol, can increase the effects of Xanax, and it also slows down how quickly your body can clear the drug from your system. If you take medicine and then drink alcohol, you may experience the drug effects but they are extremely more intense such as lethargy and prolonged memory loss.
It’s strongly advised that you avoid combining the two substances. The combination may lead to dangerous, even deadly, side effects. These include:
Difficulty breathing
Extreme drowsiness
Although some users who abuse Xanax and other benzodiazepines may stop taking Xanax suddenly and only experience some rebound insomnia or anxiety, others may develop seizure problems, which can be extremely dangerous. As a result, medical detox is always required for Xanax withdrawal.
Physical withdrawal symptoms of Xanax can include:
Troubled sleeping (nightmares, waking in the night)
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears or hearing a sound that isn’t there)
Grand mal seizures
Professional Treatment for Xanax Addiction
At Allure Detox, we can help. Xanax addiction is a severe chemical dependency that requires clinical supervision to ensure that a person can safely detox. At Allure Detox, we have medically-assisted detox programs that provide replacement and comfort medication to ease withdrawal symptoms.
Our Xanax detox in West Palm Beach, Florida, is overseen by an experienced clinical staff specializing in Xanax addiction recovery. Every person admitted into our comfortable Xanax detox unit will be under the care of state-licensed clinicians, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists. Each staff member of our cross-disciplinary team works to ensure that our clients are monitored around the clock. Call us and begin healing safely from addiction today.
What does Xanax do for anxiety disorders and panic attacks?
Xanax is a prescription medication used to treat anxiety disorders and panic attacks. It enhances the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter that calms the central nervous system, helping to reduce anxiety. However, it can cause side effects like sleepiness, dizziness, impaired coordination, and in high doses, serious risks such as physical dependence or life-threatening overdose.
Is Xanax habit-forming?
Yes, Xanax is habit-forming, particularly with prolonged use or high doses. It’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s treatment plan. Mixing Xanax with opioids, alcohol, or other central nervous system depressants increases the risk of severe side effects, including respiratory depression and overdose. Always consult with a healthcare provider before combining Xanax with any other substances.
What are the risks of using Xanax without a prescription?
Using Xanax without medical advice is dangerous and illegal, leading to risks like drug abuse, physical dependence, and overdose. Long-term or high-dose use can cause dependence, so stopping Xanax should be managed by a healthcare provider to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
What should be done in case of a Xanax overdose?
If you suspect a Xanax overdose, seek immediate medical attention as it can be life-threatening. The FDA regulates Xanax as a prescription drug due to its potential for abuse and addiction, approving its use specifically for anxiety disorders and panic attacks under medical supervision.
Can Xanax be used with antidepressants for anxiety?
Xanax can be used with antidepressants for anxiety treatment, but only under careful supervision due to the effects on the central nervous system. Xanax is generally recommended for short-term use due to its potential for dependence. Long-term use should be closely monitored by a healthcare provider to avoid cognitive impairment and other health issues.
What precautions should be taken when using Xanax with other medications?
Certain medications, like antifungals, can increase Xanax levels in the blood, leading to potential toxicity. Always inform your healthcare provider of all medications you’re taking. For those struggling with Xanax addiction, treatment options include medically supervised detox, rehab programs, behavioral therapy, and support from medical professionals.
Lyrica is an anti-seizure and anti-anxiety medication, but it treats various other symptoms and medical conditions – including chronic pain. Lyrica is the brand name of the medication pregabalin, which is an anticonvulsant medication and not a narcotic. However, even though this particular prescription medication is non-narcotic, it can still be physically and psychologically addictive.
Addicted to Lyrica: What Now?
The symptoms of Lyrica addiction will vary significantly on a person-to-person basis and will depend on a variety of contributing factors. These factors include the amount of Lyrica consumed daily, whether or not the individual in question has any underlying mental health concerns or medical issues, environmental and social factors, and whether or not more than one chemical substance was being used (polydrug abuse). Some symptoms of Lyrica abuse and addiction include:
Taking more than the recommended amount or taking the medication when not initially prescribed by a medical professional.
Attempting to cut back on Lyrica consumed daily but unable to do so for an extended time.
Experiencing negative consequences due to ongoing Lyrics abuse, like problems at work or school, interpersonal problems, financial issues, or legal issues.
The building up of tolerance over time, meaning more Lyrics, is required for the same results to be produced.
Lyrica withdrawal can be severe when left untreated. At Allure Detox, we specialize in treating prescription drug withdrawal of all severities – regardless of how long you have been abusing Lyrica, seeking professional medical detox services will be a necessary first step on the lifelong road to recovery.
Lyrica Withdrawal Symptoms
Because Lyrica is a relatively new medication, the symptoms of withdrawal associated with this specific drug have not yet been completed. However, some signs of withdrawal have been documented. These symptoms will almost inevitably occur when an individual taking Lyrica other than as prescribed for any length of time abruptly ceases use.
The withdrawal symptoms associated with Lyrica include:
Sleep-related issues, such as trouble falling asleep and staying asleep.
Anxiety and panic attacks.
An abnormally fast heartbeat (also known as tachycardia).
Profuse sweating/night sweats.
Gastrointestinal issues, like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Aggression and irritability/mood swings.
Persistent headaches.
While Lyrica withdrawal is generally highly unpleasant, it is rarely life-threatening. Still, the symptoms of Lyrica withdrawal must be treated in a designated detox facility like Allure Detox. Our team of medical professionals will utilize a proven combination of medical detoxification methods and therapeutic techniques. While pain-free detox is our top priority, we also believe it is crucial to pave the road for long-term sobriety by beginning to instill healthy coping mechanisms and relapse prevention techniques while helping clients transition into inpatient treatment directly after the detox process has come to a close.
Treatment for Lyrica Withdrawal at Allure Detox
At Allure Detox, we prioritize the comfort of each client above everything else. We understand how physically and psychologically devastating the symptoms of Lyrica withdrawal can be. Our team of experienced and compassionate professionals offers a level of clinical care that is truly unmatched. In many instances, individuals who have been abusing medications like Lyrica will suffer from polydrug abuse, meaning that they will be abused more than one chemical substance at a time.
Polydrug withdrawal can be complicated to treat – however, our staff members are equipped to treat withdrawal symptoms of all types and severities. If you have been abusing Lyrica and you are ready to quit and begin a new way of life, give Allure Detox a call today. We look forward to speaking with you soon and helping in every way we can.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences. The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most people.
Still, repeated drug use can lead to brain changes that challenge addicted people’s self-control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain changes can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is considered a “relapsing” disease—people in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased risk for returning to drug use even after years of not taking the drug.
One of the most prescribed classes of medications on the market is benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines, or “benzos,” work by enhancing the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) at the GABA-A receptors in the brain, producing calming effects on the central nervous system. Benzos are commonly prescribed for treating anxiety disorders, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures, and muscle spasms. Their effectiveness in managing these conditions explains their widespread prescription. However, due to their potential for dependence and withdrawal, they are typically recommended for short-term use and require careful monitoring, especially in patients with a history of substance use disorders.
However, how these drugs impact brain chemistry can quickly cause dependence and addiction. This is especially true when they are used improperly or illegally. This is why the drug is prescribed for short-term use only. To know more about benzos, read further.
TL;DR: Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) and Clonazepam (Klonopin) are among the most potent benzodiazepines, but “strength” can vary based on dosage, individual reactions, and the specific effect in question.
List Of Benzodiazepines From Strongest To Weakest
Benzodiazepines are all created with different levels of potency and efficacy, and their half-life, or how long they last. This will vary based on how they are made and their intended uses. Keep in mind, of course, that even the lowest-strength benzodiazepine medications can still be highly addictive.
Although most individuals who use benzos to get high prefer the more potent, shorter-acting drugs, all of them are rated as Schedule IV controlled substances and should be considered dangerous outside of a carefully monitored prescription use.
Here is a list of benzodiazepines in order from strongest to weakest.
Like all different kinds of prescription medications, benzodiazepine drugs are made for varying levels of efficacy and potency. The potency, or effectiveness, of the drug, is considered the strongest. For example, Ativan is one of the most potent drugs out there on the market, offering a maximum half-life of 24 hours, with only takes 30 minutes to be able to feel its effects.
The more potent a benzodiazepine, the faster you will feel its effects, and the more it will produce the sedative-like and calming results that these drugs are known for. How long these drugs will last before you need another dose is referred to as the drug’s half-life.
Most people who abuse benzos choose the higher potency ones and take a shorter time to feel the effects. A short-acting drug like Xanax is popular because of its rapid, intense buzz results. The popular, more potent benzodiazepines are also more addictive than low-potency drugs, but any of them could lead to addiction when abused.
For those who have a history of addiction or those who know they have addictive tendencies, understanding the available strengths and what the drug can do is essential, even before taking them as prescribed.
Benzodiazepines Can Cause Addiction
No matter the strength, the potency, how long the benzodiazepine lasts, or how fast it takes effect, they are all capable of causing dependency and addiction, and this is where Allure Detoxcan help.
The health threat posed by withdrawal is one of the main reasons a benzo detox is necessary. Our team performs benzo detox on a medical basis, prescribing replacement drugs on a decreasing schedule until the withdrawal symptoms dissipate. It is challenging for long-term benzo users to stop on their own.
Benzodiazepines slow down the central nervous system (CNS), producing sedative, anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), and sometimes euphoric effects, which can potentially lead to dependence and addiction. Benzos are prescription medications primarily used as anxiolytics, sedatives, hypnotics, anticonvulsants, and muscle relaxants – not as antidepressants. When these substances are misused or taken without proper medical supervision, the risk of developing physical and psychological dependence significantly increases.
Treatment for Benzodiazepine Addiction
Benzodiazepine addiction requires specialized treatment due to the potentially dangerous withdrawal symptoms that can occur when stopping these medications abruptly. Proper treatment typically involves medically supervised detoxification with a gradual tapering schedule to minimize withdrawal symptoms, followed by comprehensive therapy to address the underlying causes of substance use and develop coping strategies. Because benzodiazepine withdrawal can be life-threatening in some cases, individuals should never attempt to discontinue these medications without medical supervision.
So if you’re concerned of a loved one, or perhaps yourself getting hooked with benzos, seek addiction treatment right away. Treatment options are available here at Allure Detox. Allure’s Medical detox allows the benzo user to continue their life during the process. The patient leaves our program stabilized, in good health, and ready to start their lives again. Furthermore, benzodiazepine withdrawal won’t be a difficult experience. Contact us today!
When a person who has an addiction to substances and they suddenly quit using after chronic use, they most likely will go through painful withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is the combination of physical and mental effects that a person experiences after they stop using or reduce their intake of a substance such as alcohol and prescription or recreational drugs.
Withdrawal Symptoms and Drug Addiction
One of the biggest obstacles to recovery is the fear of the withdrawal process. Many drug and alcohol addicts will continue their addictive behavior long after they want to quit, simply to avoid the detox process and painful symptoms that accompany the withdrawal. Some even try to detox from their addictions at home, suffering through days of discomfort and violent withdrawal only to go back to abusing drugs and alcohol to relieve the pain.
Every substance has different withdrawal symptoms that feel different to different people.
When going through withdrawals, there is no real answer as to how long you will be withdrawing or how painful of bad it will be. There are many factors to determine your length of withdrawal and severity:
Which drug was being used
If a mix of different drugs where being used
How often you use the drugs
How much of the substance the user took
The presence of underlying co-occurring mental health conditions
The user’s medical history
The user’s age
The user’s gender
A couple of drugs that are commonly abused are heroin and Xanax. These are sometimes seen as abused together. Sometimes Xanax is used to lessen withdrawal symptoms in between heroin fixes or to heighten the effects of the heroin. If a user is abusing both and decides to quit, withdrawal effects will be felt from both drugs. Heroin and Xanax have two different sets of withdrawal symptoms.
Many think that because heroin is considered a “harder” drug that it would be more painful to withdrawal from compared to Xanax, but is that really the case? The truth is that Xanax is considered to be more painful to withdrawal from than heroin and that is because of something called the half-life or the time it takes to eliminate the drug from your system.
Heroin Half-Life vs. Xanax Half-Life
Half-life is what determines how painful the drug detox will be is usually how long it lasts. Half-life is basically how long it stays in your bloodstream. Drugs can be categorized either as Short Half-Life vs. Long Half-Life Drugs. Short half-life drugs tend to take action quickly, and their effects may wear off rapidly as well. Drugs with longer half-lives remain active for 12-24 hours.
Heroin Withdrawal Symptoms (Shorter Half-Life)
If you are lucky enough to have the means to get into detox that helps you through your withdrawal symptoms with medicine your symptoms are lessened and can be easier to endure. Never the less you will still experience withdrawal symptoms and this is when and what you can expect:
First 24 hours – 2 days – Withdrawal depends on how fast-acting the opioid is. Heroin withdrawal may begin after a few hours and include muscle pain, anxiety, teary eyes, runny nose, sweating, insomnia, and frequent yawning.
3 – 5 days – Peak of symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, goosebumps, blurry vision, and rapid heart rate.
The first week – Symptoms taper off but may still experience digestive issues, loss of appetite, dehydration, or seizures.
After the first week – For severe addictions, insomnia, irritability, cravings, sweating, anxiety, and depression may persist for 6 or more months.
Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms (Longer Half-Life)
Xanax is a brand name for alprazolam. Xanax is a powerful benzodiazepine or benzo that is only recommended for use for up to six weeks. This drug usually is for those who suffer from anxiety and get relief when used as prescribed. It has also been reported from the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) reported that close to 10% of all emergency department visits related to the abuse of pharmaceuticals involved the benzodiazepine, or benzo, alprazolam.
The first 24 hours – 2 days – Irritability, nausea, headache, and muscle pain are early symptoms.
3 – 5 days – Depending on the strength of the dose, peak symptoms may include anxiety, irritability, shaking, restlessness, and palpitations.
The first week – Insomnia or difficulty sleeping.
After the first week – Severe withdrawal may last 10 to 14 days and include some weight loss, difficulty concentrating, and changes in perceptual abilities.
Get the Help You Need
At Allure Detox, we can help. Xanax addiction is a serious chemical dependency that requires clinical supervision to ensure that a person can safely detox. At Allure Detox, we have medically-assisted detox programs that provide replacement and comfort medication that will ease withdrawal symptoms.
Our Xanax detox in West Palm Beach, Florida is overseen by an experienced clinical staff that specializes in Xanax addiction recovery. Every person who is admitted into our comfortable Xanax detox unit will be under the care of state-licensed clinicians, psychiatrists, counselors, and therapists. Each staff member of our cross-disciplinary team works together to ensure that our clients are monitored around the clock. Call us and begin healing safely from addiction today.
Everything is in moderation. How many times have we heard this? Too many times. This is usually true because too much of something almost always have some side effects. Too much food and no exercise, you gain weight—too much sun, sun damage to the skin, and possibly cancer.
Too much alcohol or drugs leads to an addiction, which then can lead to health problems. Besides health problems, even when you try to quit drugs and alcohol, you still have withdrawal effects from chronic use. One of the worst sets of withdrawal symptoms comes from using or abusing long-term benzodiazepines.
What Are Benzodiazepines Exactly?
One of the most prescribed drugs on the market is Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines, or “benzos” for short, are a class of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for many mental disorders and illnesses. They are used to treat moderate to severe anxiety, panic attacks, epileptic seizures, and even withdrawal symptoms from other central nervous system drug depressants like alcohol. Because this drug can be highly addictive, benzodiazepines are generally prescribed for short-term use.
According to the National Health Statistics Reports from 2014–2016, benzodiazepines were prescribed at approximately 65.9 million office-based physician visits. The rates for women prescribed the drug were also higher than the men (at 34 visits per 100 women).
Most benzodiazepines come in pill or tablet form for oral consumption. Some brands, like Valium, can also be administered intravenously as a clear, odorless liquid. Benzodiazepines are legal when they are prescribed, and however, you can purchase them on the street. On the street, benzodiazepine drugs might go by other names like tranks, downers, bars, sticks, French fries, ladders, or simply benzos.
Some common benzodiazepines include:
Benzodiazepines should be taken only as prescribed by your doctor. Benzo withdrawal symptoms can take hold within hours of the last dose, and they can peak in severity within 1-4 days. People can also experience anything from a simple headache to diarrhea and even seizures or tremors during withdrawal.
Tremors as a Result of Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
One uncomfortable symptom of benzo withdrawal is hand tremors, and sometimes you won’t even know you are detoxing until suddenly your hands shake uncontrollably. The tremor may affect the hands (one or both), arms, head, or eyelids. In rare cases, the lower body is affected. But more often, the hands seem to be more prone to tremors. The tremor may not affect both sides of the body equally. The shaking is usually fast, about 4 to 12 movements per second.
The benzidazepine detox tremors may be:
Episodic (occurring in bursts, sometimes about an hour after taking medicine)
Intermittent (comes and goes with activity, but not always)
Sporadic (happens on occasion)
The tremor can:
Occur either with movement or at rest
Disappear during sleep
Get worse with voluntary movement and emotional stress
Sometimes the tremors can get so severe they can interfere with daily activities, excellent motor skills such as writing, and other activities such as eating or drinking. The easiest and safest way to stop using benzos is through medical detox, and at Allure Detox, we can help.
The health threat posed by withdrawal is one of the main reasons a benzo detox is necessary. Our team performs benzo detox on a medical basis, prescribing replacement drugs on a decreasing schedule until the withdrawal symptoms dissipate. It is complicated for a long-term benzo user to stop on their own.
Medical Benzodiazepine Detox
Allure’s Medical detox allows the benzo user to continue their life during the process. The patient leaves our program stabilized, in good health, and ready to start their lives again. Don’t allow benzodiazepines to control your life any longer; reach out for help today, and start healing comfortably.
Why does benzo withdrawal cause hand tremors?
Benzodiazepine withdrawal can cause hand tremors due to the changes in the nervous system that occur with discontinuation of the medication. To understand why this happens, it’s important to know how benzodiazepines affect the brain and nervous system:
GABA Receptor Modulation: Benzodiazepines enhance the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is a neurotransmitter that inhibits the activity of neurons in the brain. GABA is the primary ‘inhibitory’ neurotransmitter and has the effect of calming neuronal activity. Benzodiazepines increase the efficiency of GABA binding to its receptors and this results in increased inhibition of neuronal firing. This leads to the calming effects, including reduced anxiety and muscle relaxation, for which benzodiazepines are often prescribed.
Adaptation of the Nervous System: With regular use of benzodiazepines, the brain and nervous system adapt to the increased GABA activity by reducing the sensitivity of GABA receptors and/or by increasing the activity of excitatory neurotransmitters. This can lead to tolerance (needing more of the drug to achieve the same effect) and dependence (needing the drug to function normally).
Withdrawal and Rebound Excitation: When benzodiazepines are discontinued, especially if done abruptly, the enhanced GABA activity suddenly drops. However, the nervous system is still in an adapted state expecting the presence of the medication. This leads to a relative over-activity of excitatory neurotransmission since the inhibitory GABA effects are no longer being enhanced. This over-activity can manifest as symptoms such as anxiety, agitation, and hand tremors.
In summary, hand tremors during benzodiazepine withdrawal are a result of the rebound excitation in the nervous system that occurs when the inhibitory effects of benzodiazepines on GABA neurotransmission are removed. This is why it’s very important that individuals who are discontinuing benzodiazepines do so gradually and under medical supervision to minimize these and other withdrawal symptoms.
How long do Hand Tremors last during Benzo Withdrawal?
The duration of hand tremors and other withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines can vary widely depending on several factors, including:
Duration of Use: Individuals who have been using benzodiazepines for a longer period of time may experience more prolonged withdrawal symptoms.
Dosage: Higher dosages of benzodiazepines can result in more severe withdrawal symptoms.
Specific Medication: Different benzodiazepines have different half-lives, and withdrawal from shorter-acting benzodiazepines may be more intense but shorter in duration compared to withdrawal from longer-acting benzodiazepines.
Tapering Schedule: Gradual tapering of benzodiazepines under medical supervision can reduce the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms, including hand tremors.
Individual Differences: There is a considerable variation in how individuals experience benzodiazepine withdrawal, including differences in metabolism, sensitivity to medication, and underlying mental health or medical conditions.
Psychological Factors: Anxiety and stress can exacerbate withdrawal symptoms. Mental health support during withdrawal may reduce the duration and intensity of symptoms.
Generally, hand tremors and other withdrawal symptoms can begin within a few hours to a few days after stopping the medication and might last for several days to several weeks or even months in some cases. In some instances, individuals experience protracted withdrawal symptoms, which can last for many months.
Because withdrawal from benzodiazepines can be severe and in some cases life-threatening, it is very important that individuals who are discontinuing benzodiazepines do so under the supervision of a healthcare provider who can provide guidance and support through the withdrawal process. If you or someone you know is experiencing withdrawal symptoms from benzodiazepines, it is important to seek medical advice and assistance.
There are many things today that can cause anxiety. Someone in the family may have fallen ill or passed, stress at work, a big move to another place, almost anything that disrupts your everyday life can cause stress and anxiety. There are many ways to go about getting help for anxiety issues: there is a holistic approach with healthy eating, meditation, and yoga, or other stress-reducing activities, or the quick fix that seems to be more popular is to get a prescription from a doctor.
A few medications can be prescribed, but among the most commonly prescribed Benzodiazepines or benzos are Valium, Xanax, and Klonopin. These are medications prescribed short-term for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia. These drugs are prescribed for short-term use because most people will develop a physical dependence after a few weeks. It doesn’t matter if you were taking the prescription as directed; there is a high chance that once you stop taking the drug, you will start to have some form of withdrawal after a few hours or days.
How long does withdrawal from Klonopin last?
The duration of Klonopin (clonazepam) withdrawal can vary widely depending on several factors, including the dosage, duration of use, individual physiology, and whether the tapering process was medically supervised. However, a general timeline is as follows:
Acute Withdrawal Phase:
Duration: 1 to 4 weeks
Symptoms: Anxiety, irritability, insomnia, sweating, tremors, and muscle pain.
Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS):
Duration: Several months to a year
Symptoms: Persistent anxiety, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and cognitive difficulties.
Factors Affecting Withdrawal Duration:
Dosage and Duration: Higher doses and longer use typically result in longer withdrawal periods.
Tapering Schedule: Gradual tapering under medical supervision can help reduce the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms.
Individual Differences: Age, overall health, and co-occurring mental health conditions can influence the withdrawal process.
It’s important to seek medical guidance when discontinuing Klonopin to ensure a safe and effective withdrawal process.
What Happens When You Abuse Klonopin?
Some patients take Klonopin as prescribed, some don’t, and others get the drug illegally. No matter how you handle them or what kind of user you are, taking benzos longer than three to four weeks, you can experience withdrawal symptoms.
For people using benzos for more than six months, about 40% will experience moderate-to-severe withdrawal symptoms. The other 60% will still have symptoms, but they will be far milder
For the use of Klonopin, Just like any other substance, the severity of your withdrawal will depend on many factors:
Your current Klonopin dose
How long you’ve been taking it
Whether you regularly mix it with other drugs or alcohol
Your age and physical health
And much more
Klonopin withdrawals and alcohol withdrawals are very similar. Both medications are probably the worst withdrawal you could experience and the only one you could die from if you don’t have supervised medical detox. You can feel anxious and have flu-like symptoms, and they can be severe or mild, and they can come and go.
Since Klonopin is a long-acting benzodiazepine, it has a long half-life from 30 to 40 hours, so it can take a while for the withdrawal symptoms to start. It can start from two to seven days after the last time you took the drug. The withdrawal symptoms can last on and off from two to eight weeks. The withdrawal symptoms of Klonopin will affect you physically and mentally.
Physical manifestations of benzo withdrawal can include:
Troubled sleeping (nightmares, waking in the night)
Abnormal perceptual changes (things touch, taste, or feel different)
Problems concentrating
Trouble remembering things
Distorted body image
Second Stage of Klonopin Withdrawal
There is also a second stage to the withdrawal after the initial, post-acute withdrawal. This could last anywhere from months to a year. Again this can differ from person to person, but you go about getting off Klonopin, whether tapering or cold turkey; it’s best to do a medical detox where you can be supervised, and at Allure Detox, we can help.
Patients choose medical detox because it allows them to continue participating in their former lives. This aids in the healing process of recovery and teaches the value of living without drugs and alcohol. And it has been statistically proven that a more extended detox period is more likely to lead to long-term recovery than a shorter period.
For these reasons and many more, patients choose the expert, compassionate care of Allure Detox. We look forward to working with you and your family to get your lives back on track. Contact us around the clock for a confidential assessment, and let’s see if Allure Detox is the right treatment center for yourself or a loved one.
How long does Klonopin last for anxiety?
The duration of action for Klonopin (generic name: clonazepam) can vary depending on factors like individual metabolism, dosage, and frequency of administration. Typically, Klonopin has a relatively long half-life compared to other benzodiazepines, ranging from 18 to 50 hours. This means that its effects can last for a considerable amount of time, often providing relief from anxiety for up to 6 to 12 hours per dose. However, it’s important to note that the effects may vary from person to person, and regular use of Klonopin can lead to tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal symptoms if discontinued abruptly or not tapered off properly under medical supervision. Always follow your doctor’s recommendations regarding the use and duration of Klonopin for anxiety.
Polydrug use—the practice of combining multiple substances—is a common but dangerous behavior, particularly among individuals using stimulants like cocaine. One of the most frequent pairings is cocaine with benzodiazepines (benzos), a class of depressants often taken to ease the intense crash that follows stimulant use.
Polydrug use can take several forms, including:
Mixing substances to enhance or alter their effects.
Using one drug to offset another, such as taking benzos to ease anxiety and insomnia after cocaine use.
Rotating different drugs within a short period, sometimes within days or weeks.
This pattern isn’t limited to illicit drugs—it also includes alcohol, prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and inhalants like paint fumes. While substances like tobacco and coffee are typically excluded, combinations such as alcohol and energy drinks fall under this category.
Though some users believe benzos help smooth the cocaine comedown, this combination carries significant risks, including overdose, respiratory depression, and increased dependence on both substances. Understanding these dangers is crucial for those struggling with substance use.
Why do people mix Benzos and Cocaine?
Imagine a scenario: someone uses cocaine to stay energized during a night out. Later, feeling anxious and unable to sleep due to the cocaine’s effects, they take a benzodiazepine in an attempt to calm down. This seemingly simple act can set in motion a dangerous cycle, increasing the risk of overdose, cardiovascular problems, and other severe health consequences.
This repeated pattern can be dangerous not just because you are putting yourself in danger of overdose, but this repeated pattern can, if not already, turn into an addiction. After a while, cocaine users usually find themselves using it not just to stay out all night but just to wake up and function throughout the day. So you are then using cocaine all the time and countering it with benzos. So you obtain an addiction to both.
Are Benzos Safe for Cocaine Comedown?
No, benzodiazepines (benzos) are not a safe solution for a cocaine comedown. While they may temporarily ease comedown symptoms like anxiety and insomnia, mixing benzos with cocaine increases the risk of overdose, respiratory depression, and addiction. This combination can lead to a dangerous cycle of substance use disorder, requiring professional cocaine addiction treatment.
The Dangerous Combination: Cocaine and Benzodiazepines
While some individuals mistakenly believe that benzodiazepines can “take the edge off” a cocaine high or help with the comedown, combining these two substances is extremely dangerous and can have life-threatening consequences. This combination creates a complex and unpredictable interaction within the body, significantly increasing the risks associated with each drug individually.
Increased Risk of Overdose
Both cocaine and benzodiazepines can depress respiration, although they do so through different mechanisms. Cocaine, while a stimulant, can lead to respiratory depression at high doses or during a “crash.” Benzodiazepines are central nervous system depressants that directly slow down breathing. When combined, these effects are amplified, dramatically increasing the risk of respiratory failure and fatal overdose. Even if not immediately fatal, respiratory depression can lead to brain damage due to lack of oxygen.
Cardiovascular Problems
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that puts significant stress on the cardiovascular system. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, and constricts blood vessels. Benzodiazepines, on the other hand, are depressants that can lower heart rate and blood pressure. This “fight” within the body, where one drug is pushing the heart to work harder while the other is trying to slow it down, creates immense strain. This can lead to a variety of serious cardiovascular problems, including:
Heart attack: The increased workload on the heart, combined with the potential for irregular heart rhythms, significantly raises the risk of heart attack.
Stroke: Cocaine’s vasoconstrictive effects can lead to reduced blood flow to the brain, increasing the risk of ischemic stroke. The fluctuating blood pressure caused by the combination can also increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.
Arrhythmias: The disruption of the heart’s electrical activity can lead to dangerous arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms), which can be fatal.
Respiratory Depression
As mentioned above, both drugs can slow breathing, and the combination can lead to respiratory failure. This is a primary cause of death in overdoses involving this combination.
Psychological Symptoms
The combination of cocaine and benzodiazepines can also have profound and unpredictable psychological effects. While some people might initially seek the calming effects of benzos to counteract cocaine-induced anxiety, the interaction can actually worsen mental health issues. The combined use can increase the risk of:
Anxiety and Paranoia: While benzos are prescribed for anxiety, the combination with cocaine can paradoxically increase anxiety and paranoia, even leading to panic attacks.
Psychosis: In some individuals, this combination can trigger or exacerbate psychosis, a mental state characterized by hallucinations and delusions.
Worsened Comedown: While benzos might seem to offer temporary relief from the cocaine comedown, they can ultimately make it worse. The rebound effects of both drugs can lead to a more intense and prolonged period of depression, anxiety, and intense cravings.
Increased Addiction Potential
Combining cocaine and benzodiazepines can create a complex and dangerous cycle of dependency. The user may become addicted to both drugs, making it significantly harder to quit. The reinforcing effects of each drug can strengthen the addiction, and the user may find themselves trapped in a pattern of using one to counteract the effects of the other. This poly-drug use can lead to a more severe and challenging addiction to treat.
Long-Term Effects
The long-term effects of combining cocaine and benzodiazepines can be devastating, impacting both physical and mental health, and significantly increasing the risk of severe complications and even death. Here’s a breakdown of the potential long-term consequences:
Physical Symptoms
Cardiovascular Damage: Chronic use of this combination puts immense strain on the heart. Over time, this can lead to:
Heart disease: Increased risk of developing conditions like cardiomyopathy (weakened heart muscle) and heart failure.
Hypertension: Persistent high blood pressure, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and kidney damage.
Increased risk of sudden death: Due to the potential for fatal arrhythmias and cardiac arrest.
Respiratory Problems: Long-term use can contribute to:
Chronic respiratory issues: Damage to the lungs, potentially leading to conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Increased susceptibility to infections: Damage to the respiratory system can weaken its defenses, making individuals more prone to pneumonia and other infections.
Neurological Damage: The combination can have toxic effects on the brain, potentially leading to:
Cognitive decline: Problems with memory, attention, and decision-making.
Increased risk of seizures: Both cocaine and benzodiazepines can increase seizure risk, and the combination may amplify this effect.
Movement disorders: In some cases, long-term use can contribute to movement disorders like Parkinsonism.
Liver and Kidney Damage: Both cocaine and benzodiazepines are processed by the liver and kidneys. Chronic use can put a strain on these organs, potentially leading to:
Liver damage: Including hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Kidney damage: Impaired kidney function and increased risk of kidney disease.
Mental Health
Exacerbation of Mental Health Disorders: The combination can worsen pre-existing mental health conditions and increase the risk of developing new ones, including:
Depression: Long-term use can disrupt the brain’s neurochemistry, contributing to chronic depression.
Anxiety disorders: While benzodiazepines are prescribed for anxiety, long-term use, especially in combination with cocaine, can paradoxically worsen anxiety and lead to panic attacks.
Psychosis: Increased risk of developing psychosis, characterized by hallucinations and delusions.
Dependence and Addiction: Long-term use of this combination almost inevitably leads to:
Polydrug addiction: Dependence on both cocaine and benzodiazepines, making it much harder to quit.
Increased risk of relapse: The complex dependency created by combining these drugs makes it more challenging to maintain sobriety.
Other Long-Term Consequences
Social and Relationship Problems: Addiction can lead to:
Strained relationships: Due to changes in behavior, mood, and priorities.
Job loss: Difficulty maintaining employment due to impaired functioning and unreliability.
Financial difficulties: Due to the high cost of drugs and the impact of addiction on employment.
Increased Risk of Accidents and Injuries: Impaired judgment, coordination, and cognitive function increase the risk of accidents and injuries, both while under the influence and due to the long-term effects on the brain.
Increased Risk of Overdose and Death: Even with long-term use, the risk of overdose remains high, especially when combining cocaine and benzodiazepines. Overdose can lead to death from respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, or stroke.
It’s important to emphasize that the long-term effects of combining cocaine and benzodiazepines can vary depending on individual factors such as:
Frequency and amount of use: The more frequent and higher the doses, the greater the risk of long-term consequences.
Individual health: Pre-existing physical or mental health conditions can increase vulnerability to the long-term effects.
Genetic predisposition: Some individuals may be genetically more susceptible to the negative effects of these drugs.
How to Recover from a Cocaine Hangover
A cocaine hangover, also known as a cocaine crash, occurs after a cocaine binge and can lead to unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, depression, anxiety, and intense cravings. These effects result from depleted dopamine levels, a key neurotransmitter involved in motivation and pleasure.
Steps to Recover from a Cocaine Hangover
Hydrate and Nourish Your Body
Drink plenty of water to flush toxins and combat dehydration.
Eat nutritious food rich in vitamins and protein to restore energy.
Rest and Allow Your Brain to Rebalance
Sleep is crucial for dopamine and serotonin regulation.
Avoid stimulants like caffeine, which can worsen cocaine withdrawal symptoms.
Manage Comedown Symptoms
Expect a runny nose, headaches, and mood swings.
Engage in light physical activity to boost well-being.
Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to ease side effects.
Seek Support if Needed
A cocaine crash can trigger suicidal thoughts or deep depression.
Reach out to a helpline or support network if struggling.
Consider Professional Help for Long-Term Recovery
If cocaine abuse becomes a pattern, consider cocaine addiction treatment.
Treatment options include outpatient counseling, inpatient rehab, and group therapy.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse recommends structured treatment programs for substance use disorder.
While occasional recovery from a cocaine hangover is possible, repeated cocaine use can lead to drug addiction. If you’re experiencing ongoing issues, seeking help from a treatment center can support your long-term recovery.
Polydrug Use and Addiction: A Growing Concern
The use of multiple drugs at one time is frequently seen; the 2011 Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) report lists several relevant findings, including the following:
Seeking help for cocaine and benzodiazepine addiction is crucial. If you or someone you love is struggling, know that recovery is possible. Beyond the specialized care offered at facilities like Allure Detox, a range of resources is available. Support groups like Cocaine Anonymous and SMART Recovery provide peer support and guidance. It’s essential to explore different treatment options, including detox, therapy, and aftercare programs, to find the best fit for individual needs. Taking the first step towards recovery can be challenging, but it’s a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.
What Are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, called benzos for short, are a class of central nervous system depressants that are regularly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic disorders, muscle spasm, seizures, and insomnia. They have been known to aid in the management of alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Certain physiological functions under central nervous system control may be slowed and lowered when taking benzos, like heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and body temperature.
What is Cocaine Addiction?
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports, in 2014, over 8 percent of adults in America battled addiction. Addiction is a brain disease that has physical, emotional, and social ramifications, and it is characterized by difficulties controlling or stopping drug use.
Loss of control over the amount and frequency of use
Craving and compulsive using
Continued use in the face of adverse consequences
If you or someone you know is combining cocaine and benzodiazepines, it’s crucial to seek help immediately. The long-term consequences can be severe and life-threatening, but recovery is possible with appropriate treatment and support.
Prescription drugs are prescribed every day for multiple reasons. Some people are just coming out of surgery or have chronic pain and are prescribed painkillers to function and be comfortable in their daily lives. Some may have mental or emotional trauma such as anxiety, panic attacks, or something else that makes it challenging to deal with the days ahead. Some of the most prescribed medications today are Hydrocodone and Xanax.
These drugs are habit-forming and have a high chance of dependency if taken other than prescribed by your doctor. Individuals who have a substance abuse problem take high doses to feel a euphoric high and sometimes take them together to get an even more intense high which can be deadly because each slows the body’s nervous system.
TL;DR – Mixing Hydrocodone and Xanax is generally unsafe without medical supervision, as it can significantly increase the risk of severe side effects and overdose.
What is Hydrocodone?
Hydrocodone is used to relieve severe pain. Hydrocodone is one of the active ingredients in the painkillers Vicodin, which is given out frequently after major surgery or cancer patients. Hydrocodone is a type of opioid, and it’s in many kinds of prescription medications designed to relieve pain. It is only prescribed when other pain medications are ineffective, and it comes in extended-release capsules or tablets. If abused and taken more than prescribed, hydrocodone can cause side effects such as weakness, confusion, and hallucinations.
What is Xanax?
Xanax, the brand name for alprazolam, is a benzodiazepine or benzo. Xanax is usually prescribed for those who have anxiety or panic disorders. It works by telling our brain and nervous system to calm down, hence producing a calming effect. This drug should only be taken as directed because it can cause dependency and become addictive. Besides being dangerous when taking high doses, quitting suddenly after taking it for long periods is also detrimental. The withdrawals from this drug can cause dangerous symptoms, sometimes seizures.
Mixing Hydrocodone and Xanax
In general, it is popular for people who abuse drugs to mix hydrocodone and Xanax to feel effects more significant than either drug can produce if taken alone. When those addicted to hydrocodone no longer get high, they combine the drug with Xanax for a “better” effect.
According to a 2012 review in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence (NCBI), benzodiazepines and opioids are among the most frequently abused psychoactive drug classes in the world. It also states in multiple studies that people who had received opioids and benzodiazepines simultaneously felt higher and more sedated than taking either drug alone.
Combining these two drugs can be deadly because both drugs can slow breathing, and when combined, the drugs can make a person stop breathing. The labels on all opioids and benzodiazepines prescriptions warn patients not to mix the drugs because of the facts found by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the two commonly used together. It states,
To decrease the use of opioids and benzodiazepines, or opioids and other CNS depressants, together, we are adding Boxed Warnings, our strongest warnings, to the drug labeling of prescription opioid pain and prescription opioid cough medicines, and benzodiazepines.
Overdosing on hydrocodone and Xanax is very easy and is a severe health condition, even deadly.
Signs of a hydrocodone and Xanax overdose include:
Trouble breathing
Loss of consciousness
Get the Help You Need
If you or a loved one are ready to quit using hydrocodone or Xanax, it is best not to do it alone. When it comes to Allure Detox, we provide much more than the bare minimum. Of course, we help clients stop using safely – that’s just a given. Almost as important as that, though, is that we offer clients the foundation for a lifetime of relief and recovery.
That’s the Allure Detox promise: that patients leave our care with more than good health at their disposal. Our focus is on minimizing your withdrawal symptoms to a comfortable level while beginning the comprehensive treatment process that will keep you sober.
How long after taking Hydrocodone can you take Xanax?
Combining medications such as Norco (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) and Xanax (alprazolam) can have potentially serious interactions and should be done with caution and only under the supervision of a healthcare professional.
Norco is an opioid pain medication, and Xanax is a benzodiazepine typically used for anxiety or panic disorders. Both medications can cause sedation and depress the central nervous system. Taking them together can enhance these effects and lead to excessive sedation, respiratory depression, and in severe cases, coma or death.
It is crucial to consult a healthcare provider for guidance on whether these medications can be used together safely, and if so, how they should be properly spaced and dosed. If you have been prescribed both medications by a healthcare provider, make sure they are aware of all the medications you are taking, and follow their instructions closely regarding dosing and timing.
Is it safe to mix Hydrocodone and Xanax?
Mixing Hydrocodone and Xanax is generally not considered safe without strict medical supervision. Both of these medications can depress the central nervous system, leading to effects such as sedation, respiratory depression, coma, or even death. The combination can increase the risk of severe side effects and overdose.
Hydrocodone is an opioid pain medication, while Xanax (alprazolam) is a benzodiazepine used for treating anxiety and panic disorders. Both substances have the potential for abuse and dependence.
If a healthcare provider prescribes both medications, they will carefully monitor the patient’s response and adjust the dosages accordingly to minimize risks. It’s crucial to follow the prescribed dosages and to consult a healthcare professional before combining these or any other medications.
Published on: 2020-05-15 Updated on: 2024-12-22
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At Allure Detox, client safety and comfort are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect a warm welcome from every member of our team. We are committed to providing exceptional drug and alcohol detox services and creating an environment that supports long-term, successful recovery.