Signs Your Body Is Releasing Trauma

Trauma is complex and can have a profound effect on all parts of your being as it not only affects you mind, but it also impacts your body as a whole. In other words, your mental and physical health are usually both affected by trauma.

What is trauma? Simply put, it is a severe injury. Examples of physical trauma include broken bones, a lost limb and a collapsed lung. Meanwhile, psychological trauma can result from one or more distressing events, such as experiencing or watching someone else experience violence or being in a threatening situation, particularly when it is or appears impossible to escape from those circumstances.

There are several ways in which psychological trauma is stored in the body, and its natural healing process will often result in it doing things that can be distressing but that are actually good signs.

Physical Signs of Trauma Release

Releasing Trauma

1. Shaking or Trembling

Shaking or Trembling: Shaking or trembling can occur when your body releases energy that has built up because of your traumatic experience. This may occur during meditation, yoga, or at any time, as your body processes residual responses from a past fight or flight activation.

2. Sweating or Shivering

You might sometimes feel especially hot or cold and experience that through sweating or shivering as your body processes your traumatic experiences.

3. Muscle Tension and Release

Muscle Tension and Release: Trauma can cause your muscles to feel tense, and muscle twitching may occur as well. Conversely, a release of that tension is a sign of trauma also being released, which often results in a state of deep muscle relaxation.

4. Changes in Breathing Patterns

Changes in Breathing Patterns: Long sighs, yawning, and deep breaths can be indications of trauma release. This is in contrast to the shallow or rapid breathing that often results after someone has suffered a traumatic experience. A couple of ways to intentionally cultivate positive breathing patterns include engaging in yoga or meditation, and specifically, practicing targeted breathwork techniques.

5. Digestive Changes

Trauma may cause irritable bowel syndrome, cramps, acid reflux, bloating and changes in your appetite. As you heal from trauma, your diet and stomach should both improve, resulting in a reduction of those symptoms.

6. Sleep Disturbances

Many who have suffered trauma experience changes in their sleep patterns, often resulting in shallower sleep or less of it. This is partially because your brain while believing that you are still in danger will not let you sleep as fully as you otherwise would. Vivid dreams or nightmares can occur as well as your mind processes what happened. Conversely, when your trauma is being released, your sleep improves, a sign that your mind has determined that you are safe again.

Emotional and Psychological Signs of Trauma Release

Emotional Trauma

1. Emotional Surges

One of the common indications that someone is releasing trauma is the experiencing of emotional surges. These can be manifested through crying, laughing and intense emotions, such as fear, sadness, anger, irritability, joy and relief. Mood swings may occur as well.

2. Flashbacks or Intrusive Thoughts

A way that the body stores and processes traumatic moments is through flashbacks, relivings of that event. The lessening of this is a sign of healing.

3. Increased Sensitivity

An indicator of someone processing trauma is increased sensitivity, to often feel overwhelmed by things that had not caused that feeling in the past or otherwise experiencing sensory overload. Perhaps loud noises or bright lights now overwhelm you when they had not before. That is your mind processing this new emotional landscape, and it decreasing is your brain showing that it has effectively done so.

4. Changes in Thought Patterns

Shifts in your perspective on things or the emergence of long-forgotten memories are indications of trauma release.

5. Feelings of Vulnerability and Openness

Trauma oftentimes causes a person to feel much more vulnerable and open than they had before.

Behavioral Signs of Trauma Release

Releasing Trauma

1. Changes in Social Interactions

In many cases, a traumatized person will experience an increased need for solitude, more of a desire for connection or, paradoxically, both as the brain processes how to react to that traumatic experience and how to keep you safe.

2. Changes in Appetite or Eating Habits

Changes in your appetite or eating habits can occur, and this may happen in either direction, whether eating a lot less or a lot more than had been the case before the traumatic incidents, while the types of foods and drinks that are being consumed may be altered as well. To help your trauma release be as effective as possible, consume as healthy of a diet as possible.

3. Increased Self-Care Behaviors

Engaging in increased self-care behaviors is a positive sign of trauma release. This can be done through spending time with those you care for, engaging in diaphragmatic breathing, journaling and setting healthy boundaries.

4. Changes in Energy Levels

Another way that trauma release occurs is through considerable changes in your energy levels. A couple of examples include experiencing sudden bursts of energy and periods of overwhelming fatigue.

5. Seeking Out Supportive Environments

Seeking out supportive environments is one of the ways that the brain shows that it is effectively processing the traumatic event. This can include cultivating a positive home environment and social life, seeking the assistance of a psychologist or joining a support group.

Supporting the Trauma Release Process


1. Create a Safe and Supportive Environment

Feeling safe and supportive is an especially important part of the trauma release process, and you should ensure that you are surrounded by those who help you experience feelings of safety and support.

2. Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques, such as breathing deeply, spending time in natural settings or otherwise taking part in calming activities, support the trauma release process. Meanwhile, taking note of your five senses, things that you can see, touch, hear, smell and taste, can ground you in the midst of a more urgent situation, such as a panic attack.

3. Somatic Practices

Somatic Practices: Physical activities that may assist with the release of trauma include yoga, dance, and tai chi. These practices can strengthen your immune system and help you process pent-up energy. Additionally, for those seeking a more targeted approach, exploring somatic therapy or techniques like somatic experiencing could provide deeper support in addressing trauma stored within the body.

4. Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness, focusing on the sensations and environment that are currently being experienced, and meditation, narrowing your focus to just one thing, can relax your brain and body and assist them in processing the trauma.

5. Seeking Professional Help

Seeking Professional Help: Embarking on a healing journey often involves seeking professional help. Various therapeutic approaches, including psychotherapy and techniques like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), can assist in reprocessing traumatic experiences. Addressing trauma through guided body awareness and self-awareness can be more effective than attempting to navigate it alone, fostering overall well-being. Professionals can also help integrate various techniques to address related issues like chronic pain and complex emotional responses tied to painful memories. Integrating these therapies can support a more effective and supported healing experience.

6. Importance of self-compassion

Self-compassion is one of the most important things that you can do as your brain processes your stored trauma and rewires itself and as your body also responds to these circumstances through its own physical symptoms. Most importantly, be patient with yourself and give yourself time to work through this. During this period, things will not be as easily done as they used to be, and that is to be expected and is okay.

When to Seek Professional Help


1. Overwhelming or Intensely Distressing Symptoms

If you feel overwhelmed or intensely distressed by your symptoms, you may want to consult an experienced professional to assist you with dealing with your trauma release.

2. Persistent Flashbacks or Nightmares

Professional assistance can help if flashbacks or nightmares persist.

3. Difficulty Functioning in Daily Life

If you are experiencing difficulty functioning in your daily life, particularly if this has continued for weeks, it may be necessary to utilize professional help in order to help you get past this stage.

4. Co-Existing Conditions

Those who are not only processing trauma but also struggling with substance abuse should note that professional support will likely be necessary to help them effectively handle those simultaneous struggles.

5. Suicidal Thoughts or Self-Harm

If you have suicidal thoughts or are engaging in self-harm, you should consult a professional to help you deal with your trauma release in a safer manner. If the situation is urgent, call 988 or 911.


Individuals who have experienced past trauma should prioritize self-compassion and patience, recognizing that trauma release symptoms and their effects on the nervous system and body feels are normal. This is the body’s way of processing and healing. It’s understandable to struggle with mental health, even without prior experience, as unresolved trauma manifests in diverse ways.

There is hope for trauma recovery. Trauma survivors can find healing, even when it feels distant. Understanding trauma is the first step toward wellness. Recognizing that body releases trauma through physical sensations and emotional releases is crucial. Creating a sense of safety is paramount for healing. For those grappling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), seeking professional trauma therapy, which might include CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), can be transformative in addressing traumatic memories.

If you are suffering from an addiction, Allure Detox can help. We provide trauma-informed care and effectively treat co-existing conditions, considering medical, psychiatric, chemical, and traumatic experiences to create personalized treatment plans. A non-judgmental, welcoming environment awaits you.

Published on: 2025-03-06
Updated on: 2025-03-20

12-Panel Drug Test

A 12-panel drug test is a comprehensive urine screening that detects 12 substances, including illicit and commonly misused prescription drugs. It expands upon simpler tests like the 5-panel, providing a broader scope for identifying recent drug use or misuse. This test is crucial for ensuring safety and compliance in workplaces, healthcare, and legal settings, offering a more complete drug use profile.

Substances Detected by the 12-Panel Test

The 12-panel drug screen targets twelve specific substances or drug categories, covering a mix of stimulants, depressants, opioids, and other commonly abused drugs.

blood test

12-Panel Drug Test List

While the exact composition can vary slightly by manufacturer, a standard 12-panel test typically checks for the following substances :

  1. Amphetamines (AMP) – A class of central nervous system stimulants that includes drugs like Adderall and Dexedrine (used to treat ADHD) as well as illicit analogs. The test will detect amphetamine compounds and is often calibrated to catch related stimulants.
  2. Barbiturates (BAR) – An older class of sedative-hypnotics (e.g. phenobarbital, secobarbital) that depress the nervous system. Although less commonly prescribed today, they appear on extended panels due to their abuse potential. A positive result suggests use of a barbiturate sedative.
  3. Benzodiazepines (BZO) – A broad category of tranquilizers and sedatives (e.g. Valium, Xanax, Ativan) that are commonly prescribed for anxiety or insomnia but also frequently abused. The test picks up benzodiazepine metabolites to indicate use of drugs in this class.
  4. Buprenorphine (BUP) – A semi-synthetic opioid (active ingredient in Suboxone/Subutex) used in opioid addiction treatment. Buprenorphine is tested to monitor compliance in recovery programs or detect illicit use, since it wouldn’t trigger a positive on a general opiate screen.
  5. Cocaine (COC) – A stimulant derived from the coca plant, commonly abused in its powdered or crack form. The 12-panel test screens for cocaine’s main metabolite (benzoylecgonine) to confirm cocaine use.
  6. Methadone (MTD) – A synthetic opioid used medically for pain management and opioid dependency treatment. Methadone has unique metabolites, so it’s included as its own panel item to catch non-prescribed use or verify compliance in treatment programs.
  7. Methamphetamine (mAMP) – A powerful stimulant (often known as “crystal meth”) that is chemically related to amphetamine but significantly more potent and addictive. Methamphetamine use is flagged separately due to its prevalence and high abuse potential.
  8. MDMA (Ecstasy) – A synthetic psychoactive drug with both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties. MDMA (often called Ecstasy or Molly) is included in the panel because of its recreational abuse in party settings .
  9. Marijuana/Cannabinoids (THC) – The primary psychoactive ingredient in cannabis (tetrahydrocannabinol). The test detects THC metabolites in urine, indicating recent cannabis use . This covers marijuana and related cannabinoid products.
  10. Opiates (OPI) – Naturally occurring opiates like morphine and codeine, as well as their derivative heroin. A positive opiate result indicates the presence of morphine, codeine, or related metabolites from heroin (which metabolizes to morphine) . Note: Many panels use “opiates” to specifically denote morphine/codeine types, while semi-synthetic opioids are often tested separately (see oxycodone).
  11. Oxycodone (OXY) – A semi-synthetic opioid found in painkillers like OxyContin and Percocet. Oxycodone and its metabolite oxymorphone are specifically targeted because standard opiate tests may not always detect these synthetic opioids.
  12. Propoxyphene (PPX) – A synthetic opioid pain reliever (formerly sold as Darvon/Darvocet). Propoxyphene was withdrawn from U.S. markets for safety reasons, but it remains on many panel tests because of its historical prevalence and potential presence in toxicology cases . Its inclusion ensures older or international cases of use are detected.

Each of the twelve entries in a 12-panel drug test corresponds to a specific strip or test spot on the panel. These strips react if the drug or its metabolite is present in the urine above a certain threshold.

Together, these strips cover a wide spectrum of illicit drugs as well as commonly misused prescription medications. This makes the 12-panel one of the most exhaustive routine drug screens available.

It’s important to note that some versions of the 12-panel test may include or substitute additional substances such as Methaqualone (Quaaludes) or Tricyclic antidepressants (TCA). The previously listed substances represent a standard configuration.

Always verify which specific drugs are included in the particular 12-panel product you are using.

drug test

Importance of Drug Screening in Healthcare, Workplaces, and Legal Scenarios

Drug screening with a 12-panel test plays a critical role in several contexts by helping ensure safety and compliance:

Healthcare and Clinical Settings

Physicians and hospitals frequently use comprehensive drug screens to inform patient care. For example, in emergency medicine or prior to surgery, knowing whether a patient has opioids, benzodiazepines, or other substances in their system can help prevent dangerous drug interactions.

In pain management clinics and addiction treatment programs, 12-panel tests serve an essential role. They help monitor patients’ adherence to prescribed medications by confirming the presence of expected drugs. Additionally, these tests can identify undisclosed substance use, enabling medical professionals to provide timely intervention and support.

Workplace Testing

Many employers implement drug-free workplace policies to ensure safety and productivity. A 12-panel urine test is commonly utilized for pre-employment screening, random employee testing, or post-accident investigations.

These tests are particularly important in safety-sensitive industries such as transportation, construction, and healthcare. By detecting a broad array of substances—from cocaine and amphetamines to prescription painkillers—the 12-panel test helps employers quickly identify potential impairment or illicit drug use that could compromise workplace safety.

Legal and Criminal Justice

Courts and law enforcement agencies frequently require drug testing as part of ongoing monitoring or legal proceedings. Individuals on probation, participating in DUI diversion programs, or involved in custody disputes are often subject to 12-panel tests.

The comprehensive coverage provided by the 12-panel test ensures individuals are not using illicit or unauthorized prescription drugs while under legal supervision. Additionally, in forensic medicine and criminal investigations, a 12-panel drug test can serve as a valuable initial step to determine what substances might have contributed to an overdose, crime, or accident.

Rehabilitation Programs

Routine drug screening is a critical component of substance abuse rehabilitation and sober living environments. Using a 12-panel test, rehab centers can effectively verify abstinence from multiple drug categories and promptly identify any relapse in patients.

The inclusion of medications such as buprenorphine or methadone in these tests allows healthcare providers to monitor treatment compliance. This ensures that patients in recovery programs do not substitute prescribed medications with other drugs, thereby supporting their ongoing recovery efforts.

Confidentiality and Accuracy in Drug Testing

Across all these contexts, comprehensive drug screening offers an objective tool to enhance safety, support health, and enforce legal or organizational policies.

It’s important to recognize that drug test results, especially in professional or legal settings, are handled with strict confidentiality. Results are typically reviewed and interpreted by qualified personnel, such as Medical Review Officers (MROs), to ensure fairness and accuracy in any decisions based on these findings.

test results

Common Misconceptions about Drug Test Results

Despite the widespread use of drug tests, several misconceptions exist about what a 12-panel test can and cannot do. Understanding these helps ensure accurate interpretation of the results.

  • Misconception: “Drug tests are foolproof.”
  • Misconception: “Secondhand exposure will make me fail a drug test.”
  • Misconception: “You can easily cheat a urine drug test.”
  • Misconception: “Drug tests can pinpoint exactly when and how much of a drug was used.”

12-Panel vs. 5-Panel Drug Tests

Drug tests vary by panel size, with 5-panel and 12-panel tests being the most common. The 5-panel, historically used in federal and DOT programs, screens for five core illicit drugs: THC, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, and PCP. It misses many prescription drugs. The 12-panel includes these and expands to detect commonly abused prescription and synthetic drugs like benzodiazepines, oxycodone, and MDMA. This broader scope makes 12-panel tests preferable for private employers and treatment facilities, especially in safety-sensitive roles. Intermediate panel sizes (7, 8, 10, 14, 15) exist to target additional substances like fentanyl or tramadol. Essentially, the 5-panel targets core illicit drugs, while the 12-panel offers comprehensive coverage of both illicit and prescription substances.

Detection Windows

Understanding the time frame during which each drug can be detected in urine is essential for interpreting drug test results. Detection windows—the period drugs remain detectable after use—vary significantly based on the substance tested.

Drug/SubstanceDetection Window in Urine
Amphetamines2-3 days
MDMA (Ecstasy)2-3 days
Cocaine2-4 days
Short-acting Opioids (Heroin, Oxycodone)1-3 days
Benzodiazepines (Short-acting – Xanax)Up to 2 days
Benzodiazepines (Long-acting – Valium)Over 1 week to several weeks
Cannabis (Single use)2-3 days
Cannabis (Moderate use)Up to 1 week
Cannabis (Heavy use)30 days or more
Barbiturates (Short-acting)1-2 days
Barbiturates (Long-acting – Phenobarbital)2-3 weeks
PCP (Occasional use)Less than 1 week
PCP (Heavy use)Up to 2-3 weeks
Propoxyphene1-2 days


The 12-panel drug test is a versatile tool for detecting various substances in medical, occupational, and legal settings. While comprehensive, understanding its limitations is vital for accurate interpretation. Effective use requires combining test results with clinical judgment and context, alongside confirmatory testing when needed. Prioritizing individual rights, privacy, and responsible administration ensures this test serves as a powerful tool for promoting health, safety, and responsible behavior.

Published on: 2025-03-03
Updated on: 2025-03-20

What Is THCa?

The cannabinoid compound THCa found in raw cannabis has become increasingly popular recently among those who challenge the idea that all compounds found in cannabis plants are psychoactive. Yet, one of the most common misconceptions among people who discuss marijuana use is that THCa is a natural, non-psychoactive cannabinoid compound. THCa does actually convert into psychoactive THC in certain usage scenarios. As a result, it can have similar adverse side effects and potentially cause addiction.

For addicts seeking to end their addiction to drugs, removing marijuana and its byproducts from their lives is critical. This guide covers important details about this topic and the many options available for you or a loved one to live a better life without addiction.

What is THCa?

Cannabis plants contain several compounds with unique properties. Some parts of the plants contain more of one specific compound than another. Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCa or THC-A), found in the greatest concentration in raw buds or underdeveloped flowers, doesn’t act as a psychoactive compound when consumed in raw cannabis. Yet when someone heats a cannabis plant in any way, a decarboxylation organic reaction, or decarb process, breaks down THCa’s carboxylic acid group and removes the carboxyl from the molecule. This action converts THCa into tetrahydrocannabinol (THC or Delta-9 THC), which is psychoactive and the source of the “high” people experience from marijuana and many of its byproducts.


THCa is incredibly similar to THC chemically, but THC doesn’t have the carboxylic acid group. As a result, people who open-burn, cook (i.e., edibles, gummies) and smoke, dabbing or vape the raw cannabis create psychoactive byproducts. It’s important to keep in mind that both THCa and THC differ from Cannabidiol (CBD), another chemical found in marijuana that doesn’t have psychoactive properties. Although some people might experience side effects, they don’t experience the high.

How THCa Affects the Body

As noted by Harvard Health Publishing, the human body contains a widespread endocannabinoid system (ECS) made of cellular receptors and chemical signals that regulate many critical physical functions. The human brain contains more ECS cannabinoid (CB1) receptors than other types. CB1 receptors control most of the activity of other types of neurotransmitters throughout the body that impact everything from a person’s alertness and mood to their hunger and physical temperature.

Endocannabinoid molecules have a similar structure to cannabis plant molecules and provide receptor stimulation, which is how THCa and THC affect human brains. These compounds take over the ECS when introduced to the body. THCa doesn’t bind to CB1 or other brain receptors in the brain’s “reward” system like THC that causes the classic high sensation experienced by casual marijuana users and addicts.

People who choose to consume raw cannabis in juice, salads, smoothies and tinctures often receive many of the health benefits of using the plant without the high. A THCa patch also exists that helps people receive the benefits without dealing with the raw plant at all.

THCa has been found to provide antiemetic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseizure, neuroprotective and many other therapeutic benefits. The federal government considers it legal as long as the plant or any product containing it has less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. State laws vary.

Many people who experience extreme inflammation (i.e., hot swelling, pain and redness) from chronic conditions and environmental factors like environmental hazards and pollution, poor diet and stress might experience a reduction in symptoms because of consuming raw cannabis that contains the unbroken THCa compound. Uncooked marijuana and THCa products might also help people with certain mental health and mood disorders to find balance and experience more uplifted feelings.

Is THCa Addictive?

Although THCa isn’t usually thought of as addictive, it can cause allergic reactions, side effects and prescription and OTC drug interactions in some people that mimic a THC high that causes habit formation and psychological dependence. Some people are naturally ultrasensitive to THCa as well.

marijuana addiction

The most common reactions and side effects include itching and rashes, gastrointestinal pain and nausea, and respiratory symptoms. Yet, no matter the level of sensitivity, THCa can change a person’s appetite or cause them to feel drowsy or thirsty with dry mouth, as seen with THC.

These issues are especially true if the raw cannabis isn’t cleaned properly and contains harmful or toxic substances like heavy metals, molds and pesticides when consumed, or if a person uses the plant and one or more CBD products at the same time for medical or recreational reasons. That said, for the most part, the addiction only comes from the THC forms after heating the cannabis in any way, including the crystalline form known as “diamonds” that some users add to marijuana before smoking and vaping and when a person consumes a less fresh dry plant that was exposed to hot sunlight too long.

People from any walk of life might accidentally become exposed to THC when they think they’re only using THCa. What are other signs of dependence and cannabis use disorder?

  • Altered perception and sensations
  • Anxiety or paranoia
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Cognition and memory problems
  • Craving marijuana
  • Euphoria
  • Feeling of relaxation
  • Hallucinations
  • High heart rate
  • Reduced physical mobility

These symptoms can continue long after a person discontinues the use of marijuana and any of its byproducts, especially THC. Cannabis use can cause permanent brain damage and serious mental health issues. Inhaling it via smoking or vaping can cause permanent lung damage and lifelong respiratory problems.

Risks of THCa Use

Beyond allergic reactions, side effects and potential THC conversion, casual users of THCa and addicts must understand that THCa usage comes with a lot of risks. Consider the following:

Quality Control

A lack of regulations and standardized testing exists, which means that it’s impossible to prevent quality control issues. Raw marijuana or THCa products might accidentally contain too much THC or some other chemical that can cause dosage problems and unexpected adverse outcomes. A lack of regulations means that consumers shouldn’t trust claims made by anyone selling THCa products. They also have limited methods for seeking justice and no protections if they have an adverse safety event.

medical marijuana
Medical Marijuana

Legal and Work Consequences

Diagnostic tests might reveal THCa or THC in the bloodstream. The level of accidental use of THC might be beyond the legal limit, which might place a person at risk of not being believed by police about their marijuana usage if they’re arrested for a crime. They might receive charges for their cannabis usage. Additionally, an employer might not hire a job seeker or might fire an existing employee based on their blood test results.

Gateway to Harder Drugs

Marijuana is often described as a “gateway” or “introductory” drug because people use it thinking it’s harmless and then become so dependent that they chase harder drugs in pursuit of a greater or longer-lasting high. Hard drugs include benzodiazepines or benzos, cocaine, methamphetamine and opioids.

Psychological Impact

Some people’s brain chemistry changes so much after any marijuana usage that they can’t function normally without repeated activation of the reward system. Outside of the previously mentioned side effects, they might suffer lasting anxiety, depression, sudden mood swings and even aggressive and violent behaviors, especially if they’re mixing usage with alcohol or other drugs.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Many people who try to stop their dependence on THCa and THC don’t seek medical help. When they fail to taper off or have someone to support them through detox and withdrawal, they can experience harmful symptoms that peak within 24 to 48 hours after use and can last for weeks or years. Potential symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Anxiety, anger, irritability or aggression
  • Decreased appetite
  • Depression and negative feelings
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Nervousness and shaking
  • Restlessness
  • Sleep disturbances like insomnia and nightmares
  • Severe weight loss

Some people give up their attempts and return to their addiction. The number and intensity of symptoms vary based on different factors, including a person’s genetics, personality and response to stress, the presence of preexisting mental health problems, other habits (i.e., alcohol, tobacco and other drug use) and environmental factors. If the person has a serious underlying condition, these symptoms could potentially even lead to their death.

Behavioral Therapy

Seeking Help for Cannabis Addiction

When THCa/THC and cannabis use become problematic, the licensed team of professionals at Allure Detox can help you or a loved one make the changes necessary to improve life. They provide comprehensive, personalized, medically supervised detox and withdrawal management services and rehabilitation plans.

Allure Detox offers only proven, evidence-based treatments and therapies when assisting West Palm Beach locals and visitors from other areas of Florida and the United States. With Allure Detox, a person addicted to cannabis and THC or hard drugs they started after marijuana usage receives caring support on this journey.

For more information about cannabis addiction to help you or a loved one start down the path of sobriety and long-term recovery, call Allure Detox or send them a message on their Contact Us page today.


  • What is the difference between Delta-8, Delta-9, and THCA Flower?
  • Is THCA Legal in the U.S.?
  • Can Cannabis and Its Compounds Help with Alzheimer’s?

Published on: 2025-03-01
Updated on: 2025-03-24

Detox for Substance Abuse

Going through medical detox for substance use disorders is often a long and painful process for yourself and those who care about you. However, there are resources available to help you get through what is typically the first step on your road to sobriety. Let’s take a closer look at what these resources might be, why you need them and what you might expect during the detox process.

Inpatient Programs Are Often Ideal

An inpatient program allows you to go through the detox process under medical supervision. It also allows you to do so in a controlled environment where you won’t hurt yourself or others as your mind and body reset themselves.

Detoxing in a controlled manner is typically the best way to do so because you don’t know how you will react to the withdrawal syndrome. While it’s possible that you’ll feel little or nothing at all, there is also a chance that you’ll experience hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, or other negative events that you shouldn’t navigate on your own. These can be symptoms of underlying mental health conditions that should be addressed concurrently with addiction treatment.


After going through the initial detox process, you will have several days or weeks to reacclimate to life without drugs or alcohol. Most inpatient rehab programs last for 30 to 90 days, and you can stay at a facility for an extended period of time if you feel that this is best for your sobriety.

During your stay, you’ll have access to physical and behavioral health experts who can guide your initial recovery. You will be able to participate in group and individual behavioral therapy sessions in an effort to learn more about your triggers as well as what might motivate you to remain sober. A doctor can prescribe and administer medication-assisted treatment to help ease pain associated with withdrawal or associated with secondary conditions caused by your drug or alcohol use.

Why You Need Professional Help

The most important reason why you should strongly consider going through an inpatient program is that you can’t overcome drug addiction on your own. While you may be able to stop using for a few days, weeks or months, there will always be an urge to use (cravings). Although this is true even after obtaining professional help, you will be better equipped to resist those urges.

This may be especially true if you are using despite the fact that you have depleted your savings, sold goods or went into debt to fund your habit. It may also be true if you find that you can’t even go a few hours or days without thinking about using or without incurring significant withdrawal symptoms (which can include mood swings and increased heart rate, and in some cases be life-threatening depending on the type of substance).

In addition to inpatient programs, you will have access to outpatient services, which typically involve group meetings and access to medical support. You may also have access to job training programs, sober living facilities or other resources that make it easier to transition into the sober lifestyle.

What to Expect When Going Through Detox

While the detoxification process is different for everyone, it will typically last for several days. The first 24 hours are usually the hardest as your body adjusts to not having what it has become chemically dependent on. However, you may notice that severe symptoms linger for up to 72 hours. After 72 hours, you’ll likely feel tired, irritable or having issues maintaining an appropriate appetite.

In most cases, you won’t be allowed to bring a phone, computer or other device to use to contact the outside world. This is partially to prevent you from acquiring illicit substances or from potentially acquiring them for others in the detox program. It also gives you a chance to simply think about yourself without worrying about people or places that might trigger you.

You Can Go to Rehab Anywhere

It’s worth noting that you are allowed to go to rehab wherever you want, which can open up a world of possibilities for your recovery. It may be best to stay home if you think that being in a familiar environment will help curb the urge to use. The same might be true if staying home means that you can stay closer to your kids, job or anything else that motivates you to stay sober.

However, going to rehab away from home means that you are far away from people or places that might derail your sobriety. It also gives you more space to simply think about yourself and take steps to get your body and mind right before becoming a parent or employee again. This can be especially important when dealing with severe withdrawal symptoms, such as those from alcohol withdrawal or opioid withdrawal.

Your ability to pay might also influence where you decide to go seek help. For instance, your insurance policy may only pay for inpatient facilities in your home state or another defined coverage area. Furthermore, your insurance may only pay for a certain number of days in a treatment center or otherwise place limitations that you’ll need to consider.

If you don’t have insurance, you’ll have to consider the cost of treatment plus the cost of flying or driving to a facility that is in another state or city. There is a chance that your employer will pay for treatment as part of an employer assistance program (EAP) and even hold your job for you until you get back.

If You’re the Loved One of an Addict

If you are the loved one of someone who is going through a rehab treatment program, there are a few things that you might want to keep in mind. First, your family member may want to keep their distance for a few weeks, months or however long it takes to reclaim their autonomy. It’s important to give your parent, sibling or other relative the space needed to get through what is often a traumatic and confusing experience.

Next, you’ll want to make sure that you have boundaries of your own after a loved one comes out of treatment. This may mean that you don’t offer your home, car or funds to this person without some assurance that they won’t be stolen, damaged or otherwise used for nefarious purposes. Of course, there is nothing wrong with letting your relative stay at your house for a night or simply being there to listen if your family member needs help getting through an urge to use.

If you are in need of help overcoming drug or alcohol dependence, the team at Allure Detox is ready to help. All you need to do is reach out to us to learn more about our treatment programs or how to enroll today. If you are the loved one of someone who is dependent on drugs or alcohol, you’re also encouraged to reach out to learn more about how we can help and ways to convince a family member to seek help.

Published on: 2024-12-31
Updated on: 2025-03-03

What Is IV Detox Therapy?

IV detox therapy involves injecting a mix of vitamins, minerals, and other substances into the bloodstream through an intravenous connection. The idea is to stimulate the body’s processes of metabolizing the illicit substances out of the bloodstream. Hydration therapy is often a key component of IV detox therapy, as it helps to replenish fluids, enzymes and electrolytes that may be depleted due to substance use or withdrawal symptoms.

Other claims regarding IV detox therapy include:

  • Slowing of the aging processes
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Increasing strength and athletic prowess
  • Weight loss through metabolism enhancement
  • Relief of withdrawal symptoms, particularly those of hangover
  • Lessening of the effects of the common cold and/or the flu
  • Alleviating fatigue by improving energy levels

Unfortunately, these claims aren’t backed up by science. Some of them even flirt dangerously with quackery.

While hydration therapy can be beneficial in supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes, it’s important to be cautious about claims that IV detox therapy can cure or treat specific conditions. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any IV detox therapy, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking any medications.

iv therapy

Those Claims

When it comes to the idea of vitamin C lessening the symptoms of a cold or the flu, the Mayo Clinic says that it isn’t true. The doctors of the Mayo Clinic do say, however, that vitamin C is an essential vitamin and is important for your body’s immune system to be able to function. They also posit that certain research indicates a slightly shorter length of time for the disease to run its course. The example they cite is that of a cold that you have for seven days could have its length shortened by up to 13 hours. The doctors make certain, however, that taking vitamin C in any dose will not prevent a cold or the flu even though Dr. Linus Pauling claimed it was true.

Even though folic acid is an essential nutrient in the body for the functioning of the central nervous system, the assertion that it creates superior cognition is not supported by the research. When it comes to its use in combating hangover, IV detox can include ondansetron. That’s an anti-emetic that’s primarily used to ease the nausea that comes with chemotherapy. While it’s true that this drug has some beneficial effect on the nausea associated with alcohol withdrawal, two other things are equally true:

  1. Nausea isn’t the only symptom of alcohol withdrawal, and ondansetron hasn’t been shown to affect the other symptoms.
  2. Ondansetron’s positive effect was only seen in certain individuals under the age of 25 during testing, meaning that its application is limited.

The anti-aging effect of IV detox therapy are linked to biotin, but the real information is that not only are biotin supplements generally not worth buying, but they can also skew the results of thyroid tests and other necessary medical evaluations, which could cause other problems.

While some IV detox therapies may include B-complex vitamins and other essential nutrients, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and limitations.

Additional Information on IV Vitamin Therapy and Detoxification

  • IV vitamin therapy can be used to deliver essential nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. This can be helpful for individuals who have difficulty absorbing nutrients orally or who have specific nutritional deficiencies.
  • Some IV detox therapies may include antioxidants such as glutathione, which can help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.
  • Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in detoxification and immune function. It can help to neutralize free radicals, protect cells from damage, and support liver function.
  • Amino acids such as glutamine are also important for detoxification and immune function. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and plays a role in various metabolic processes, including the production of glutathione.
  • It’s important to note that detox IV therapy should be administered by a qualified healthcare professional. It’s also crucial to discuss any underlying health conditions or medications you are taking before undergoing IV detox therapy.

While IV detox therapy can be beneficial in some cases, it’s important to approach it with caution and be aware of the potential risks and limitations. It’s also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to support overall health and well-being.

What About IV Detox and Substance Use Disorder?

There is no available evidence on the effectiveness of infusions of vitamins, minerals, and other nonmedicinal compounds when it comes to treating substance use disorder. Injections of vitamins and minerals have long been used as supportive treatments as part of an overall treatment plan for substance use disorder but never as a primary treatment option.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Where intravenous treatment of substance use disorder comes in is with medication-assisted treatment. These treatments are both for assisting with detox and also for long-term management of substance use disorder.

Most often, such medication-assisted treatment is for opioid use disorder, or OUD. The three medications approved by the FDA for such treatment are methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. Each has its own set of applicable uses, risks, and side effects, and each should only ever be administered under the supervision of medical personnel.

The use of such treatment options is part of a trend away from punitive abstinence, which has been shown not to work in the vast majority of cases of OUD, toward “do no harm” strategies. The idea is to treat OUD just as one would any other disease for which someone would have to take medication. Instead of amlodipine for high blood pressure, for example, someone would take methadone for OUD.

The reason that abstinence doesn’t work is that opioids eventually alter brain chemistry to the point that such supportive treatment is necessary for balanced healing. Also, it’s very possible that people with OUD are very likely not the same people they were before having the disease. In addition to this, they have to deal with having to take medication for the rest of their lives to avoid returning to use.

Agonist or Antagonist?

The three medications that are used in the treatment of OUD are either agonists or antagonists. So, what’s the difference? The simplest way to put it is that an agonist mimics the action of an illicit substance while an antagonist blocks it.

Methadone and buprenorphine are agonists. They convince the opioid receptors in your brain to believe that they’re receiving the same action as that of an illicit opioid, such as heroin. The detrimental effects of heroin are mitigated while the body believes that it is getting the “fix” it needs. Despite their effectiveness, both methadone and buprenorphine can also become habit-forming. That’s why you have to take them only under the supervision of a doctor or nurse practitioner.

Naltrexone, on the other hand, is an antagonist. It keeps the opioid receptors from experiencing the “high” of the illicit substance. It’s important to note that naltrexone is not Narcan, which is naloxone. Naloxone is used for the immediate treatment of an overdose. By contrast, naltrexone is for the long-term treatment of OUD.

While it’s usual for these medications to be administered orally over the long term, if the attending medical professional determines that any of them should be used in detoxification, then it’s also common for them to be administered intravenously. This is the kind of IV therapy that works and has research to back it up. But, although the “other” IV detox therapy isn’t useful in the primary treatment of OUD, as long as it’s administered under a doctor or nurse practitioner, it can be useful in helping the body maintain healthy levels of vitamins and minerals when the client is unable to eat or drink because of intense nausea.

Allure Detox

Allure Detox uses a variety of treatments for OUD and other forms of substance use disorder. The staff realizes that not every person with substance use disorder will respond the same way to each treatment, so the idea is to customize the treatment to the person’s particular case. If you experience any kind of substance use disorder, then you should contact Allure Detox for help.

Published on: 2024-12-31
Updated on: 2025-03-03

What is a Detox Hospital?

Do you need a detox center or a detox hospital to help you stop using drugs or alcohol? Both of these detox facilities help individuals stop using their drug of choice so that their bodies can rid themselves of the chemicals. However, detox hospitals and detox centers have different approaches. Detox hospitals offer detoxification services in a hospital setting, and they’re recommended for individuals who are at an increased risk of experiencing severe or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms due to substance abuse. Detox hospitals are known for having the medical staff and equipment available to take care of any medical emergencies.

This can be especially important when someone has been struggling with substance abuse for a long time, has underlying health conditions, or is experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, a loved one may be the one to encourage an individual to seek help at a detox hospital due to concerns about their safety and well-being.

Detox centers, by contrast, focus on comfort as well as health and safety. Let’s take a look at what detox hospitals do and how they help people start the process of getting and staying sober.

What Are Detox Hospitals?


Detox hospitals are hospitals that help individuals detox under medical supervision. These can be dedicated detox hospitals or dedicated wings inside a hospital. Hospitalized detox is sometimes preferred because of the presence of experienced nurses, doctors and addiction specialists, as well as the 24/7 care. Because of the plethora of staff and equipment, detox hospitals are able to react quickly if someone experiences a severe withdrawal symptom or complication due to the detox process.

When Should Someone Choose a Detox Hospital?

Individuals should choose a detox hospital if they expect to experience severe alcohol, opioid or benzodiazepine withdrawal. Getting treatment at a detox hospital is also recommended if the individual has any co-occurring disorders or medical conditions that also need to be managed.

  • Serious Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms – Seizures, tremors, hallucinations and delirium.
  • Serious Opioid Withdrawal Symptoms – Severe nausea and vomiting, dehydration, muscle cramps and diarrhea.
  • Serious Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms – nausea, sweating, headaches, heart palpitations and seizures.

Co-Occurring Disorders

Individuals with mental health issues or special health concerns should consider entering a detox hospital. Co-occurring disorders include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, PTSD, ADHD and schizophrenia. Health issues that often require specialized medical care include HIV, AIDs and hepatitis. Individuals with nerve or pain disorders may also benefit from hospital detox.

Benefits of Detox Hospitals

Detox hospitals provide lots of benefits to individuals who are at an increased risk of experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms. That’s because they conduct in-depth assessments, provide round-the-clock care and employ medical professionals.

Admission Includes a Health Assessment

Detox hospitals all perform detailed health assessments that include an exam and a medical history. This is so that the doctors, nurses and addiction specialists can create a plan for the detox phase and after detox.

Detox Hospitals Have Doctors, Nurses and Addiction Specialists on Staff

Detox hospitals have experienced medical personnel on staff. This includes doctors, nurses and mental health professionals, as well as addiction specialists. By having all of these professionals on staff, 24 hours a day, these hospitals have the ability to respond to various medical situations in a timely manner.

Access to Emergency Medical Care

Individuals who are severely addicted with co-occurring disorders have an increased risk of experiencing a medical emergency. Inpatient detox hospitals have the medical staff and equipment on hand to promptly take care of any emergency medical incidents that arise.

All Patients Receive Round-the-Clock Monitoring and Care

Inpatient detox hospitals provide round-the-clock care to their patients. This care includes monitoring everyone’s health and progress and providing any needed medications.

How Detox Centers Differ from Detox Hospitals

Detox hospitals provide inpatient services for individuals who are ready to stop drinking and/or doing drugs. However, they can feel cold, sterile and impersonal because the services are provided in a hospital setting.

Dedicated detox centers also help people stop using their drug of choice, and they have medical staff on hand to take care of any emergencies. The difference lies in the environment. Detox centers, like Allure Detox, are not hospitals. Instead, they are inpatient detox centers that offer comfort and safety as well as detoxification services. In fact, detox centers tend to feel more supportive than detox hospitals because the staff strives to provide a supportive environment along with personalized drug and alcohol detox treatment plans.

Medical Detox at Allure Detox in West Palm Beach

Allure Detox offers medical detox for individuals who need to stop using alcohol, cocaine, heroin, kratom, marijuana or opioids, as well as many types of prescription medications. The detox at Allure Detox includes an assessment, just like at a detox hospital, stabilization of the individual, while the substance leaves their body, and ongoing recovery services.

What Happens After Detox?

The process of recovering from an addiction starts with detox, but it does not end there. Once the detox process is complete, the individual should transition into a treatment program. There are various levels of care to choose from, including inpatient rehab, partial hospitalization, and outpatient services.

At Allure Detox, we offer a residential inpatient rehab program, which is more intense than outpatient treatment. This is because living inside the center reduces the likelihood that the individual will come into contact with their triggers or temptations. They can also focus all of their attention on the recovery process.

Our program focuses on addiction education, therapy and relapse prevention. We also give recovering individuals the opportunity to enroll in a 12-step program while they are in our inpatient program. Twelve-step programs have proven beneficial for individuals who are in recovery because they teach acceptance of the things that cannot be changed, while encouraging people to find the drive to change the things they can. The combination of an inpatient program and a 12-step program can help people achieve long-term sobriety.

Following inpatient treatment, individuals may step down to a partial hospitalization program (PHP) or intensive outpatient program (IOP) to continue receiving support while gradually reintegrating into their daily lives. These programs offer a structured treatment experience with a focus on therapy, relapse prevention, and developing coping skills.

Aftercare planning is also an essential part of the recovery journey. We help individuals connect with outpatient services, support groups, and other resources to ensure continued support and reduce the risk of relapse after they complete our program.


If you’re ready to stop using alcohol or drugs and begin your addiction recovery journey, consider getting help at Allure Detox in West Palm Beach. We are a treatment center that offers a comprehensive detox program to help individuals overcome alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and chemical dependency. Our treatment facility provides a beautiful campus and a homey atmosphere with plenty to keep you occupied while you recover. We even have a game room.

We offer a variety of treatment options and treatment services to address individual needs, including:

Our addiction services are designed to help individuals achieve long-term sobriety and improve their overall well-being.

Let our understanding staff help you recover from your substance use disorder. Give us a call today!

Published on: 2024-12-31
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Rapid Medical Detox

Across every field of medicine, someone will inevitably offer a “cure-all” or “quick-fix” scheme that claims to bring suffering to an end quickly and painlessly. With addiction treatment, it’s understandable that an addict might want to find a fast method to break their habit. They might suffer from physical, mental or emotional difficulties. Their addiction might have destroyed their work, income, housing or relationships.

Rapid medical detox, the completion of the detoxification process in hours via medical intervention, represents a treatment option that many people addicted to one or more substances believe can solve everything. Yet, the road to recovery for an addict is a long one for a good reason. Most people need time for their bodies and minds to adjust away from a constant state of addiction.

The safest and most practical and efficient methods for detox usually take days or weeks, followed by extensive rehabilitation and aftercare. Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of rapid medical detox and other much better, scientifically proven options for you or your loved one.

medical detox

What is Rapid Medical Detox?

Typical detoxification is merely one part of a longer, customized treatment, recovery and relapse-prevention plan. A patient goes through withdrawal gradually to prevent severe symptoms and then receives comprehensive professional support.

Many addicts can’t handle the withdrawal symptoms or struggle with a horrible cycle of going through all the steps only to relapse, especially those dealing with alcohol or opioid addictions. They usually seek quick fixes, such as “ultra rapid opiate detoxification (UROD)” (i.e., rapid medical detox), which is one of the fastest and also most dangerous options.

No matter what you call it, rapid medical detox aims to accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the body via a combination of drugs while under medical supervision. Typically, depending on the type of substance abuse, a physician slowly administers a low-dose drug used in medical-assisted treatment, such as naloxone or naltrexone. Although these drugs are known as opioid blockers because they block the effects of opioids, they can also block other addictive substances like alcohol. UROD drugs force the body to reject addictive substances and make the patient enter immediate withdrawal.

Benefits of Rapid Medical Detox

When originally invented decades ago as a treatment for substance abuse, many healthcare professionals believed that rapid medical detox would provide patients with far more benefits than risks:

  • Less Suffering: Before or as withdrawal symptoms worsen, the physician administers anesthesia to alleviate pain and induce unconsciousness.
  • Rapid Detox: The entire process lasts hours rather than the days or weeks of standard detox and withdrawal treatment.
  • Quick Transition: The patient can transition to rehabilitation, relapse prevention and aftercare faster.

Why is this so attractive to patients? During the most difficult stage of their addiction, an addict can supposedly enter a medical setting in the morning; receive an injection that eliminates the addictive substance or substances rapidly from their body in a matter of hours while they sleep through all of the potentially bad withdrawal symptoms; wake up no longer feeling any need for the substance or substances; and then move on with their life.

Risks and Considerations of Rapid Detox

Many healthcare workers who offer this treatment aren’t trained to provide it safely because it’s no longer commonly taught as a valid method to treat addiction. It comes with too many risks and little proof of its efficacy. After decades of study, medical experts and researchers consider it experimental and unproven.

Of course, addiction doesn’t just go away when you remove an addictive substance from your body. Many patients relapse as soon as they no longer feel the effects of the two detox treatment drugs. Consider these risks:

  • Detox Dangers: During treatment, the patient risks a potential overdose, side effects and allergic reactions to one or both drugs. They also risk aspiration, choking or suffocation from vomiting while asleep. At any time, they might experience breathing problems, fever, inflammation or delirium.
  • Body Strain: The physical and mental strain from rapid detox can cause psychosis, immune system dysfunction, heart, kidney or other organ failure, and additional forms of damage. This is especially a problem for addicts who have underlying medical conditions from before or as a result of their addiction. Some patients experience cardiac arrest, coma and even death.
  • Severe Withdrawal: The symptoms of withdrawal continue long after the detox drugs wear off. Patients must suffer at home without assistance from caring, trained medical personnel. If dealing with alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, they might experience fatal seizures. The symptoms, combined with sudden heightened cravings beyond the norm that increase quickly, can continue for days or months.
  • New Addictions: A patient can become addicted to the sedative effects of the anesthetic. They might then seek out more sedatives or other addictive substances while struggling with symptoms.
  • Nightmare Relapse: Since both naloxone and naltrexone remove a patient’s ability to feel intense highs, they are more likely to overdose during relapse while chasing a high. They might slip into a coma or even die.

Almost all major government medical agencies and addiction organizations no longer recommend UROD because research has shown little proof that the benefits outweigh the risks. Instead, researchers have revealed that rapid detox can worsen a patient’s health and overall situation. Most U.S. health insurers don’t cover it. To try this treatment option, even with the recommendation of a knowledgeable healthcare professional, a patient might have to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket.

How Allure Detox Provides Safe Detox Services

Many patients choose rapid medical detox because they believe they need to stop today. They’re also not usually given enough information to make a safe, wise and informed decision. They might even experience a negligent attempt to “sell” them the treatment by people who merely want to make money off their suffering by promising fast, miracle relief. No medical research has shown any evidence that UROD alone can help an addict end their addiction and remain sober. Additionally, UROD risks the health and well-being of anyone who pursues it.

The compassionate expert medical professionals at Allure Detox have many years of experience helping patients obtain and maintain sobriety. They know that the best option is a structured, medically supervised, personalized treatment plan tailored to the patient’s needs that emphasizes comfort, safety, holistic care and long-term recovery preparation and aftercare. They make themselves available 24/7 to answer questions and provide assistance because they know that patients can’t make informed decisions without accurate patient-centered information.

Allure Detox offers a comfortable residential detox center that acts like a home away from home. Their staff supervises every aspect of patient care while treating addiction to a wide range of substances (i.e., alcohol, cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, kratom, marijuana and opiates) and prescription drugs (i.e., Adderall, Codeine, Methadone, Klonopin, Oxycodone, Percocet, Suboxone, Valium and Xanax).

Their staff members follow a three-step process when helping patients. They assess a patient’s history and mental and physical health before creating a personalized plan. They help the patient comfortably detox and stabilize with or without medication usage for withdrawal symptoms over days or weeks. During monitoring, which might involve hourly visits or round-the-clock care, trained nurses and other staff do their best to ease a patient’s discomfort, prevent dangerous dehydration, seizures and other related symptoms, and provide emotional support.

Next Steps After Detox

Rapid detox alone doesn’t address the serious underlying mental and physical health issues, or the social and cultural factors, that can contribute to substance use and drug addiction. Allure Detox offers more than just a detox program—it provides comprehensive care tailored to the needs of each individual.

Their medical staff specializes in addiction medicine and offers a variety of evidence-based treatment programs designed to support sustained recovery. These include medication-assisted treatment for conditions like opioid withdrawal and opioid use disorder, as well as residential inpatient, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, outpatient, sober living, military and veterans programs, and dual diagnosis treatment.

Allure Detox uses a gradual, methodical approach to detox, employing safe and effective detox methods while addressing the challenges associated with opioid dependence and other forms of drug abuse. They focus on therapies like cognitive and dialectical behavior therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, biofeedback, holistic approaches, and faith-based treatment options. Patients can also access group and family therapy to build a strong support network during recovery.

Additionally, Allure Detox addresses behavioral addictions such as gambling, internet gaming, and shopping, and connects patients to 12-step programs and sober living homes. These resources help individuals develop the coping skills necessary to reintegrate into their communities without fear of relapse.

Why Risk Your Life With Rapid Detox When Better Options Exist?

When you face your addiction to one or more substances, it’s better to have someone by your side every step of the way. For peace of mind, you need to know that you’re in the hands of licensed professionals who care more about safety and lasting sobriety than about fast fixes. The only way to safely detox is via a gradual, methodical plan customized to your unique addiction and needs.

Whether you live in West Palm Beach, Florida or another state, the experts at Allure Detox know how to appropriately plan and supervise every step of your journey. They are committed to providing safe, personalized care during detox and beyond.

They know addiction isn’t a condition that ends by merely rapidly detoxifying the body. Addressing behavioral, cognitive, social and other underlying problems is the other half of the battle. You must have the support of proven, evidence-based approaches, a comprehensive plan and caring, compassionate medical professionals.

To learn more about Allure Detox’s services or to start your recovery journey, call us today.

Published on: 2024-12-22
Updated on: 2025-01-01

NAD Addiction Therapy

The U.S. is a hotbed of substance use disorders (SUDs). That’s at least the takeaway from numerous studies that have examined substance abuse across the country, one of which comes from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The 2022 study revealed that some 48.7 million Americans aged 12 or older had a substance use disorder. That’s a little over 17% of the U.S. population.

To make matters worse, many of the same people who abuse drugs, alcohol, or both are simultaneously struggling with depression or another mental illness. This phenomenon is what clinicians call a co-occurring disorder. A separate SAMHSA study shows that over 21 million Americans had such a disorder in 2022. The combination of challenging withdrawal symptoms and severe mental health challenges can make overcoming a substance use disorder exceptionally difficult for some people, especially those trying to give up alcohol, opioids, and other hard-to-quit substances.

Studies Show Relapse Rates Among Individuals Trying To Overcome Addiction Are High

To put into perspective just how difficult it is for some people to break the cycle of addiction, we needn’t look much further than a study published by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). It revealed that the relapse rates among individuals trying to overcome heroin and alcohol addiction were 78.2% and 68.4%, respectively. Relapse rates among those trying to quit cocaine and methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, are 61.9% and 52.2%, respectively. It is also worth noting that many of those who relapse do so while still in an addiction recovery program.

iv detox

According to the same NIDA study data, approximately 40% to 60% of people receiving treatment for addiction relapse before completing rehab. In addition to harsh withdrawal symptoms, some of the most common reasons people cite for relapsing include an inability to remain motivated while in rehab, not being able to cope with social triggers, such as specific people or social situations, lack of self-care, intense cravings, and environmental triggers, which could include locations or particular times of the day.

The Relationship Between Withdrawal Symptoms and Relapse

Whether it’s trying to end their relationship with alcohol, opioids, stimulants, or another illicit substance, most people experience an onslaught of mild to severe withdrawal symptoms within hours or days after they stop using. Some of these symptoms include the following:

  • Tremors and seizures
  • Muscle pain
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Confusion, irritability, and agitation
  • Paranoia, restlessness, difficulty focusing, and hallucinations
  • Rapid heart rate and heart palpitations
  • High blood pressure
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea and vomiting

When someone has been using drugs, alcohol, or both for a long time, the body becomes dependent on the sustained presence of these substances. When they abruptly stop using, the body responds by triggering nausea and vomiting, pain, tremors, and the like. These symptoms can sometimes be enough to compel some people to give up on trying to achieve sobriety and start using again, which is understandable since the resumption quickly relieves these and other physical withdrawal symptoms.

There is also a psychological component when it comes to withdrawal symptoms and relapse. When someone suddenly stops using drugs or consuming alcohol after they have been doing so for a long time, it causes the amygdala, a small, almond-shaped part of the brain function that helps regulate emotions, to become hyperactive. That hyperactivity can trigger anxiety, irritability, uneasiness, cravings, and other psychological and behavioral events that can push some people into relapse. Because physiological and psychological withdrawal symptoms can make getting through rehab and overcoming addiction exceptionally challenging, some U.S. rehab facilities are now offering nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) addiction therapy to patients.

How NAD Addiction Therapy Can Help With Withdrawal Symptoms

For most licensed rehab facilities in the U.S., the go-to treatment for combating withdrawal symptoms is medication-assisted treatment (MAT). This approach to addiction recovery involves the use of FDA-approved drugs to help individuals cope with withdrawal symptoms and improve their chances of completing rehab successfully. While MAT is incredibly effective for most people, it is not enough for others. For this reason, some rehabs offer NAD addiction therapy instead or alongside traditional MAT to individuals in their care. To appreciate why, we need to familiarize ourselves with what NAD is. For those not aware, NAD or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide is a coenzyme that the body naturally produces, and it is involved in many cellular processes. Some of these include the following:

  • DNA repair
  • Energy metabolism
  • Gene expression
  • Immune cell function
  • Stress responses

Along with stress and anxiety, neurodegenerative diseases, and aging, substance abuse can deplete the body’s NAD reserves, especially among those with a co-occurring disorder. Depleted NAD reserves can make withdrawal symptoms worse when individuals begin their alcohol or drug detox journey. NAD  addiction therapy replenishes the body’s supply of NAD coenzymes. And that replenishment, according to early research, provides relief from severe withdrawal symptoms and lowers the risk of relapse.

How Is NAD Therapy Administered?

NAD addiction therapy is administered by a licensed physician, typically a naturopathic doctor, functional medicine specialist, or integrative medicine doctor. The process involves placing NAD+, a coenzyme form of vitamin B3, supplements, and amino acids into an IV bag, which slowly drips into a patient’s bloodstream. This intravenous (IV) administration allows NAD+ to bypass the stomach and travel directly to the brain, which leads to faster results compared to MAT and other addiction recovery treatment modalities. Depending on their NAD+ IV cocktail dosage, most people see noticeable results immediately or within 2 to 3 days. Available data shows that NAD addiction therapy contributes to the following:

  • Flushes out drugs, alcohol, and other toxins that might still be in an individual’s system after detox
  • Reduces severe withdrawal effects that can sometimes trigger relapse
  • Curbs drug and alcohol cravings and lessens the pain of withdrawal, which makes recovery physically and mentally easier
  • Allows the body to produce more energy naturally

NAD Therapy Duration and Follow-Up Care

The length of NAD IV therapy sessions can vary depending on the severity and nature of someone’s addiction. After the initial treatment, most addiction treatment centers recommend follow-up IV infusions 1 to 2 months later. These follow-up sessions are often part of a comprehensive treatment plan designed to support long-term recovery. Patients will typically continue these treatments until they are deemed no longer necessary or until they complete their addiction recovery treatment program. While IV treatments like NAD therapy are a relatively new approach to addiction recovery, they have shown promise in addressing withdrawal symptoms during detox. However, further research is needed to fully understand its long-term effects and effectiveness as a stand-alone treatment option for addiction recovery.

Start Your Journey Toward a Clean and Sober Life Today

The physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms associated with drug addiction and alcohol dependency can make achieving short- and long-term sobriety challenging. However, most rehabilitation centers now offer innovative treatments to treat addiction effectively. These include FDA-approved prescription medications and therapies like NAD addiction therapy, which support the detoxification process while addressing underlying issues. If you’re ready to take the first step toward recovery, speak with an Allure Detox expert today to explore the best options for your journey.

Published on: 2024-12-22
Updated on: 2025-01-01

How long does Buspar stay in your system?

Buspar, also known by its brand name buspirone, is an FDA-approved anxiolytic medication that’s used primarily to treat anxiety. Unlike antidepressants such as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) or MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors), Buspar works differently to manage anxiety symptoms. It impacts the central nervous system by balancing neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin and dopamine, in the brain. For individuals who experience anxiety, this balance helps reduce symptoms without the sedative effects often associated with medications like Xanax.

Buspar is considered a safer alternative for managing anxiety as it does not lead to physical dependence like some other anxiolytics. It is also used to manage conditions such as chest pain and high blood pressure. While it takes time for Buspar to be fully effective, understanding how long it stays in your system is important, particularly if you’re transitioning between medications like SSRIs or MAOIs.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Buspar, how it works, and how to figure out how long it will remain in your system after taking it for the treatment of anxiety. For more information on its safety and use, you can also refer to resources from the NIH or your healthcare provider.


What Is Buspar?

Buspar is a unique medication that’s most commonly prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder. Unlike many benzodiazepines, which are often used to treat anxiety, Buspar works by targeting the dopamine and serotonin in your brain. By binding to the receptors for these two important hormones, the medication can increase their levels in the brain. Boosting your serotonin and dopamine levels can significantly improve your mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety. Typically, Buspar needs to be taken consistently over several weeks to provide effective relief from anxiety disorders. However, when compared to many medications that are prescribed to treat anxiety, Buspar is not as habit-forming and is less likely to cause severe withdrawal symptoms.

How Is Buspar Metabolized in the Body?

When you take Buspar, your body must process it for it to be effective. Primarily, Buspar is metabolized in the liver, specifically by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system. This enzyme helps to break down the buspirone into its active and inactive metabolites. After the Buspar is metabolized, it is excreted through the kidneys and through the urine. Buspar’s half-life in the body is approximately two to three hours, which means that it takes roughly two to three hours for the medication’s active presence in the body to be reduced by half.

Factors Affecting How Long Buspar Stays in Your System

There are several factors that can have a significant impact on how long Buspar stays in your system. Listed below are the main variables to keep in mind.


Depending on the severity of your anxiety and the specifics of your situation, Buspar can be prescribed in different dosage amounts. The exact dosage of the medication that you’re taking can have an effect on how long the buspirone remains in your body. For example, if you’re taking a higher dosage of Buspar, it may stay in your system for longer.

Age and Metabolism

Factors such as your age, weight, and overall metabolism can also play roles in how long it takes for your body to metabolize and excrete Buspar. Generally, younger, healthier people will see buspirone exiting their systems more quickly than people who are older, heavier, and dealing with slower overall metabolism.

Liver and Kidney Function

Because your liver and kidney play important roles in processing and excreting Buspar, the function of those organs will impact the length of time that the medication stays in your body. For example, an individual who has significant problems with their liver or kidney will likely not be able to process buspirone as quickly. As a result, the medication may remain in their system for quite a bit longer.

How Long Does Buspar Stay Detectable in Different Tests?

Drug tests can come in several different forms. Generally, when you undergo a drug test, either your blood, urine, or hair will be tested. If you’re wondering how long Buspar will show up on a drug test after taking the medication, the answer will depend on which type of test you’re taking and factors such as the short half-life of buspirone and the timing of your last dose. Listed below are the average timeframes for how long buspirone can be detected in the three most common types of drug tests.

Blood: Typically, Buspar can only be detected in blood tests for a short amount of time due to its short half-life. On average, the detection window for buspirone in a blood test is about one to two days after the last dose.

Urine: Buspar generally remains detectable in urine tests for slightly longer than in blood tests. On average, this type of test will be able to detect buspirone for around two to three days after ingestion, particularly in short-term users.

Hair: A hair test will be able to detect Buspar for quite a bit longer than other kinds of drug tests. After you take the medication, it will continue to show up in your hair for up to 90 days, even between doses, since the hair reflects drug use patterns over time and not just the next dose.

Test TypeDetection WindowFactors
Blood1-2 daysShort half-life, Last dose
Urine2-3 daysShort-term use, Last dose
HairUp to 90 daysReflects long-term use, Not affected by the next dose

Buspar Withdrawal and Detox Considerations

When you’re taking any medication or planning to alter your treatment program, it’s essential to consider whether the drug might cause withdrawal symptoms when you stop. So, is buspirone hydrochloride addictive? Although Buspar (buspirone hydrochloride) is not as habit-forming as many other anti-anxiety medications, it can still cause withdrawal symptoms, especially if you don’t handle the detox process properly. Some anxiety medications, such as benzodiazepines, cause severe or even life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if you stop taking them abruptly, or “cold turkey.” While this is not the case with Buspar, it’s still not recommended to stop taking the medication without tapering off gradually.

If you stop taking buspirone without gradually reducing the dosage, you may experience one or more buspirone withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Increased anxiety or return of anxiety symptoms
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia or poor sleep quality
  • Dizziness or Lightheadedness
  • Headaches
  • Nausea or gastrointestinal distress

In addition, some people may experience other side effects, like drowsiness or mild impairment. To minimize these adverse effects, it’s crucial to seek professional assistance.

When considering detox from Buspar, a quality detox and rehab center can provide the support needed to manage withdrawal safely. Trained healthcare professionals can guide you through the buspirone detox process, helping you develop a tapering plan that prevents the return of anxiety and reduces withdrawal symptoms. This ensures you don’t face complications from stopping the medication, especially if you’ve been on it for extended periods or at higher doses.

At a reputable detox center, a trained team will be available to monitor your progress and help manage any side effects of buspirone that may arise. If needed, they can also prescribe other medications or supplements to ease the detox process. Additionally, it’s important to avoid certain substances, such as grapefruit juice, as they may interfere with how buspirone works and could lead to potential drug interactions.

Having this type of qualified support around you is essential when detoxing from any drug or medication, as it ensures your well-being throughout the process.

In Summary: Understanding Buspar’s Duration in Your System

In conclusion, the duration that Buspar remains in your system can vary based on several factors, including dosage, individual metabolism, and overall health conditions. Typically, buspirone has a half-life of about two to three hours. It’s important to note that Buspar will remain detectable on different types of drug tests for varying lengths of time. For example, the medication will be detectable in a hair test for far longer than in a urine or blood test.

Even if Buspar is out of your system, its effects and any potential withdrawal symptoms can linger, potentially impacting your mental health and overall well-being. If you have concerns about how Buspar affects you or are considering adjustments to your treatment plan, it’s crucial to seek medical advice from healthcare professionals. Consulting a healthcare provider or addiction treatment center, such as Allure Detox, can provide you with personalized treatment options. Medical professionals can also guide you through the detoxification process, ensuring it is done safely and smoothly while addressing any potential physical dependence or drug interactions.

Understanding how long Buspar stays in your system can empower you to make informed decisions about your treatment journey and manage both the detoxification process and your anxiety effectively.

If you or a loved one is currently struggling with substance abuse, prescription medication abuse, or physical dependence, contact Allure Detox today. You can learn about our comprehensive addiction treatment and detox programs and begin your pathway to recovery and a healthier, happier life.

Published on: 2024-10-22
Updated on: 2025-03-03

Is Crack and Coke the Same?

When it comes to drug use, many people wonder if crack and coke (cocaine) are the same. While both substances come from the same origin—the leaves of the coca plant—there are key differences between them, particularly in their form, how they are used, and the effects they have on the body. Understanding these differences is essential, especially for those affected by substance use, as both crack and cocaine can lead to dangerous health issues and require specialized addiction treatment.

Is Crack and Cocaine the same Drug?

No, crack and coke (cocaine) are not the same, but they come from the same substance. Cocaine is a powder form, typically snorted, while crack is a solid, crystal form of cocaine that’s usually smoked. Crack acts faster and has more intense, shorter-lasting effects than powder cocaine.

Key Differences Between Crack and Cocaine

1. Chemical Composition (Form of the Drug)

  • Cocaine (Coke): Pure cocaine is typically a fine, white powder and has not undergone chemical alterations beyond its initial extraction from the leaves of the coca plant.
  • Crack: Crack is essentially freebase cocaine, which has been processed with other substances (like baking soda) to make it suitable for smoking. This process alters the chemical structure, making crack more potent when inhaled.

2. Method of Use

  • Cocaine (Coke): Cocaine is most commonly snorted, though it can also be dissolved and injected. Snorting cocaine allows the drug to be absorbed through the nasal tissues, which produces effects within a few minutes.
  • Crack: Crack is almost exclusively smoked. When smoked, crack reaches the bloodstream faster, producing an immediate and intense high. This quick onset of effects makes crack particularly addictive.

3. Speed and Intensity of Effects

  • Effects of Cocaine (Coke): Cocaine users often experience increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. The high from snorting cocaine can last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.
  • Effects of Crack: The high from smoking crack is much shorter, usually around 5 to 10 minutes. Crack is known for creating a stronger craving for the drug, leading to repetitive use, and its intense high is often followed by an extreme “crash.”

4. Addiction Potential

  • Cocaine Abuse: Regular use of cocaine can quickly lead to dependency. It is also associated with withdrawal symptoms, such as fatigue, depression, and intense cravings for the drug.
  • Crack Addiction: Crack is considered even more addictive than powdered cocaine due to the rapid and intense high it produces. Users of crack often feel the need to smoke more frequently to maintain the high, leading to a quicker development of addiction.

5. Cost and Availability

  • Cocaine (Coke): Cocaine powder tends to be more expensive and is often associated with wealthier users or those in professional circles. Its higher cost can sometimes limit frequent use for some individuals.
  • Crack: Crack is significantly cheaper and more accessible, making it more prevalent in low-income and marginalized communities. This lower cost often contributes to its widespread abuse.

What is Cocaine?

Cocaine, also known as cocaine hydrochloride, is a powerful, addictive stimulant typically found in the form of a white powder. This powder is most commonly snorted, though some users inject it after dissolving it in water. Cocaine is classified as a Schedule II drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), meaning it has a high potential for abuse but also has limited medical uses.


The euphoric effects of cocaine occur when it increases dopamine levels in the brain, creating intense feelings of pleasure, energy, and alertness. However, cocaine abuse can lead to severe physical and mental health problems, including increased blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and a rise in body temperature. Prolonged use can also lead to addiction and a host of side effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and heart-related issues.

What is Crack?

Crack, short for crack cocaine, is a processed form of the drug. Crack is made by combining cocaine hydrochloride with baking soda and water, then heating it until it forms solid chunks or “rocks.” These rocks make a distinct crackling sound when heated and smoked, hence the name “crack.”

crack cocaine

Smoking crack delivers the drug to the bloodstream almost instantly, leading to a rapid and intense high. While the effects of crack are felt more quickly than snorting cocaine, they last for a much shorter time—often only 5 to 10 minutes. This quick and intense high makes crack addiction develop more rapidly than powdered cocaine.

Risks and Health Consequences

Both crack and cocaine carry severe health risks. Crack addiction is associated with increased risk of respiratory problems, heart disease, and stroke due to the method of smoking the drug. Cocaine abuse can cause damage to blood vessels, increase the risk of heart attack, and create severe mental health challenges, including paranoia and hallucinations.

Repeated drug use also increases the risk of overdose, which can be fatal. The danger is heightened for crack users due to the more frequent dosing that often occurs with smoking.

  • Cocaine Risks: Regular cocaine use can lead to cardiovascular problems (heart attack, stroke), nasal damage (when snorted), and increased risk of mental health disorders such as anxiety and paranoia.
  • Crack Risks: Crack use is linked to severe respiratory issues, including lung damage, as well as an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, and extreme paranoia or hallucinations. The rapid addiction cycle also increases the likelihood of financial ruin, legal trouble, and dangerous behaviors.

Legal and Social Implications

The legal penalties for crack versus cocaine have historically been different. The Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 reduced the disparity in sentencing between the two drugs, but crack offenses still tend to carry harsher penalties in many cases. The stigma around crack use is often greater, particularly in lower-income communities.

Treatment Options for Crack and Cocaine Addiction

Overcoming crack addiction or cocaine addiction can be extremely difficult without professional help. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available:

  • Inpatient Treatment: This involves staying at a treatment center where individuals receive around-the-clock care. Inpatient programs are ideal for people struggling with severe addiction and withdrawal.
  • Outpatient Treatment: Individuals attend treatment sessions at a center but continue living at home. This is a more flexible option for those with less severe addictions or responsibilities they can’t leave behind.
  • Specific Cocaine Addiction Treatment Programs: These programs offer medical and psychological support to help people overcome their addiction and manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
  • Addiction Treatment for Crack and Cocaine: Both forms of the drug require comprehensive care that may involve detox, therapy, and aftercare planning to prevent relapse.

Whether someone is abusing grams of crack or powdered cocaine, professional help is key to recovery. A reputable treatment center will provide the tools and resources needed to manage addiction, whether it’s crack, cocaine, or even other substances like opioids.


While crack and coke are both forms of cocaine, they are far from the same. The differences in their form, method of use, and effects on the body make crack more addictive and dangerous. Both drugs, however, pose serious health risks, including increased heart rate, blood pressure, and a higher risk of addiction.

If you or a loved one is struggling with cocaine abuse or crack addiction, it’s crucial to seek help from a professional treatment center. Whether through inpatient or outpatient programs, recovery is possible with the right support.

For more information on cocaine addiction treatment, or to take the first step toward a healthier future, contact Allure Detox today.


  • Does crack have a smell?

Published on: 2024-10-04
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Can Kratom Cause High Blood Pressure?

Kratom, a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, has garnered attention in recent years for its use as an herbal supplement. Its leaves have been traditionally used for their stimulant and opioid-like effects. While kratom has been touted for its potential benefits in pain relief, mood enhancement, and as an aid for opioid withdrawal, it is not without controversy. One area of concern is its potential impact on cardiovascular health, particularly whether kratom can cause high blood pressure.

What is Kratom?

Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa), originating from regions like Thailand, contains several active compounds, primarily mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These compounds interact with the body’s opioid receptors, leading to varied effects. Depending on the dosage, kratom leaves can have stimulating effects at lower doses and sedative effects at higher doses, leading some to use it for pain-relieving purposes.


It is available in various forms, including powder, capsules, and extracts. However, concerns regarding toxicity, contaminants such as heavy metals and salmonella, and the potential for substance abuse have been raised, prompting scrutiny from agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). There are also concerns about potential interactions with prescription drugs and the possibility of kratom overdose, particularly when used in combination with other substances or in high doses.

Given the interactions with opioid receptors, there are discussions on its potential role in addressing opioid addiction, but further research, including a comprehensive review and systematic review, is needed to understand the full scope of its effects on kratom users and its potential for both therapeutic and harmful outcomes. There are also concerns about arrhythmia related to kratom use, and the potential interactions with enzyme systems in the body.

The risk of opioid use and other substance use disorders is also a concern. It is important to remember that naloxone may not be effective in reversing a kratom overdose.

The Link Between Kratom and Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. High blood pressure (hypertension) occurs when this force is consistently too high, which can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

Stimulant Effects and Blood Pressure

At low doses, kratom acts as a stimulant, similar to caffeine. It can increase alertness, energy, and physical activity. However, these stimulating effects may also cause a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Stimulants generally activate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels), which can elevate blood pressure.

Sedative Effects and Blood Pressure

In contrast, higher doses of kratom can have sedative and opioid-like effects. While opioids typically cause a drop in blood pressure due to their depressant effects on the central nervous system, kratom’s complex pharmacology can make its cardiovascular impacts less predictable. Some users report experiencing elevated blood pressure even at higher doses, possibly due to individual variations in response to the different alkaloids in kratom.

Kratom Addiction Treatment

What are the common effects of Kratom?

Kratom’s effects vary based on dose, strain, and individual sensitivity, but here are the most common ones:

Low doses (1–5g) – typically stimulating:

  • Increased energy
  • Improved focus
  • Enhanced sociability or talkativeness
  • Mild euphoria
  • Reduced fatigue

Moderate to high doses (5–15g) – typically sedating/analgesic:

  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation
  • Drowsiness or sedation
  • Calmness or reduced anxiety
  • Euphoria (more pronounced at higher doses)
  • Cough suppression

Side effects (especially with frequent/high use):

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Dizziness
  • Itchiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Dependency or withdrawal symptoms
  • Anxiety or irritability (with long-term use or comedown)

Absolutely — kratom can cause withdrawal, especially with regular or high-dose use. While it’s often promoted as a “natural” alternative, its active compounds (like mitragynine) interact with opioid receptors, and long-term use can lead to physical dependence.

Kratom Withdrawal Symptoms

Often described as milder than full opioid withdrawal, but still very uncomfortable:

  • Anxiety / irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Muscle aches / body pains
  • Restless legs
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Runny nose / watery eyes
  • Fatigue or low mood
  • Cravings

Onset: ~12–24 hours after last dose
Duration: Usually 3–7 days, sometimes longer depending on use pattern


Research and Evidence

Scientific research on kratom’s long-term effects on blood pressure is limited. Most available data come from anecdotal reports, case studies, and small-scale observational studies. Some users report experiencing episodes of high blood pressure after using kratom, especially at higher doses or with prolonged use. However, these findings are not yet well-established in the scientific community.

A 2019 study published in the journal Clinical Toxicology reviewed adverse effects associated with kratom use and found that cardiovascular issues, including increased heart rate and hypertension, were among the reported side effects. Another study published in the “Journal of Psychoactive Drugs” in 2020 highlighted the need for more research to understand the cardiovascular impacts of kratom, particularly given its increasing popularity.

Potential Risk Factors

Several factors may influence the likelihood of kratom causing high blood pressure:

  1. Dosage: Higher doses may increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular effects.
  2. Individual Differences: Genetic factors, existing health conditions, and concurrent use of other substances can affect how kratom impacts blood pressure.
  3. Frequency of Use: Regular or chronic use might lead to more pronounced effects on blood pressure.

Recommendations for Users

If you use kratom and are concerned about its impact on your blood pressure, consider the following steps:

  1. Monitor Your Blood Pressure: Regularly check your blood pressure to detect any changes.
  2. Use in Moderation: Avoid high doses and frequent use of kratom.
  3. Consult a Healthcare Provider: Discuss your kratom use with a healthcare professional, especially if you have a history of high blood pressure or other cardiovascular conditions.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep up with new research and evidence on kratom’s health effects.


While anecdotal evidence and limited studies suggest that kratom can potentially cause high blood pressure, particularly at higher doses, more research is needed to fully understand this relationship.

Users should exercise caution, monitor their blood pressure, and consult with healthcare providers to mitigate potential risks. It’s also important to acknowledge that for some, problematic kratom use can lead to dependency, requiring exploration of addiction treatment options.

Furthermore, the impact of kratom use on mental health should not be overlooked, as pre-existing conditions or new issues may arise. In severe cases, especially where dependency has developed and significant health risks exist, inpatient treatment may be necessary. As with any substance, being informed and cautious is key to ensuring safe use.

Published on: 2024-08-08
Updated on: 2025-03-21

How Long Does Benadryl Remain in Your System?

Available since 1946, surveys show that Benadryl is the most widely recommended medication for children in recent years. However, understanding how long Benadryl remains in the body is crucial to determine how it can affect your day-to-day activities. This article takes an in-depth look at how long the drug stays in your system and the factors that influence its duration.

What Is Benadryl?

Although you may recognize Benadryl as an over-the-counter medication found in your pharmaceutical aisle, it’s actually the brand name for diphenhydramine, an antihistamine medication. Many people take Benadryl to help alleviate their allergy symptoms.



Some common uses of Benadryl include treatment for:

  • Seasonal and perennial allergy symptoms, such as runny nose and sneezing
  • Colds
  • Hay fever
  • Itchy skin
  • Itching due to minor scrapes and cuts
  • Rashes

Due to Benadryl’s sedative properties, it can also be used as a sleep aid. Benadryl comes in different forms: as a liquid, liquid gel, or as a chewable tablet.

Mechanism of Action

When you have an allergic reaction, such as a rash due to poison ivy, your body releases histamine. This chemical typically triggers allergic symptoms, such as sneezing, itching, watery eyes, or a runny nose. Benadryl’s active ingredient diphenhydramine, blocks these histamine receptors, effectively alleviating your allergy symptoms.

Pharmacokinetics of Benadryl

The pharmacokinetics of Benadryl happen in four steps.


Once you ingest Benadryl in either liquid or tablet form, it is absorbed into the body relatively quickly. The active ingredient, diphenhydramine, travels to your stomach and is then absorbed into your bloodstream through your body’s gastrointestinal tract. This absorption process takes about 30 minutes.


After diphenhydramine is absorbed into your bloodstream, it is then distributed throughout your body. Diphenhydramine is especially potent because of its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and block histamine receptors. The blood-brain barrier is a shield that blocks the brain’s blood vessels from the rest of your body’s circulatory system. This ability to cross the blood-brain barrier is what contributes to the sedative effects of diphenhydramine.


Once Benadryl blocks your histamine receptors, the next step goes into effect: metabolism. Cytochrome P450 enzymes in the liver break down diphenhydramine into metabolites that are easier for the body to eliminate. This helps prevent diphenhydramine from staying in the body long-term and causing unwanted side effects.


The final step is excretion. Now that diphenhydramine metabolites are in a form that’s easy to eliminate, the kidneys eliminate the rest of the diphenhydramine through urine. This step ensures the last bits of Benadryl are cleared out from your body.

Half-Life of Benadryl

The half-life of a drug is the time it takes for the concentration of that drug to decrease by half in your bloodstream. For example, if the half-life of a drug is six hours, only half of the initial concentration of the drug will remain in your bloodstream after six hours. This is important to know because the half-life determines how long you need to wait before taking another dose of the drug.

Typical Half-Life of Benadryl

The half-life of Benadryl is approximately four to nine hours, with the duration of effects lasting anywhere between 4-6 hours. Both ranges are based on age, weight, and metabolism. For children, the half-life is approximately four hours; and for adults, the half-life is approximately nine hours.

What this means is that the effects of Benadryl will typically last for about 9 hours in an adult before the adult needs to take another dose. So, if you take the recommended dose of Benadryl in the morning, you may need to take another dose in the afternoon. Benadryl has sedative effects, so it’s important to take this into account when taking a dose.

Understanding the half-life of Benadryl can better help you manage your symptoms while ensuring you don’t take too much of the medication.

Duration of Effects vs. Presence in the System

While the effects of Benadryl typically last anywhere between 4-6 hours, the drug may remain in the system longer. If the drug has a half-life of 9 hours for the average adult, then it would a minimum of 18 hours for the body to completely eliminate any traces of it.

This means that while your allergy symptoms may have returned after 6 hours, the first dose of Benadryl is still in your system. This remaining presence is why it’s important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines.

Moreover, diphenhydramine can be detected up to 24 hours after your last dose. However, this time can vary as your metabolism plays a large part in how fast your body can eliminate a drug.

Your liver plays an important role in how fast your body metabolizes diphenhydramine. Moreover, your kidneys’ efficiency at excreting the metabolites from your urine is important, too.

Factors Affecting How Long Benadryl Stays in Your System

Although Benadryl typically stays in your system for 24 hours, this window can be influenced by several factors.


As people age, their metabolism slows down, specifically how their liver breaks down substances and how their kidneys filter out metabolites. This translates to older adults having slower clearance, which means Benadryl may stay in the system of older adults longer than it would for children or younger adults. Because age is an important factor, it’s crucial for older adults to pay attention to the recommended dosage to avoid complications.

Body Weight

Body weight can also influence how long a drug stays in your system. A higher body mass means the tissues can store drugs longer, which can then lead to a slower release into the bloodstream and a longer duration before the drug is entirely eliminated. On the other side of the spectrum, people with a lower body weight can eliminate the drug faster.

Metabolic Rate

People with a faster metabolism rate can break down diphenhydramine and excrete it faster. On the other hand, the drug will linger in the bodies of those with a slower metabolism rate. As a result, they will feel the effects of Benadryl for a longer time. The metabolism rate is influenced by genetics, age, and health.

Liver and Kidney Function

Since the liver is responsible for breaking down diphenhydramine and the kidney is responsible for eliminating it, impaired liver or kidney function can significantly prolong the presence of Benadryl in your system. In both cases, you may feel lingering side effects and may have to alter dosage amounts as a result.

Frequency and Dosage

Taking Benadryl frequently or in higher doses can lead to the drug accumulating in your system. As a result, detection times may extend past the 24-hour normal window. To avoid an unhealthy buildup of the drug, ensure you follow the recommended dosage and guidelines.

Detection of Benadryl in Drug Tests

There are different drug tests that can detect the amount of diphenhydramine in your body.

  • Urine Test: This is the most common type of drug test as it is cost-effective and easy to administer. Urine tests can be used to detect diphenhydramine for 24-48 hours after use.
  • Blood Test: Although blood tests are less effective than urine tests for diphenhydramine, they can still be used to test for the presence of diphenhydramine up to 12 hours after use.
  • Hair Test: Hair tests can detect the presence of diphenhydramine up to several weeks or even three months after use, but this is not commonly used. Hair tests are typically used for general substance use.

Implications for Drug Testing

Most standard drug tests don’t test for Benadryl. However, it’s wise to let the drug testers know if you have taken Benadryl to avoid false positives for substances like methadone. Diphenhydramine may also give a false positive for PCP, which is a hallucinogenic.

Safety Considerations

For the most part, Benadryl is a harmless medication that helps many people suffering from allergy symptoms. However, there are some potential side effects to be aware of.

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Upset stomach
  • Blurred vision

Benadryl may also interact with other medications and drugs, such as topical antihistamines, cough relievers that contain codeine, muscle relaxants, and sleep aids. In addition, Benadryl interacts with alcohol and marijuana by intensifying its sedative effects.

Benadryl’s sedative effects can be dangerous if you exceed the recommended dosage as they can result in extreme drowsiness and confusion. These side effects can also be deadly if you mix Benadryl with other substances, such as opioids or alcohol.

If you are taking any medications or you have pre-existing conditions, consult with a healthcare provider before using Benadryl.

Allure Detox

Benadryl is an over-the-counter medication that helps many people alleviate their allergy and cold symptoms. And while it typically stays in your system for about 24 hours, this timeline can change depending on various factors, such as your age, body weight, metabolism rate, and the dosage amount.

It’s important to use Benadryl responsibly and consult with healthcare professionals if you have concerns about using it.

To learn more about the effects of Benadryl on your body, contact our team at Allure Detox. We are the premier drug and alcohol detox center in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Published on: 2024-08-08
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Ativan vs. Klonopin

Approximately 40 million U.S. adults, or 19 percent of the American population, suffer from anxiety. Out of that number, around seven percent of adults in the U.S. experienced Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. Just under three percent of the population have panic disorder with 11 percent of adults in America experiencing at least one panic attack a day.

Both anxiety and panic disorder respond well to benzodiazepines. A recent study showed that around 12 percent of the American population reported using medications like Ativan and Klonopin to control their anxiety and panic disorder symptoms. This article explores what benzodiazepines are, the differences between Ativan and Klonopin and qualities like their pharmacological effectiveness and addiction risk.

An Overview of Benzodiazepines

Since their accidental discovery in 1955, benzodiazepines have become one of the most commonly prescribed medications for anxiety and panic disorders. They first became available for medicinal use in 1960. By 1977, doctors worldwide prescribed them to patients with these conditions.

They target excessive nerve activity in the central nervous system or CNS. They also enhance the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA-A receptor to create anti-anxiety effects in the brain.

Benzodiazepines have proven effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders, including GAD and panic disorder. They remain safe for short-term use, most commonly for two to four weeks, although doctors may prescribe them for longer-term use for patients with more severe anxiety conditions.

Likewise, they typically start working right away, often within a matter of minutes, and remain effective for several hours, if not longer. People taking benzodiazepines must remain aware of what over-the-counter and prescription medicines to use with caution or avoid entirely. For example, medications like Ativan and Klonopin have adverse reactions when used with certain cold and allergy medications.

Alcohol likewise can alter the effect people obtain from benzodiazepines. Most pharmacists and doctors urge people to avoid drinking alcohol while taking these medications for anxiety and panic disorders.

Ativan (Lorazepam)

Ativan, also known by its generic name Lorazepam, remains one of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder. First patented in 1963, it became available for medical use in the United States in 1977. Its chemical formula is C15H10Cl2N2O2.

Along with anxiety and panic disorder, doctors commonly prescribe Ativan to treat other conditions like:

  • Severe agitation
  • Insomnia
  • Alcohol withdrawal
  • Seizures
  • Chemotherapy-induced vomiting and nausea

It works quickly and enhances GABA activity in the brain, creating a calming effect throughout the body.

Patients have access to this medication in a variety of forms. The most common forms include pills, oral solutions, intravenous therapy and injections. Intravenous and injected Ativan typically start working within one to three minutes. Oral solutions and pills work within 30 minutes.

The common dosage for the treatment of anxiety or panic disorder ranges from two to three milligrams per day. Patients can take it twice daily, ingesting one to 1.5 milligrams for each dose.

Ativan remains effective in the body for six to eight hours on average and has a half-life of 12 hours. It exits a person’s system completely in 60 hours.

Klonopin (Clonazepam)

To treat anxiety disorders in patients, doctors commonly prescribe Klonopin, also known by its generic name Clonazepam. Invented in 1960, it became commercially available for the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder in 1975. Doctors today sometimes use it to treat conditions like:

  • Bipolar mania
  • Seizures
  • Agitation with psychosis
  • Obsessive control disorder or OCD
  • Akathisia, or severe restlessness

Its chemical formula is 5-(2-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-7-nitro-2H-1,4-benzodiazepin-2-one. It works by targeting nerve cells in the brain, calming abnormal electrical activity, increasing GABA activity and creating a sense of calmness throughout the body.

Doctors typically prescribe Klonopin in either pill form or as a disintegrating tablet. When taken in pill form, the dosage can range from 0.25 to one milligram per day. Most doctors recommend patients split this amount between two doses taken at least 12 hours apart.

People who opt for the disintegrating tablet may start with an initial dose of 0.25 milligrams twice daily. Their doctor may gradually increase their dose to up to four milligrams per day once they become acclimated to its pharmacological effects.

Klonopin starts working for most patients within one to four hours and can last for eight to 12 hours. It has a half-life of 30 to 40 hours and completely exits the human body in five to 14 days.

Comparing Ativan and Klonopin

Ativan and Klonopin both remain viable benzodiazepines for treating panic and anxiety disorders, as well as conditions like seizures. They share many pharmacological qualities and enhance GABA activity in the brain.

However, they differ in several ways. Patients can determine which one may suit their medical needs by understanding the key differences between these two medications.

For example, Klonopin lasts longer, making it more effective for the treatment of anxiety. Alternatively, Ativan works faster, making it effective for the prompt relief of panic attacks.

Klonopin also works better for the treatment of akinetic and myoclonic seizures. Injections of Ativan work better for the treatment of status epilepticus.

Both Ativan and Klonopin can induce side effects patients should be aware of. Ativan, for example, can have side effects like:

  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Nausea and constipation
  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Forgetfulness with longer-term use

Klonopin similarly can have side effects like:

  • Dizziness
  • Sleepiness
  • Memory problems
  • Nervousness
  • Coordination and walking problems
  • Increased production of saliva

Both of these benzodiazepines also carry with them the risk of dependency. To avoid addiction to either of them, patients should follow the prescribed instructions for use and also remain under the care of a physician while taking them.

Withdrawal symptoms of Ativan and Klonopin include nausea, muscle stiffness and sweating. Patients may also experience hand tremors, shakiness, hallucinations, fatigue and aches and pains when withdrawing from either of these medications.

Considerations for Choosing Between Ativan and Klonopin

Doctors consider several factors before prescribing benzodiazepines to patients. These factors include a patient’s age, medical history, health conditions and history of substance abuse. They also consider the severity and symptoms of a patient’s anxiety or panic disorder before deciding if and what type of benzodiazepine to prescribe.

Patients who take medications like Klonopin or Ativan need to know what substances to avoid to minimize the risk of negative interactions. For example, some over-the-counter cold and allergy medicines negatively interact with both of these benzodiazepines. They can cause increased sleepiness, agitation and poor coordination, among other side effects.

Alcohol and opioids induce similar side effects and can also depress a person’s breathing. Patients taking Klonopin or Ativan should avoid drinking alcohol. They should also inform their healthcare providers about their benzodiazepine prescription to avoid taking any medication that could cause negative interactions.

Patients should also follow the prescribed instructions for Klonopin and Ativan. Klonopin dosages range from 0.25 milligrams to one milligram per day, typically broken up into two doses spaced 12 hours apart. Ativan doses range from one to two milligrams a day, also broken into two separate doses.

Alternative to Benzodiazepines

Patients who want to avoid taking benzodiazepines may opt for medications like SSRIs or SNRIs. SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. They remain effective for treating not only anxiety disorders but also major depressive disorder and GAD.

They work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain while blocking the reabsorption of serotonin in the neurons. Common SSRI antidepressants include Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft.

SNRI stands for Serotonin-norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors. Like SSRIs, these medications block the reuptake of serotonin in the brain. They also inhibit the brain’s ability to reuptake norepinephrine and prove effective in treating conditions like anxiety, depression and nerve and muscle pain. These medications include Cymbalta, Savella, Effexor and Pristiq.

Anxiety patients who prefer to avoid or minimize taking prescription anti-anxiety medications can also try talk therapy. According to the American Psychological Association, talk therapy helps 75 percent of patients learn to manage their anxiety and panic disorder symptoms.

Patients may also benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. CBT teaches people with anxiety and panic disorder how to manage their symptoms through activities like journaling and exposure therapy. Some patients see improvement in their symptoms in as few as eight CBT sessions, according to the APA.

Other non-pharmacological alternatives to benzodiazepines include meditation and exercise. Some people successfully control their anxiety and panic attacks with activities like drawing, painting, listening to music or spending time with their pets.


Ativan and Klonopin provide effective relief for many patients who suffer from anxiety and panic disorders. They both work quickly, remain in the body for hours and remain a safe, short-term medicinal option to treat both of these conditions, along with conditions like seizures and agitation.

As you contemplate which one might work best for you, you should consult with a qualified medical professional like a psychiatrist who has experience prescribing and managing these medications. Seek professional advice, maintain ongoing communication with your provider and explore updated therapeutic and medical resources like pharmacological websites for managing your anxiety, panic disorder or other health conditions.


  • How Long After Ativan Can I Drink?
  • Who Can Prescribe Klonopin?
  • How Long Can You Take Klonopin?

Published on: 2024-08-08
Updated on: 2025-01-01

Treat a Blown Vein

Studies have found that over 3,694,500 individuals in the U.S., inject drugs intravenously. With the prevalence of injections increasing, so too are their associated risks.

One such risk is a blown vein, a condition that happens when the needle damages your vein walls, causing blood leakage.

Whether it came from being administered an IV drug or substance abuse, the complication can stem from various causes.

Stick around as we learn more about how you can treat a blown vein, its symptoms, causes, and prevention methods to employ.

What Is a Blown Vein?

A blown or ruptured vein occurs when a blood vessel becomes damaged, often from incorrect needle insertion.

Healthcare professionals typically puncture your vein wall to draw in blood from its opening. In cases of a blown vein, the needle will go further in and penetrate through to the other side.

Subsequently, it’ll result in blood leaking around the affected area. Once a vein is torn, you can’t attempt any IV insertions in that injection site.

A Quick Guide to Treating a Blown Vein

Fortunately, a blown vein is usually harmless. Your assigned medical practitioner will need to apply pressure on it to limit the blood loss.

Next, the area will need to be cleaned to avoid any infection. The site will probably swell and bruise afterward.

You can alleviate the swelling with an ice pack. It should heal within 12 days or so.

Blown Vein

Causes of a Blown Vein

In essence, a blown vein usually happens when a needle insertion isn’t properly performed. Here’s why that could happen:

1. Substance Abuse

If someone is struggling with injectable substance usage, they may accidentally insert the needle multiple times in the same site. These frequent injections will eventually damage the skin.

Additionally, some types of drugs can harm the veins. For instance, heroin’s high acidity can exacerbate a vein’s condition.

2. Incorrect Needle Size

Needles are categorized based on their gauge number. The higher it is, the smaller the needlepoint needs to be. These smaller-sized options are best used for small veins located around the hands.

A larger needle may have more risk of blowing a vein, but that doesn’t exempt smaller needles from the margin of error, as they may be too small to provide enough tactile sensation to prevent injury.

3. Incorrect Needle Insertion

During injection, whether it’s a medical professional or a regular person, it may be a bit difficult to immediately find a vein. As such, the constant searching for a vein while the needle is under the skin may result in vein injury. 

4. Rolling Veins

Some veins move around when touched more easily than others. If your nurse happens to choose a rolling vein, it may slightly shift its position, increasing the risk of a blown vein.

Typically, a medical professional begins by touching the vein with their fingers to test for mobility, minimizing such a risk. Still, it’s a risk that’s present.

5. Fragile Veins

Fragile veins can also be the culprit behind blown veins. As you grow older, your veins become more fragile. Time wears your vein walls, making them lose their elasticity.

In addition to age, frequent IV drug use can also weaken your veins and make them less flexible.

For this reason, trying to inject an overly fragile vein will make it more susceptible to rupturing.

6. Too Much Movement

Too much movement during the insertion of a needle can also cause a blown vein. Whether you’re doing the injection yourself or having a professional do it for you, it’s best to minimize movement.

One trick to help is looking away from the needle during injection, as fear can cause uncontrollable jerks or sudden movements.

Symptoms of a Blown Vein

A blown vein can exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Bruising
  • Skin discoloration
  • Mild pain and discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Leaking blood or fluid
  • Stinging sensation
  • Tenderness to the touch

The Difference Between a Blown Vein vs. Collapsed Vein

A blown and collapsed vein may be confused due to similar symptoms like swelling and bruising, but they’re different.

A collapsed vein occurs when the vein walls cave in or flatten, blocking blood flow. Meanwhile, a blown vein involves rupturing.

In some scenarios, a collapsed vein may never bounce back, leaving it permanently blocked. Fortunately, the body reacts by developing new blood vessels to bypass the poor circulation.

How to Prevent a Blown Vein

The good news is that there are several prevention methods you and your medical professional can employ to avoid a blown vein.

Better Preparation

Your medical practitioner can take certain steps to better prepare for the insertion, such as:

  • Choosing a vein that is visible and stable to insert the catheter in.
  • Using a tourniquet for older people or those with fragile veins to increase visibility.
  • Preparing the correctly sized needle.
  • Putting their thumb below the injection site to avoid too much vein movement.


Staying well-hydrated makes the vein-searching step easier for the nurse. Hydration means more water in your veins, making them stiffer and more convenient to draw blood from.

Extra Caution During Needle Insertion

Once the needle is in, nurses or medical professionals must take steps to ensure a safe draw and release. They can do so by:

  • Pushing the needle from a 30-degree angle (as parallel as possible to the vein).
  • Instructing you to remain steady and avoid excess movement.
  • Removing the needle carefully and applying pressure on the site afterward.
  • Taking out the tourniquet or blood pressure cuffs before sliding out the needle.

Complications of a Blown Vein

A blown vein isn’t categorized under serious injuries. It mostly heals on its own over time. Nevertheless, a blown vein can turn into a collapsed one.

It usually happens over time, particularly to those who frequently receive drugs through IV, such as cancer patients needing intravenous treatment and individuals who generally take several drug tests at a time.

It’s also possible among those struggling with drug addiction since they may overuse the same site.

Another critical complication worth mentioning is when the liquid, non-vesicant medication meant for intravenous treatment could spill onto surrounding tissue. This is known as infiltration.

If the liquid is vesicant or causes blisters, like chemotherapy medication, it’s called extravasation.

In this case, you’ll risk further complications such as inflammation, irritation, pain, and swelling.

Drug Abuse and Vein Damage

Those facing intravenous substance abuse may overuse a vein and resort to other limb areas, such as their legs, to inject illicit substances.

This spreads the vein damage to other regions, exacerbating their condition. Overall, this could lead to more debilitating cases, including chronic venous disorder (CVD). This can result in harmful effects, like pain, cramps, edema, weakness, and itching.

With continued drug use, these symptoms will likely worsen as your veins weaken even more.

When to Seek Professional Help

While blown veins generally won’t cause major complications, they may require additional assistance in healing. You’ll want to see a doctor if you notice the following symptoms:

  • No healing after weeks
  • Difficulty in moving the affected area
  • Strong pain
  • Fever
  • Excess swelling

To Conclude

Even though a blown vein is relatively harmless and easily treatable, it can cause dangerous complications. If someone struggling with intravenous substance abuse has a blown vein, they can’t inject anything in that same vein.

Consequently, a situation may arise where they need to inject a life-saving medication, but can’t. If you or a loved one is suffering from drug abuse, don’t hesitate to contact Allure Detox to receive the necessary help.

Published on: 2024-06-11
Updated on: 2025-01-01

How long does alcohol stay in hair?

Detecting alcohol consumption in individuals has expanded beyond the usual blood and urine tests. Hair alcohol testing is now an important method to determine the frequency and patterns of how individuals consume alcohol. Alcohol metabolites are distributed into hair follicles via blood vessels and sweat, creating a detection window that can last for months. This article delves deeper into how hair alcohol testing works and its applications.

hair test

Understanding Hair Alcohol Testing

Like urine or blood tests, hair alcohol tests provide another method to detect the presence of alcohol in an individual’s system. Hair testing for alcohol performed in three stages:

  • Collecting hair samples: Hair samples are usually taken from a person’s scalp. Around 200 hair strands are needed to give an accurate test.
  • Processing the hair sample: Experts put the hair sample through a series of processes to extract any alcohol metabolites inside the hair shaft.
  • Analyzing the results: The results are then analyzed using specific laboratory techniques to determine if there is alcohol in the individual’s system.

Hair alcohol testing looks for two specific metabolites. One is Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG), which is a metabolite of ethanol, and the other is Fatty Acid Ethyl Esters (FAEE), which accumulates in the hair shafts when individuals consume alcohol.

The Advantages of Hair Alcohol Testing

Hair drug testing has a few advantages over blood or urine testing. These include:

  • Longer Detection Window: The detection window can span several months, unlike urine or blood tests which have shorter windows.
  • More Convenient: Collecting a hair sample from a person’s scalp is more convenient than asking for a urine or blood sample.
  • Accurate: Hair alcohol testing has proven to be very accurate. It is also harder to manipulate compared to tests such as urine or blood tests.

How Alcohol Enters Your Hair

When you consume alcohol, the body metabolizes and slowly absorbs it. The enzyme responsible for metabolizing alcohol is known as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). ADH converts the alcohol in your system into acetaldehyde, and acetaldehyde is further broken down into acetate. This two-stage process takes place in the liver.

hair test for drugs

Once the body has metabolized the alcohol, the by-products, in the form of alcohol metabolites, enter the bloodstream. Alcohol metabolites then get distributed to your organs, tissues, and hair follicles.

Hair follicles are surrounded by small blood vessels. These vessels are tasked with removing waste products and supplying oxygen and nutrients. Alcohol metabolites enter these small blood vessels and are incorporated into the body’s hair follicles.

Timeline of Alcohol Appearance

The timeline of how fast alcohol will appear in your hair depends on factors such as how fast your hair grows, the length of the hair sample collected, your body’s metabolism rate, and how much alcohol was consumed.

However, the amount of time it takes alcohol metabolites to make their way to your hair is roughly 7-10 days after consuming alcohol. Once there, the alcohol metabolites can be detected even months later.

The Lifespan of Alcohol in Hair

When you consume alcohol, most of the metabolism of the alcohol takes place in the liver. The by-products, including EtG and FAEE, are formed during this metabolic process.

Once the body circulates these alcohol metabolites to your hair, they bind to the proteins in your hair shaft. As your hair grows, the metabolites become trapped in your hair shaft. EtG accumulates in the hair, mainly from sweat, while FAEE accumulates in the hair, mainly via blood circulation. The concentration of metabolites gives experts a good idea of the amount of alcohol you consume over a certain period.

Since hair grows at a rate of roughly one centimeter per month, experts look at the hair closest to the scalp when searching for metabolites. Metabolites close to the scalp indicate recent alcohol consumption, and metabolites further from the scalp indicate later alcohol consumption.

While many studies suggest that alcohol in hair lasts for about 90 days, other studies suggest it can last up to six months. This number depends on the condition and length of the hair, though.

Factors That Affect the Detection Period

  • How fast the hair grows
  • Length of hair
  • Length of the hair sample
  • Cosmetic treatments – hair dying, chemical straightening, bleaching
  • Environmental exposure – secondhand alcohol, for example

Factors Influencing Alcohol Detection in Hair

Although detecting alcohol in hair is reliable, the detection of alcohol metabolites can be influenced by several factors.

Hair Lab Test

People with darker hair may retain more alcohol metabolites compared to those with lighter hair. Since alcohol metabolites attach to the melanin in hair, those with higher melanin content – dark hair – will have more alcohol metabolites. Another factor that affects detection rates is hair texture. People with thicker hair may absorb and retain alcohol metabolites better compared to those with finer hair.

Although hair treatment does not erase signs of alcohol, it can reduce the levels of alcohol metabolites. For example, EtG is water soluble. Thus, bleaching, dying, straightening, or washing your hair excessively can significantly reduce the levels of EtG in your hair follicles. Furthermore, alcohol metabolites can also be affected by alcohol-based hair products, such as gels and hairspray.

Environmental factors can alter the results as well. There may be alcohol vapor in the air as a result of disinfectants and cleaning agents. This vapor can easily penetrate hair follicles.

Pattern and Frequency

Individuals who consume alcohol frequently will have a higher concentration of alcohol metabolites in their hair follicles, with the metabolites showing up evenly throughout the hair follicle. FAEE testing shows long-term exposure to alcohol.

The Process of Hair Alcohol Testing

As hair alcohol testing provides accurate and reliable results, the process is typically very thorough.

Sample Collection

Although hair strands can be collected from any body part, scalp hair provides the most accurate results. Typically, hair strands – roughly 200 – are taken from the back of the person’s head. The hair samples should be 3-6 centimeters long. The samples are then placed in a sterile bag, labeled, and transferred to the laboratory for analysis.


The hair strands undergo a preparation procedure called “liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry” to extract alcohol metabolites. First, the hair is washed to remove any external contaminants. Then, it is disintegrated into a paste. The liquid chromatography stage separates the alcohol metabolites from other substances in the hair.


The lab then analyzes the results based on the liquid chromatography (LC) and mass spectrometry (MS/MS) tests. While the LC-MS/MS test can detect alcohol in the hair follicle, it cannot pinpoint exactly when the alcohol was consumed.

Labs determine alcohol consumption by pre-determined cut-off levels:

  • Lower than 5pg/mg: suggests abstinence
  • Between 7 – 30pg/mg: suggests alcohol use
  • Higher than 30pg/mg: suggests chronic alcohol abuse

It is important for experts to take the results in context, however. The person tested may be living with a person who is drinking alcohol, or they may have used hair spray or gel with alcohol in it.

While hair alcohol testing can be used as evidence in court cases and custody disputes, there are privacy considerations. Individuals who are being tested must provide informed consent, and they maintain the right to have the results confidential.

hair drug test

Hair Alcohol Testing Applications

Because hair alcohol testing is one of the most accurate methods to test for alcohol and drugs, it is used in various applications. These include:

  • Legal and Forensic Cases: Hair alcohol testing results can be used as evidence in criminal cases and custody disputes.
  • Probation and Parole Cases: Hair follicle testing results may be used by courts to ensure individuals on probation or parole comply with orders to abstain from alcohol.
  • Employment and Workplace Environments: Some employers may require hair alcohol testing as part of their hiring process. Others may periodically give hair alcohol tests to ensure their employees abstain from alcohol. The latter usually relates to jobs where impaired performance from alcohol can result in on-the-job fatalities.
  • Rehab Treatment Programs: Rehab facilities may use hair alcohol testing results to track their clients’ recovery progress.

Limitations and Challenges of Hair Alcohol Testing

While hair alcohol testing is often accurate, there are limitations and challenges.

  • False Positives: False positives may result from individuals using alcohol-containing products, such as hairspray, or being exposed to alcohol vapor from cleaning agents.
  • Cut-Off Levels: There is some debate within the scientific community regarding the accuracy of cut-off levels. A negative test doesn’t necessarily mean an individual did not consume alcohol. It simply means the alcohol metabolites are below the cut-off level. Test results can therefore fall into a gray area.
  • Ethical Considerations: Individuals who have failed hair alcohol tests may be stigmatized in the workplace or custody disputes. This can bring up issues of fairness and privacy.
  • Hair Color and Texture: People with darker hair may have higher alcohol metabolites, implying they drink more, even if this isn’t the case in reality.


Detecting alcohol consumption in individuals is certainly a promising and accurate method to monitor alcohol use. However, the method isn’t foolproof as external factors, such as alcohol-laden hair products, can lead to false positives. Still, by further refining these results, hair alcohol testing can provide useful evidence in legal proceedings, work environments, and rehab facilities.

If you are someone you know is suffering from alcohol use disorder, contact our team at Allure Detox for help. We can help you detox and provide alcohol treatment immediately.



Published on: 2024-02-09
Updated on: 2024-12-22

What is the Benzo Flu?

Benzodiazepines are among the most commonly used — and misused — prescription drugs in the United States. Often simply referred to as “benzos,” they can offer relief from anxiety, insomnia and a variety of other conditions. Unfortunately, despite their widespread popularity, many people are unaware that benzos also have a darker side. Heavy or prolonged use may lead to dependence and addiction, resulting in a set of withdrawal symptoms known as “benzo flu.”

If you or someone you know is using benzodiazepines, understanding what benzo flu is, why it occurs and how it can be treated can help you manage or even prevent this unpleasant and uncomfortable condition.

What are the symptoms and causes of “benzo flu”?

Benzo flu is an informal term that’s frequently used to describe the most common physical effects of benzodiazepine withdrawal. When someone dependent on benzos like Valium, Xanax, Ativan or Klonopin suddenly stops taking them, they may initially experience nausea, sweating, chills, body aches and other flu-like symptoms. Unlike the common flu, however, benzo flu is frequently accompanied by adverse psychological effects as well. Together, these physical and mental symptoms are known as benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome (BWS).

Causes of Benzo Flu

Benzodiazepines primarily work by enhancing the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors in the brain and nervous system. This produces the intoxicating hypnotic and anxiolytic effects that make benzos an effective treatment option for insomnia and anxiety disorders. Unfortunately, it can come at a steep cost.

With repeated use, your body quickly begins adapting to the effects of the drug, altering the natural balance of receptors and neurotransmitters. This can lead to physical dependence in as little as one to two weeks, causing you to experience withdrawal symptoms upon stopping or taking lower doses. Risk factors that may increase the likelihood and severity of benzo flu include higher doses, abrupt cessation and chronic, long-term use.

benzo flu

Symptoms of Benzo Flu

Depending on your usage, history, sensitivity and underlying physical and mental health, benzodiazepine withdrawal can manifest in many different ways. The influenza-like illness that characterizes benzo flu typically begins within hours of the last dose and can last from a few days to several weeks. It encompasses a wide range of physical ailments that may come and go over time. These include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating and chills
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Nausea and stomach cramps
  • Muscle pain and stiffness
  • Spasms and tremors
  • Heart palpitations

As physically challenging as benzo flu can be, it’s often the mental aspects of withdrawal that are most distressing. Since many people take benzodiazepines to help manage anxiety disorders, it’s no surprise that ceasing use can produce a sudden rebound in these symptoms. In fact, benzo withdrawal can cause a variety of psychological issues, including:

  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Depression and malaise
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Anger and irritability
  • Inability to concentrate

In rare cases, severe benzodiazepine withdrawal can even become dangerous. Without proper treatment and support, particularly heavy users may be at risk of experiencing psychosis, hallucinations, suicidal ideation and potentially life-threatening seizures.

Diagnosing Benzo Flu

With so much at stake, accurately identifying and managing benzo flu is extremely important. Because the early stages of withdrawal can be easily dismissed as a flu infection, healthcare providers need to carefully review your medical history as well as your symptoms. This requires a clear understanding of the medications and dosages in question, so it’s essential to be honest and forthcoming when seeking care.

Benzo Flu Strategies and Treatments

The prospect of going through withdrawal can be very stressful, making it difficult for some people to stop using benzos. With the right strategies and support, however, you can successfully manage the symptoms of benzo flu and begin taking the necessary steps toward a full recovery.

The most effective tool for overcoming benzo dependence is tapering, which involves gradually lowering your dose until it’s safe to discontinue the medication altogether. Since tapering too quickly can trigger withdrawal symptoms, this should always be done under the guidance of a medical professional. Your healthcare provider can help you create a personalized tapering schedule, regularly monitor your progress and make changes or prescribe other medications as needed to minimize discomfort.

If you need more specialized assistance, a detoxification program may be a more suitable option. Inpatient detox programs offer around-the-clock medical supervision, medication-assisted treatment, full psychiatric assessments and other therapies in a controlled, recovery-focused environment. Another vital key to success is establishing a strong support system. Depending on your needs, this may include counseling, therapy, education, support groups and other strategies aimed at building healthy coping skills, reducing stress and providing accountability.

Preventing Benzodiazepine Withdrawal

While benzos offer undeniable therapeutic value, they need to be used carefully to minimize the risks associated with withdrawal. That means using them only when necessary and always taking them exactly as directed. Whenever possible, it’s best to avoid using benzos for more than two weeks at a time. However, never stop taking your medication or change your dose without first consulting with your healthcare provider. In addition, consider asking your doctor if there are other drugs or alternative treatments available. These may range from SSRI and SNRI medications to therapy and lifestyle changes.

The Costs and Consequences of Benzo Flu

Though understandably overshadowed by the opioid crisis, benzodiazepine withdrawal is a serious public health threat in its own right. Many people are simply unaware of the dangers and become physically dependent through no fault of their own, losing their quality of life and experiencing profound mental health challenges. Sadly, little research has been done to shed light on the wider consequences of benzo flu, but there’s little doubt that it exacts a heavy toll on individuals and society alike.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Through better education, research and support, we can find lasting solutions to help promote recovery and mitigate the impacts of benzo flu. Call or contact the specialists at Allure Detox to learn more and get the help you need today.


  • What are the Benzo Flu Symptoms?


Published on: 2024-02-09
Updated on: 2024-12-22

What Does a 5-Panel Drug Test Test For?

If you’ve ever applied for a job or played sports, it’s possible that you’ve taken a drug test. And, in some professions, employees can occasionally be drug tested at random.

A drug test involves a chemical analysis of a person’s bodily fluid or hair follicles. Such a test can detect the presence of a certain substance or a group of substances. And one of the most common — if not the single most common — of these tests is the 5-panel drug test.

But why do people undergo drug tests? What societal role do these tests play? And what exactly is a 5-panel test?

Applications of Drug Tests

Drug tests are simple to take. You just give a sample of your hair, urine, or sweat to a medical professional. (Most likely, you’d provide that sample in person — as opposed to bringing it with you — so that you couldn’t get it from someone else.)

Alternatively, the healthcare specialist might use a little needle to draw a small amount of blood from your arm. Either way, your sample would then go to a laboratory.

lab test

In our society, these tests have several major functions. For one thing, they let employees screen their job candidates and regularly check up on their staff members.

Of course, drug-free lifestyles are especially important for those responsible for others’ safety: healthcare professionals, firefighters, and airline pilots, to name just a few examples.

Unfortunately, when employees abuse drugs or alcohol, their work performance usually suffers. They might lose morale and become less productive. They may become more irritable and thus more likely to fight with supervisors, coworkers, and customers. They could experience more workplace accidents or miss work more often. And, if they’re desperate to procure more drugs, they might be tempted to steal from the company.

On top of all that, the court system sometimes drug tests defendants accused of committing crimes or causing accidents. And, in athletic leagues, drug tests can help ensure a fair playing field by identifying athletes who take performance-enhancing substances.

Also, when people undergo treatment programs for alcohol or drug use disorder, their care specialists may drug test them on occasion. That way, when patients experience relapses, they can receive the extra care they need.

What Is a 5-Panel Drug Test?

Drug test results typically come back on cards with one or more panels. For example, such a card could have four, seven, or 10 panels. Each panel pertains to a different substance.

In the U.S., the most commonly administered drug test is the 5-panel version. In fact, it’s used throughout the federal government. For instance, the Department of Transportation depends on this particular test to screen its job applicants.

In the private sector, the 5-panel drug test is widely recognized as the industry standard. In particular, employers frequently use it to conduct random drug testing.

Like most other drug tests, the 5-panel test usually examines urine. However, in some cases, blood, saliva, sweat, or hair samples are collected instead.

drug test

Substances Detected by the 5-Panel Drug Test

A 5-panel drug test looks for these substances:

Marijuana (THC)Cannabinoids, including THC, which is the psychoactive component of marijuana.
CocaineBenzoylecgonine, a metabolite of cocaine.
OpiatesIncluding heroin, morphine, and codeine.
AmphetaminesIncluding amphetamine and methamphetamine.
Phencyclidine (PCP)A dissociative drug formerly used as an anesthetic agent, known for its hallucinogenic effects.

Keep in mind that the human body metabolizes and excretes different drugs at different rates. Thus, traces of a particular drug could linger for a few hours or a few days, or it could remain for a longer period.

In addition, different factors affect how fast someone can eliminate a certain drug. Those variables include the dosage size, that person’s height, weight, and tolerance for the substance, and how often that individual uses the drug.

Let’s take a look now at the drugs the 5-panel test can identify and how long those substances can remain in a person’s system.

Marijuana and Cannabis

These days, it’s legal in many places for people to use marijuana and cannabis products recreationally, without a prescription. Even so, it’s also legal for employers to forbid employees to consume these drugs. (The law also lets employers fire workers who don’t comply with marijuana and cannabis bans.)

The primary active ingredient in marijuana/cannabis is called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC can remain in a person’s blood for up to 12 hours, saliva for up to 24 hours, and hair follicles for up to 90 days. And, in urine, this compound can linger anywhere from one day to one month. Occasionally, it lasts even longer than a month.


People snort or inhale cocaine for the fast and powerful high it gives them. Yes, this drug can definitely bring on a rush of energy and a sense of euphoria. However, cocaine is highly addictive, and overdoses can be very dangerous — even fatal.

In general, after someone takes cocaine, a drug test could spot it in saliva or blood for up to two days. Urine tests for cocaine, meanwhile, can come back positive for up to three days. However, if a person uses cocaine often, the drug can appear in urine for as long as two weeks. And, in a hair test, cocaine is identifiable months or even years after someone takes it.


Opiates are compounds that derive from certain natural plants like poppies. (Opioids often get confused with opiates, but opioids are synthetic.) Heroin and morphine, for example, belong to the opiate group.

Opiates can relieve pain, induce euphoric feelings, and increase a person’s sense of well-being. Again, though, opiates are addictive, and opiate overdoses can lead to grave outcomes that include comas and death.

Urine tests can generally detect opiates for a maximum of three days. However, all traces of heroin may vanish from someone’s urine in just one day.

drug test

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Sometimes called angel dust, PCP is a powerful mind-altering drug that’s taken in powder or liquid form. Among other effects, it can give people a high, make them hallucinate, allow them to feel like they’re superhuman, and provide the sensation that they’re floating away from reality.

On the other hand, PCP can have severely negative consequences like memory loss, high blood pressure, depression, blurred vision, and fatal overdoses.

How long is PCP detectable? In urine, the answer is up to 14 days. In saliva, it’s as long as three days. And, in hair, it can once again be upwards of 90 days.


Amphetamines are psychostimulants. That means these drugs speed up the messages that travel between the brain and the rest of the body. For that reason, prescription amphetamines can treat various medical disorders, including Parkinson’s disease.

When amphetamines are sold illegally on the street, they usually come in the form of tablets, powders, or crystals. And, while these drugs can make users feel happier and more energetic, they’re extremely hazardous. Amphetamine overdoses can lead to breathing problems, convulsions, strokes, heart attacks, and death.

A 5-panel drug test could identify amphetamine remnants in saliva for up to 60 hours, in blood for up to 48 hours, in urine for up to four days, and in hair for as long as 90 days.

Are you scheduled to take a 5-panel drug test soon? And are you worried about it because you’re struggling with a substance use disorder?


If so, we at Allure Detox Center in West Palm Beach can help. Our staff of experts provides effective and customized treatment programs. And our facility is safe, comfortable, and supportive. In short, we can help you rebuild your life, reclaim your future, and pass every drug test along the way. To learn more, please contact us at any time.


  • What is the sensativity of a 5-Panel Drug Test?
  • What Does a 10-Panel Drug Test Test For?


Published on: 2024-01-29
Updated on: 2025-03-01

How far back will a mouth swab drug test go?

Drug tests have been a part of society for decades. For example, the International Olympic Committee began testing athletes for performance-enhancing drugs in 1968. In the United States, drug testing started becoming more commonplace in the 1970s, and regulations were put into place en masse a decade later to implement workplace drug testing.

mouth swab

The types of drug tests that are being utilized have increased over the years as well. Some of the most common ones have been blood, hair, and urine drug tests, all of which are preferred if testing beyond recent use is the intent. However, there are some limitations related to those that have caused them to be utilized less often nowadays. For example, blood testing requires intrusive procedures conducted by trained professionals while blood, urine and hair testing necessitates the use of facilities that have been designed for that purpose.

There is an additional type that is being increasingly utilized: mouth swab drug tests, which are also known as saliva drug tests. The main reasons why include their ease of administration, their non-invasive nature, how cost-effective they are and how difficult it is for someone being tested to skew the drug test results.

Some of the common places where they are utilized include workplaces, rehab centers and probation offices.

However, their detection times are generally much shorter than the other options. At the opposite end of the spectrum, hair tests can detect substances that were taken up to around 90 days prior. For this reason, mouth swab drug tests are used much more so to detect recent drug use. In particular, they can usually determine if someone is currently under the influence of a drug.

Understanding mouth swab drug tests

A mouth swab drug screening is normally administered through the taking of a saliva sample from the inside of the cheek or under the tongue with a cotton swab, pad or sponge.

The individual who is taking the test should not consume any food or drinks for the 10 minutes immediately preceding the administration of it. Food and drinks that have greater potential for causing a false-positive or false-negative result include salt, vinegar and fruit. Also, you shouldn’t use mouthwash as it will eliminate drug metabolites from the saliva.

The testing process itself takes about two minutes, and results are known within a few minutes afterwards.

Many different drugs can be tested although the length of time that has passed between use and it showing up in this type of test varies. The same is true as far as how much time can pass before the drug use is no longer detectable.

This testing method has been estimated as being 98% accurate. That said, it should be noted that amphetamines and benzodiazepines tend to be harder to detect with an oral fluid drug test as compared to other drugs.

mouth swab

Detection Periods of Common Substances

For a number of reasons, it is an inexact science as far as providing detection windows of common substances. Factors include the individual’s age and metabolism as well as, of course, how much of the drug has been consumed or injected. That relates, most importantly, to the size of the most recent dose while it having also been used for some time prior to then can have a relatively minor impact as well.

With that said, here are some estimates.

As far as being detected shortly after use goes, alcohol tends to be the quickest as its detection is possible essentially immediately. It is followed by amphetamines, methamphetamines and cocaine, which are usually detectable once 10 minutes have passed. Substances requiring about an hour before detection is possible include marijuana/cannabis (which contain the psychoactive compound THC), MDMA and opiates (different from opioids).

Looking at the other end of the timeline (i.e. how long these substances will remain detectable for), most will be for at least 24 hours. However, alcohol and marijuana have perhaps the shortest time periods in this respect with many experts saying that they will only remain detectable for 12 hours. Some say 12-24 hours instead, perhaps even longer for marijuana users, particularly chronic ones.

Otherwise, the use of MDMA, cocaine or benzodiazepines is detectable until roughly 24 hours have passed after use. The estimated related timelines for amphetamines is 72 hours and for methamphetamines is 96 hours.

How long opiates can be detected varies tremendously, depending on which one has been consumed. Thirty hours is a rough timeline to keep in mind. Generally, hydrocodone tends to be on the shorter end at around 24 hours while heroin is usually at the other extreme as its timeframe is approximately 120 hours.

Legal Considerations

Legal Considerations

Legal specifications related to mouth swab drug tests vary from state to state and otherwise. Most notably, they may not be administered in Hawaii, Maine or Vermont. Meanwhile, in some other places, they are allowed but only under specific circumstances.


Mouth swab drug tests have become much more common over the past few years, primarily because they can be so easily administered while providing accurate results as well. However, they do not detect substance use from more than several hours or a few days beforehand, which is a significant consideration.

If you would like to learn more about drug testing methods or the services that we offer individuals who are looking to move on from drug use and turn their lives around, reach out to Allure Detox. We offer an effective detox experience, which is a vital step on the path to recovery for many.

Published on: 2024-01-29
Updated on: 2025-03-03

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At Allure Detox, client safety and comfort are our top priorities. From the moment you walk through our doors, you can expect a warm welcome from every member of our team. We are committed to providing exceptional drug and alcohol detox services and creating an environment that supports long-term, successful recovery.